

v.使受伤,伤害( wound的现在分词 )使(心灵)受伤,伤感情呻吟,悲叹( moan的过去式和过去分词 )卷绕

  • Together with nuts beans and grains fruit provides all the sustenance a body needs without requiring the death wounding or maiming of any other lifeform .

    包括坚果、豆子和谷物,果食提供人类所有营养物质,同时不会使其它的生命死亡、受到 伤害或者残疾。

  • The British imperialist police opened fire killing and wounding many students .

    英帝国主义的巡捕向 群众开枪,打死 打伤许多

  • Wounding to see you play really made me very sad .

    看到你 带伤打球,真的让我十分难过。

  • Enraged the soldiers fired into the crowd killing three people and wounding eight others two of them mortally .

    那些英兵怒不可遏,向群众开枪,杀了三人,另 外伤了八人,其中两人 重死去。

  • Afghan police say a suicide car bomber has targeted a convoy of foreign military vehicles in the capital killing at least five Afghan civilians and wounding several others .

    阿富汗警方说,一名自杀汽车爆炸手在首都袭击了一个外国军车车队,造成至少5名阿富汗平民 死亡,几人 受伤

  • Israel faced furious international condemnation yesterday after its naval commandos attacked a convoy of ships carrying aid to the Gaza Strip killing at least 10 pro-Palestinian activists and wounding many more .

    以色列海军突击队昨日袭击了一支向加沙运输援助物资的船队,打死至少10名亲巴勒斯坦人士,并 导致更多 受伤。此举遭到国际社会的强烈谴责。

  • A disgruntled patient had lunged at three ER physicians without warning wounding two slightly and shooting one point-blank in the head and chest .

    一个不满的患者在没有任何征兆的情况下枪击三位急诊科医生, 造成轻微 受伤,一人中弹&正中头部和胸部。

  • Citizens outside the camp killing two people and wounding four others .

    落到 联合设施以外的火箭弹还打死两个平民, 打伤其他4人。

  • This article has analyzed the wounding mechanism of bullets on living aims and the factors affecting the wounding effects and proposed effective ways to improve the wounding capacity .

    分析了弹丸对有生目标的 杀伤机理及其影响弹丸杀伤效果的因素,提出了提高弹丸杀伤效果的方法。

  • Shooting or attempting to shoot or wounding or striking with intent to do grievous bodily harm

    意图造成身体严重伤害而射击企图射击、 伤人或打人

  • Role of systemin and jasmonic acid in systemic wounding response of tomato

    系统素、茉莉酸在番茄系统 反应中的作用

  • Actually I 'm accused of wounding my wife with a gunshot .

    其实我是 枪伤了我妻子。

  • Some enjoy it others take to the task as a duty but wounding so the prey w.

    有些魔爪喜欢杀人,有些把杀人当成责任,但是 伤害得那么折磨 以至于牺牲者要 几。

  • A remark capable of wounding mentally .

    能够 产生心理伤害的话。

  • He was troubled by the archers ; they sent out their arrows against him cruelly wounding him .

    弓箭手将他 苦害,向他射箭,逼迫他。

  • Love is in the Eastern wounding wounding with you more than love .

    爱是 伤人 东东,你比爱更伤人。

  • Law he was charged with malicious wounding .

    他被指控恶意 伤害 他人

  • The bullpup design allows a shorter weapon overall length without sacrificing hitting power and wounding effects .

    无托设计不牺牲打击力和 杀伤效果而允许一个较短的武器全长。

  • Two to open the door to prevent a sudden gush of steam wounding ;

    二级开门,防止蒸汽突然涌出 伤人

  • I lunged at my opponent wounding him .

    我向对手猛刺, 使

  • Palestinian mothers just like Iranian and American mothers love their children and are painfully bereaved by the imprisonment wounding and murder of their children .

    巴勒斯坦的母亲们,就像伊朗和美国的母亲一样,爱着自己的孩子,她们都因为他们的孩子被关押, 创伤和被谋杀而痛苦。

  • I could never stomach the cruelty involved in the wounding of animals .

    我永远都无法忍受 伤害动物时的那种残忍。

  • The armed robbers opened fire on the truck killing one guard and wounding another .


  • A bomb exploded in a hotel killing six people and wounding another five

    一枚炸弹在一家旅馆爆炸,造成6人 死亡,5 受伤

  • The unfolding economic debacle in the developed world is wounding China but not killing it .

    发达世界上演的经济危机已经 波及中国,但还没有严重到扼杀中国经济的增长势头。

  • He was constantly wounding Princess Marya 's feelings but his daughter needed no effort to forgive him .

    他不断地、无情地 侮辱公爵小姐玛丽亚,为了原谅他,他女儿甚至不能克制自己了。

  • Wounding and false charges of disloyalty .


  • A bomb explodes in one of the busiest commercial centers in Turkey 's capital Ankara killing at least six and wounding dozens more .

    在土耳其首都安卡拉一处繁华的商业中心,发生了一起爆炸事件,造成至少6 死亡,几十人 受伤

  • Gallic logic often tempted him to carry his postulates to extremes unnecessarily wounding to Americans .

    高卢人的逻辑常常使得他把他的一些设想发展到极端,以致不必要地 伤害了美国人。

  • She has been charged with hijacking and wounding with intent . She will appear in court Saturday .

    她被控犯有劫机罪和故意 伤人罪,并且将于星期六出庭。