


  • The morality of faithfulness and honesty developed from the traditional Chinese sense of loyalty was formed during the Spring and Autumn Period of China and experienced three phases of development resulting in its striking national characteristics such as worldliness supremacy and obedience and so forth .

    从中国传统忠观念演化而来的忠诚道德,形成于春秋战国时期,经历了三个发展阶段,形成了 世俗 、至上性、顺从性等鲜明的民族特色。

  • Once their public articles meant little for the worldliness they would be happy to write novels .

    经济文章, 无补,也会 不甘寂寞,去著小说。

  • Yet for all the worldliness that comes with her Hollywood experience Watson said that growing up in a bubble of celebrity has left her feeling like a child when it comes to many things .

    不过虽然在好莱坞的经历 许多 纷繁 世俗,而沃特森却表示,在名人的 光环下成长,使得自己在面对一些事情时,就像个孩子一样。

  • The essence of his critical spirit is that he refused to be confined to any particular school ideology or a party but on the contrary he decided to take everything into his critical horizon thus foregrounding openness and worldliness of his critical vision .

    赛义德的批评精神的本质是他拒绝被局限于某个流派、某种意识形态或某个政党,相反,他决定把任何东西都纳入批评的范围,从而突出了其批评视野的开放性与 现世

  • Evolution of Literature towards Worldliness

    文学 世俗 嬗变论

  • Aloofness and Empathy of the Doctor Evolution of Literature towards Worldliness

    医生的超然与介入文学 世俗 嬗变论

  • Political nature publicity plurality appearance reality eternity and other important features of worldliness have ontological connotation .

    世界 的政治性、公共性、显现性、 复数性、现实性和永恒性等重要特征具有存在论内涵。

  • The paper analyzes the Czech event and the Cambodian War criticizes politics strong power and humble worldliness . On the Choice of Political Pattern and the Rationality of Transitional Forceful Domination in the First Years of the Republic of China

    通过剖析捷克事变、柬埔寨战争批判了政治、强权和 媚俗民初政治模式的选择与过渡性强权统治的合理性

  • Temptation is a sign that Satan hates you not a sign of weakness or worldliness .

    试探是撒但憎恨你的一种表示,而不是软弱或 表征

  • Are you seeking day by day to live above worldliness the pride of life and the ensnaring vice of avarice ?

    你是否日复一日寻求超越 世俗、骄傲和贪婪的生活?

  • Worldliness has important significance in the reconstruction of public realm .

    世界 对公共领域的重建具有重要的意义。

  • Satan sin self darkness and worldliness predominate among all people on earth .

    撒但、罪、己、黑暗和 属地 事物辖制了全地的人。

  • And it is that conflict as it were between what we might call worldliness and innocence that is the core of Machiavelli 's moral code .

    可以说,正是那种冲突,那种我们可以称之为 世俗 理念与纯洁无知之间,的冲突,是马基雅维利道德准则的核心所在。

  • As for poets in pursuit of a plain style their subjective spirit of ridding themselves deliberately from worldliness and the tide of fashion is of more philosophical significance in seeking reality by virtue of the abnormal .

    黄庭坚代表的 江西诗派理论以及像 陶渊明等追求平淡风格的诗人,其有意 世俗不愿 同流合污的主体精神更具有一种以反常而求真实的哲学意义。

  • Is it a penance for the ruthlessness of business or a civilising veneer or a balance to worldliness ?

    这是对尔虞我诈商战的真心忏悔,还是装出一幅有教养的面孔,抑或是圆滑 世故的结果?

  • In retrospection of Chinese vanguard artistic creation in the new era it underwent different stages in the process of its more than twenty years development from 1980s radical pioneer and idealistic stage to the stage of all-round degeneration of 1990s worldliness and philistine .

    回顾新时期的中国前卫美术创作,在其20余年的发展过程中,历经了80年代的激进、先锋和理想主义到90年代 世俗 、庸俗化的全面蜕变。

  • Worldliness of administrative cultures ;

    行政文化的 世俗

  • Zhang Ailing despoiled love of its sacredness and restored it to its original state of worldliness .

    张爱玲拆解了神性的爱情,将它还原成千疮百孔的 俗世人生的本来面目之一。

  • She admired their worldliness and sophistication .

    她羡慕他们的 世故和老练。

  • There is no more mistaken path to happiness than worldliness revelry and high life . & Arthur Schopenhauer

    通往幸福的最错误的途径, 过于 名利、宴乐、和奢华生活。&叔本华