


  • He was struck by a Wraith weapon .

    他被 幽灵武器击中了。

  • And yet I sense no Wraith here .

    我还没感觉 幽灵

  • My people have spent their lives hiding from the wraith .

    我们人民花费了他们的一生来躲避 幽灵

  • In the same room as a starving wraith .

    和一个饿得要死的 幽灵 在一个房间里。

  • I don 't know the Wraith are everywhere .

    我不知道,到处都是 幽灵

  • He thinks it 's the only chance we have at defeating the wraith .

    他认为这是唯一可以打败 幽灵的机会。

  • If we kill all these Wraith first .

    当然我们要先杀死眼前这些 幽灵

  • You would like to eliminate the Wraith as a threat ?

    你想把 幽灵 这个威胁消除掉?

  • I think we can rule out that they were created by the wraith .

    我想我们可以排出它们是由 幽灵制造的 可能性了。

  • When I developed this retrovirus for the wraith .

    我为 幽灵研制逆转录酶病毒的 目的

  • Our plan to stop the Wraith armada has failed .

    我们阻止 幽灵舰队的计划失败了。

  • They told me of beings called wraith .

    他们告诉我 那种被称为 幽灵 生物

  • We would simply tell them the Wraith took you .

    我们只要说是 幽灵 的就 了。

  • He had completely transformed back into a wraith ?

    他完完全全又变回 幽灵了?

  • Your people were taken by the Wraith too ?

    你的人民也被 幽灵 洗劫了?

  • I 'll hold the Wraith back for you .

    我帮你在后面 挡住 幽灵

  • You 're giving him to the wraith ?

    你要把他交给 幽灵

  • We have a Wraith in the city .

    在我们的城市中有一个 幽灵

  • You told me that your father was taken by the wraith .

    你跟我说过你的父亲被 幽灵

  • I 'm assuming it 's the war against the wraith .

    我猜是和 幽灵的战争。

  • His journals tell of one man who survived an encounter with the wraith .

    他的日记,告诉我们一个男人如何在一次和 幽灵的相遇中存活下来。

  • We have less than one week before the Wraith arrive .


  • So what you 're saying is the ancients actually created the wraith ?

    照你这么说,实际上是古人创造了 幽灵

  • But I 'm afraid if he 's hiding from the wraith .

    但是我怕他正在躲避 幽灵

  • Our people have been in Wraith hands too long .

    我们的人在 幽灵手中太久了。

  • Afraid of bringing the Wraith down on anyone you were with ?

    担心会把 幽灵 到和你一起的人身边?

  • Why did the Wraith scientist stop the experiments ?

    为什么 幽灵科学家停止了实验?

  • You and me who are in need because of the wraith .

    你和我,都需要他,因为 幽灵

  • Long range sensors have just detected two Wraith cruisers heading this way .

    远程探测器刚刚发现了 两艘 幽灵巡洋舰朝这里来了。

  • That child flits about like a wraith .

    那个孩子像 幽灵一样飞快地跑来跑去。