




  • You accept any wisp ( no wisper is refused ) .

    你接受任何 悄悄话(没有悄悄话被拒绝)。

  • Lan was almost afraid to look at Yee but Yee reached out a wisp of atmosphere in comfort .

    兰几乎不敢看夜,但夜反而放出了 气雾来安慰兰。

  • As they watched a flash of fire appeared at the root of one wisp and then the smoke thickened .

    他们看到,在一 烟的底部出现了一闪一 火光,随后烟越冒越浓。

  • She 's just a little bitty wisp of a girl .

    她是一个很 纤弱的小女孩。

  • But this flat-chested wisp of a girl is no Dolly Parton . Nevertheless all of this summer she 's been acting dancing and singing & giving it her best .

    但她可一点都不像 多莉帕顿,她胸部扁平,身材纤细。然而,整个夏天她都在尽全力地表演,跳舞和唱歌。

  • Life is described as a mist a fast runner a breath and a wisp of smoke .

    生命被形容为一滴朝露,一名快跑者,一次呼吸,一 轻烟

  • A wisp of white smoke dispersed to reveal a duck falling from the sky like a stringless kite .


  • Ashed a wisp of smoke they turned back and handed over a handful white umbrella these movements are drawn from daily life they notting have is not love embodiment .

    “掐灭一 浓烟、转身一个回头、递上一把白伞”这些动作都取材于日常生活,它们无一不是爱的体现。

  • I reached over toward the kitchen knives ( which I keep on the underside of the counter for cooking ) but when I looked back he was not solid anymore but more of a wisp of a shadow figure .

    我赶忙伸手去拿刀子(我一直放在柜台下面准备做饭时用的),当我再 回身,他已经不 刚才 那么 清晰 可见了,而是变成了一 小束影子。

  • Like most ballet dancers she was a wisp of a creature .

    与大部分芭蕾舞演员一样,她非常 纤弱

  • He stretched out his hand desperately as if to snatch only a wisp of air to save a fragment of the spot that she had made lovely for him .

    他绝望地伸出手去,仿佛只想抓住一 轻烟,从那个因为她而使他认为是最可爱的地方留下一个碎片。

  • She was twining a wisp of hair very slowly around her fingers

    她慢慢地在手指上缠绕着一 头发

  • A wisp of smoke is curling up from the kitchen chimney .


  • Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away .

    即使一 云彩我也不会把它带走。

  • Elusive is taking along the chrysanthemum delicate fragrance which late autumn not yet removes but floating to gently blows this wisp of train of thought far blows off .

    空灵的,携着深秋尚未褪去的菊花清香,飘然而至,轻轻地,将这 思绪吹远,吹散。

  • A wisp of gray hair stuck out from under her hat .


  • There are few things more pathetic than a man with a mangy wisp of hair .

    再也没有比邋里邋遢的 白发更能让一个男人显得可怜兮兮的东西了。

  • Snakes spiders beetles and lizards can survive here only because fog delivers a wisp of vital moisture as it rolls in from the ocean most nights .

    蛇、蜘蛛、甲虫与蜥蜴可以在这里生存仅仅因为雾气带来了夜间从海洋席卷而来的 小束重要的湿气。

  • A wisp of smoke is curling up from a chimney .

    炊烟 旋绕

  • A wisp of hair straggled across her ear .


  • A thin wisp of smoke straggled up through the trees .


  • Henceforth hopes taking advantage of a wisp of fluctuation dark fragrance for your me binds your fervor the atrium strokes your all pacing back and forth .

    从此,为你我愿借 浮动的暗香,裹起你激情的心房,拂走你所有的彷徨。

  • Another WISP provides ( expensive ) connectivity from a nearby mountaintop so I decided to subscribe to that service and share the bandwidth and cost with my neighbors .

    另外一个 WISP从附近的一个山顶上提供了一条(昂贵的)连接,因此我决定购买这个服务,与邻居们共享带宽,并共同承担费用。

  • She fussed with a wisp of hair over her ear

    她紧张不安地拨弄耳边的一 头发。

  • She smoothed away a wisp of hair from her eyes .

    她将眼睛上的一 头发拨开。

  • A wisp of red light is bright to blaze between the stars .


  • Today as I stand here and look back at that episode of history I could almost hear the camel bells echoing in the mountains and see the wisp of smoke rising from the desert .

    站在这里,回首历史,我仿佛听到了山间回荡的声声驼铃,看到了大漠 飘飞 袅袅 烟。