working rule

[ˈwə:kɪŋ rul][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ru:l]


  • And it also discussed the form of display of facts and rules . On the base of the research of the working theory of rule engine it created the knowledge base of risk monitoring with Drools .

    具体论述了业务事实以及规则的表现形式,并在研究 规则引擎 工作原理的基础上,选取了Drools为银行构造了风险监控知识库。

  • At present China is working to implement the rule of law and building a socialist country ruled by the basic strategy .

    当前,我国正 致力于实施依法 治国,建设社会主义 法治国家的基本方略。

  • Dominant species of rubber borer and it 's working rule in Xishuangbanna

    西双版纳橡胶小蠹虫优势种类和 为害 规律调查

  • Conclusion : It provides a simulation working platform for researching the rule of the learning and memory in synaptic level .

    结论:为研究突触水平的学习记忆 规律提供了一个仿真 研究的平台。

  • The paper put forward the innovative heating mould technology contrapose the moulding request of aluminum foil - plastic top in the newfashioned composite easy - opened lid and discusses the working principle ? movement rule and the design of transmission of the technology .

    本文针对新型复合易拉盖中铝塑盖片成型要求提出了具有创新性的冲切热压工艺,论述了该工艺的 工作原理、装置运动 规律以及实现该工艺的传动设计。

  • Then we define its layered service architecture introduction of the expert system and go into the details of the working mechanisms of rule engine . Also we are realizing the detection rule with Drools which is an open-source project of rule engine .

    接着本文定义了该系统的服务分层模型,并引入专家系统,深入阐述了 规则引擎的 工作机制,并且通过开源规则引擎Drools实现了该检测方案。

  • He was unwashed and uncombed with his clothes half buttoned ; wild unkempt hair . The cause of the recent chaos on the railways has been laid at the door of the trade unions who insist on working to rule .

    他半扣着衣服,没有洗澡也没有梳头;野性的蓬乱的头发。铁路上近来的混乱状况应归咎于工会,因为他们 死扣 规章而降低 工作效率。

  • Thesis about the Working Rule of Exception Clause in Format Contract

    论格式合同免责条款的 法律 规制

  • Use of the working memory in the rule engine allows the Rete network to become aware of changes to the state of the Sudoku grid and to appropriately trigger other rules when that happens .

    规则引擎中使用 内存存储器可以使Rete网络能够感知到数独网格的变化并在出现变化时相应地触发其他规则。

  • For a long time tax department never stop working on realizing the Rule of law equity efficiency service of tax collection and management .

    长期以来,税务部门为实现税收征管的 法治、公平、效率、服务,付出了不懈的 努力

  • If the test results show that the rule logic is not working as expected modify the rule definition accordingly .

    如果测试结果显示规则逻辑不能按照预想正常 运行,修改相应 规则定义。

  • We use the high speed output function and special function black of PLC to realize to control the working table to move by rule and line .

    工作控制则通过采用PLC的高速输出口和PLC特殊摸块功能技术,实现了 工作台的精密控制。

  • A Proximity Effect Analysis of Rectangular Loss Transmission Line with Non-MQS Hypothesis The cause of the recent chaos on the railways has been laid at the door of the trade unions who insist on working to rule .

    非磁准近似下矩形有损传输线邻近效应分析铁路上近来的混乱状况应归咎于工会,因为他们死扣 规章而降低 工作效率。

  • Various decomposition method mainly according to the size of working set selection rule and different solution on sub-problem optimization .

    各种分解算法的区别在于 工作集的大小、产生 原则以及子QP问题的求解方法不同。

  • Research the improve approach for bottom water reservoirs such as make appropriate development plan appropriate oil-water working rule control development speed B.H. pressure and artificial barrier . These measures are effective for control bottom water coning .

    提出对于底水油藏开发效果的改善方法,如制定合理的油田开发方案、合理的油水井 工作 制度,控制开采速度、井底压力,和人工隔层等,这些措施都有利于控制底水锥进。

  • A advisable controlling method based on the sower ′ s working character and a strict rule of the swinging pole ′ s path control is designed .

