working accident

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈæksɪdənt][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈæksidənt]

[化] 操作事故

  • The emergency services are working at full stretchto cope with the accident .

    紧急救护队在全力地紧张 工作以处理这场 事故

  • Because of the requirements of the large current the high voltage and the poor working environment therefore the ventilation machine has a higher accident .

    由于通风机工作要求的电流较大,电压过高,同时 工作环境比较恶劣,因此,通风机 事故率较高。

  • Slipping-fall Mechanism and Control of Immediate Roof for Joint Rock Mass in Fully-mechanized Working Faces Talking about the partial top falling accident at extraction face

    综采面直接顶滑落冒顶的机理与控制浅析回采 工作面局部冒顶 事故

  • Through the dynamic model test study ( including physical dynamic model and RTDS dynamic model ) we simulate standby transformer switch test in various working conditions ( including accident state ) and confirmed the feasibility of using cold spare in the standby transformer .

    通过动模试验研究(包括物理动模和RTDS数字动模),模拟启备变在各种 工况下(包括 事故状态)的切换试验,确认启备变冷备用运行的可行性。

  • Accident easy to appear which in view of the lifeboat use process in union teaching and working practice elaborated the prevention lifeboat accident matters needing attention guarantee the crew life and the property security .

    针对救生艇使用过程中容易出现的事故,结合教学与 工作实践,阐述预防救生艇 事故的注意事项,确保船员生命及财产安全。

  • To identify cause of the accident and make series of corrective measures analysis by classification of train working and shunting accident in train service department .

    进行系统分析,找出事故的原因,并制定系列的整改措施。对 车务段接发车、调车 事故分类进行分析。

  • Spinal cord injury ( SCI ) is a common injury during traffic working and sports accident with high rate of disability and mortality .

    脊髓损伤(spinal CordInjury,SCI)是骨科领域致残率、死亡率较高的创伤之一,是运动 意外、交通、 事故中常见的损伤。

  • The disaster of roof methane dust flood fire etc. on coal working face take a great part in the total accident of the whole coal mine .

    采煤 工作面的顶板、瓦斯、粉尘、水灾、火灾等灾害在煤矿 事故占有相当大的比例。

  • Follow up every position keep working place hygiene and personal hygiene provide food poisoning accident .

    督导本 厨房各个岗位搞好环境及个人卫生,防止食物中毒 事故 发生

  • A total of436 miners were working underground when the accident occurred 375 successively lifted the shaft .

    该矿发生 事故井下共有矿工436人,有375人陆续升井。

  • It is very important to carry on effective control in the chemical tank field to raising management level reducing the workers ' labor intensity improving working condition avoiding the accident etc.

    对化工罐区进行有效的监控对提高管理水平,降低工人的劳动强度,改善工人的 工作条件,避免 事故 发生等等方面具有十分重要的意义。

  • A total of 154 miners were working underground when the accident occurred Wednesday afternoon .

    周三下午 事故发生时 地下共有154名矿工。

  • At the same time it actualized the standardization of daily patrol and data recording quantificational management of working achievement and easy inquiry of accident responsibility etc.

    同时又实现了日常巡检标准化、数据记录规范化、 工作绩效量化管理、 事故职责可查询等。

  • This paper analyzes the engineering quality accident of an up-right tube warehouse and a working tower in a flour factory and offers the correct treatment to the accident .

    对某面粉厂立筒库、 工作塔基础工程质量事故的原因进行了分析,提出了相应的 事故处理办法。

  • STUDY ON ROOF FALL ACCIDENT IN WORKING SECTION Talking about the partial top falling accident at extraction face

    论采场冒顶事故的研究浅析回采 工作面局部冒顶 事故

  • The article mainly introduces the attempt of Tongji University setting traffic accident information collection system around Jiading district in Shanghai and major working procedure of accident reappearance analysis .

    文章主要介绍的是同济大学在上海嘉定区建立的道路交通事故信息采集系统尝试,及 事故再现分析的主要 工作流程。

  • So I went to the clerk working at the ticket booth and told her my pathetic story . The accident took place at the crossroads .

    接着我就跑到 售票口,告诉那位小姐我那悲惨的小故事。

  • In Washington the White House said the crash did not appear to have been caused by a terrorist attack while Lufthansa said it was working on the assumption that the tragedy had been an accident adding that any other theory would be speculation .

    华盛顿白宫方面称此次飞机失事不像是一次恐怖袭击事件。汉莎航空公司则表示,这起坠机 暂时意外 事故方向 处理,任何其他的说法纯属揣测。

  • A total of eight people were working at the site when the accident happened Thursday morning .

    周四早上 事故发生时共有八人在矿区 工作

  • It introduces the principle of working out the information database operating system of accident rescue counter-plan and the system establishment and its result of operation .

    介绍了 事故救援预案信息库应用系统的 编制原则、系统组成及使用效果。

  • This paper introduces the course of the accident of drag - flight conveyer 's jumping and sliding on the low - roof coal working face and the loss caused by it analyzes the reasons of this accident and puts forward some corresponding measures .

    介绍了低位放顶煤 工作面刮板输送机发生窜滑事故的工程及其造成的损失,分析了 事故 发生的原因,提出了相应的处理措施。

  • Make sure a safe working environment zero safe accident .

    确保安全的 生产环境,零安全 事故

  • As the lack of necessary means of communication and testing in the seabed soil environment where move-in-mud robot working an accident occurs once during the trial or work which will cause inevitably a waste of time and money .

    由于拱泥机器人是 工作在海底泥土环境中,缺少必要的检测和通讯手段,一旦在试验或工作中发生 意外,势必造成金钱和时间上的浪费。

  • The ship 's five owners and the company working on refitting the vessel at the time of the accident signed a contract on Thursday hiring the Shanghai Salvage Bureau for the operation .

    该船的5名业主和 负责该船整修的公司已经在星期四签署协议委托上海打捞局负责 打捞 作业的协调工作。

  • But because of different reasons a lot kinds of safe accidents may occurred during working time in which the accident caused by luffing system is a major one .

    但因为各种原因,在 使用过程中不时会发生各样的安全事故,其中由于变幅系统的失效而导致的 事故占有一定的比例。

  • If Pump exist excessive axial power in working it will make for safe accident and influence work and result in enormous economic expense .

    在泵的 运行中如果存在过大的轴向力,将会使得泵在 工作时存在 事故 隐患引发安全 事故,影响生产,导致巨大的经济损失。

  • Responsible for investigation and disposal of equipment accident working injury casualty accident and environment pollution etc also to making improvement plan ;

    负责对各种设备事故、 工伤、伤亡以及环境污染等 事故的调查处理,并制订改进措施计划;

  • The ground is : we may know from the rule of daily experiences that the work income is a main source of living of a party with working capacity and a traffic accident can actually reduce his income .

    其理由为:据日常经验法则可知,劳动收入是有 劳动能力的当事人的主要生活来源,交通 事故在客观上将导致其收入的实际减少。