works abstract


  • The works minimize the features of traditional Chinese porcelain wares and figurative profiles and formalizes them into abstract forms .

    作品在造型上将 器物与人的外部形状再度形式化,以不断去除的方法突出“形”和“影”的特征。

  • His works range from realistic to abstract : the Blue Rose and African periods Analytical and Synthetic Cubism Neo-Classicism Surrealism .

    作品涵盖了现实主义和 抽象色彩:从蓝色时期、玫瑰时期、非洲时期,解析立体主义和合成立体主义时期,到新古典主义时期,乃至超现实主义。

  • In this paper the writer makes the works of modern landscape painters as an example analyses the abstract factors in the pictures and the abstract factors of paintings increased the ideological connotation enriched the methods of expression and artistic languages .

    本文以近现代山水画家的 作品为例,对其画面中的 抽象因素进行了分析,绘画中的抽象因素增加了作品的思想内涵,丰富了山水画创作的表现手法和艺术语言。

  • The art of Figurative Expressionism is the art that uses figure as the main body that handles works with the exaggeration and the distortion of Abstract Expressionism that is utilized to express the artists ' inner feelings for the outer world .

    具象表现主义艺术是指以具象为主体的艺术, 抽象表现主义的夸张和变形的形式,通过表达艺术家在视觉认知中对事物的认识来抒发画家对外在世界的内心真实感受。


    滨海石化 钛铜共用海水 冷却器牺牲阳极保护探讨用机械球磨方法制得了数种不同组成的钛铜非晶合金。

  • The fine arts such as painting and sculpture involve the production of works to be seen and experienced on an abstract level .

    精美的艺术品,如绘画和雕塑,都包含了看得见的 作品的制作和 抽象的体验。

  • The practical integration must begin with the detailed reading of narrative works so as to abstract the successful models of narration .

    实践性整合的程序必须从 作品细读始,验以现代语境中容纳、吸收多样诗学资源的主体要求, 提炼 成功的叙事典律。

  • The abstract consciousness represented in his works is self-consciousness based on the self-centered of modern arts differing in nature from the abstract elements which is spontaneous in traditional realistic painting .

    作品中体现出的抽象意识是现代艺术家基于自我观照基础上的自觉表现,与传统写实绘画中自发性质的 抽象因素有着本质的区别。

  • His music works are abstract and implicit . And they have great art impact and strong romantic color . He was good at integrating the poems with the music ideally by applying his deep literary foundation .

    他的音乐 作品比较 内在、含蓄,富有诗意、具有巨大的艺术感染力和浓厚的浪漫主义色彩,他最擅长运用深厚的文学功底,把音乐和诗歌完美的结合在一起。

  • In literary works symbol is used to hint abstract meanings by way of symbolic images .

    在文学 作品中,象征是以象征意象来暗示表现 抽象的意义。

  • In Li 's final works they show images of abstract .

    在李广明那里最终“成像”的是,仍是一幅幅 抽象 水墨 作品

  • In his works the use of Eve statues of the gods the specter of such imagery the use of picture-in-picture form of expression and imagination to real-world integration of the world and to a sense of visible concrete expression of abstract feelings .

    他在 作品中使用夏娃、神像、幽灵等意象,采用画中画的表现形式,将真实世界与想象世界相融合,用可感、可见的、具体的表现 抽象的情感。

  • On Works of Contemporary China 's Abstract Painter Overseas

    当代海外中国 抽象画家 作品解读

  • Ye Yongqing 's early works often depicted abstract twisted figures amid an imaginary yet realistic setting .

    早期油画 作品偏向深沉的色调,扭曲 抽象的人物置身于半现实,半梦幻的世界。

  • 3D pen printing works for everything from abstract sculpture to fine art and jewelry to T-shirt design .

    3D打印笔 可以应用在很多领域,比如制作一个 抽象雕塑艺术品和珠宝,或是进行T恤衫的设计,等等。

  • From their work reflected in the different Painting and technique of expression were analyzed by comparison and analysis contained in the works and the role of abstract elements .

    从他们作品中所体现出来的不同的写意性的表现手法,采用对比的方法进行分析,并分析 作品中所包含的 抽象元素及 到的作用。

  • In his paper works the classical formalism occupies a major proportion as his creation and combination of abstract elements condense a self-contained kingdom .

    在他的纸上 作品中,经典的形式主义探索占据了主要的位置, 抽象元素的创造和组合将作品凝固为一个个自足的王国。

  • As far as the language tides and ideas pieces in their works the author regards their withdraw as an effective renovation to everyday life and strong refutation to abstract ideas ;

    面对70年代出生作家 写作所呈现的后历史时代独特的语言狂潮和思想碎片,本文认为由他们发动的这场撤退是对日常生活的有效恢复,也是对 抽象思想的强烈反驳;

  • We cannot summarize all the works of Hockney just by one style or one genre . He is an artist who is free among the traditional painting abstract painting pop art cubism and other styles .

    我们不能用一种风格,一个流派来概括霍克尼的所有 作品,他是游离在传统绘画, 抽象绘画,波普艺术,立体派等各种风格之间的艺术家。

  • Make sure your argument works not simply at an abstract level but considers people 's daily lives as based on such materials .

    让你的论点仅停留在 抽象阶段,而要根据这些教材思考人民的日常生活。

  • His well-known works of abstract art entitled Mobiles were in the eyes of many the most innovative American sculptures of the20th century .

    在很多人眼中,他最著名的 抽象 作品“活动雕塑”(Mobiles)是美国20世纪最富创意的雕塑作品。

  • But the works of the 20th century is generally considered to have deviated from the route turned impressionist abstract art began to try .

    但其20世纪后的 作品普遍被认为已经偏离了印象派的路线转而开始对 抽象艺术进行尝试。

  • As the analysis of contemporary oil painters and their works of contemporary with the way of existence of figurative abstract performance landscape painting pursuits a style of an object freehand with image fusion .

    通过当代油画家及其 作品的分析就具象、 抽象、表现等存在方式来论述当代风景油画追求一种以象写意,意象相融合的油画表现风格。

  • In literary works he fully melted his abstract and reflecting philosophic thoughts into literary images which makes his philosophic views expressed in literary works .

    加缪是有明晰、自觉的哲学观念的文学家,在文学 创作中,他把 抽象思辨的哲学思想充分融入文学形象之中,使其哲学观念在文学作品中实现了文学化。

  • During late 80s his style changed dramatically . Although the same painting skills were used his works were abstract .

    80年代后作品风格发生了巨大的变化,尽管描绘手法还是具象的,但 作品表达 思想却是 抽象的了,其寓意晦涩难懂,宗教意识增强。