    根据播种器的 工作特性,设计了双轴系统合理的控制方案,针对摆臂的动作要求设计了严格的摆臂行程控制 策略

  • So in reasoning part objects and feature objects can directly drive the reasoning program working for specified rule sets to improve the reasoning efficiency .

    这样在进行推理时,零件对象和特征对象可以直接驱动推理机 指定的 规则集中进行推理,从而大大提高系统推理的效率,这就是本文所谓的对象驱动的设计思想。

  • Based on the working rule analyzing for the vehicle braking system moving and the transfer of energy during working an energy regenerative programs is proposed which using the electromagnetic generator auxiliary brake reaction force . 2 .

    在分析车辆的传统制动系统的 工作 原理及其运动过程中能量的转移 规律基础上,提出了利用发电机的电磁反作用力辅助刹车,同时再生电能的方案。

  • Author also put out the countermeasure is standardizing the Job Qualification Certificate working rule laying down sound laws and statutes establishing unitive governance mechanism also supporting intermediary service organization and networking .

    作者提出统一执业资格标准,规范 操作 规则;完善法律法规,建立统一的监管机制;积极扶持中介业,建立网络化的服务体系等对策进行应对。

  • The cause of the recent chaos on the railways has been laid at the door of the trade unions who insist on working to rule .

    铁路上近来的混乱状况应归咎于工会,因为他们死扣 规章而降低 工作效率。

  • Despite indications that custody existing licenses will be grandfathered to banks that locally incorporate the Working Group is not aware if this rule has been formalised through regulation .

    这尽管暗示了现有托管业务牌照将由于“祖父条款”而被授予在华合资银行,但 工作组不清楚这个 规定是否已经通过立法而被确定下来。

  • The working principle and the selection rule for the automatic control instruments such as remote valve ammonia discharge valve and the valve positioner were introduced .

    介绍了自控仪表的附件&遥控阀、放氨阀、阀门定位器的 工作原理和选型 原则

  • Establishing working system and rule of client managers ;

    建立健全客户经理 工作制度和 流程

  • In this paper the spot tests have been done in order to investigate load-bearing performance and when the pile the cap and the soil are working at the same time the rule of settlement of sparse piles composite foundation with PTC .

    对此,本文采用原型静载试验的方法,对带帽PTC单桩以及双桩复合地基的承载性状进行研究,分析桩身、桩帽、桩间土 共同 作用下其沉降变形 规律

  • On analyzing the architecture and the working mechanism of the rule engine carefully a conclusion of the usage scenarios of rule engine is given .

    在仔细分析了 规则引擎结构和 工作机制的基础上,总结出规则引擎的适用场景。

  • These newly created works broke with the earlier conventions of landscape painting and enabled literati artists working under Mongol rule to depict the distinct individuality of their family wealth and cultural superiority .

    这些新的山水创作不仅突出了地域景观特色,而且表现出文人画家们在蒙古人的 统治下, 努力显示自己的家庭财富及文化优势的鲜明个性。

  • Kinds of working capability such as distribution rule of the internal force of soil nail and the soil pressure in soil and the limit height and the deformation rule of composite soil nail system are all researched on in this paper .

    本文还研究了支护结构在 正常 工作过程中的各种性能,如土钉拉力分布 规律、土压力分布规律、土钉支护极限高度以及支护结构变形特点。

  • In order to define reasonable working rule in gas well method of indicative curve about relationship between production and producing differential pressure is usually used .

    为确定气井合理 工作 制度,通常采用产量与生产压差关系指示曲线方法。

  • The article introduces the design thought and working rule of the direct current high voltage programs controller elaborates the process designing of the software of the chip control the question and the resolving method during the design and debug .

    介绍了直流高压程序控制器的设计思路和 工作 原理,阐述了控制芯片软件设计流程,以及设计调试中存在的问题和解决途径。

  • One of the main design considerations when working with a business rule application is to look at the information model .

    处理业务 规则应用程序时,一个主要的设计因素是查看信息模型。