with the best

[wɪð ði bɛst][wið ðə best]


  • Even with the best planning in the world it can still be time consuming and tricky to find the information you 're looking for in a large log file .

    即使 拥有世界上 最好的计划,在一个大型日志文件中查找所需要的信息也可能仍然是一个耗时和棘手的过程。

  • Our band deserves ranking with the best in this country .

    我们的乐队在国内当之无愧属于 一流

  • Possessing the arbitrary nonlinear expressiveness the neural network can help to realize the PID control with the best combinations by means of the understanding of the system performance .

    由于神经网格所具有的任意非线性表达能力,可以通过对系统性能的学习来实现 具有 最佳组合的PID控制。

  • It 's not awkward at all . He comes up with the best games .

    这一点也不尴尬。他总是打出 最好的比赛。

  • This is to insure that the current implementation will have architectural consistency with the best practices of previous implementations .

    这样可确保当前实现将 以前实现 最佳实践保持体系结构一致性。

  • We want to provide our child with the best start in life .

    我们想给孩子 最好的开始。

  • Our products are almost on par with the best foreign-made products .

    我们的产品几乎 最好的外国货旗鼓相当。

  • Its purpose is to remind employees to surround themselves with the best things like talented peers and high-quality materials so that they can do their best work .

    它的目标是提醒雇员们,要让 最好的东西围绕在自己 身边,比如有才华的同伴和高品质的材料,这样才能在工作中做到最好。

  • Yet I have always acted with the best interests of our country in mind .

    然而,我始终是 我们国家 利益为考虑标准。

  • At the Olympic Games our representatives were in competition with the best swimmers from all parts of the world .

    在奥运会上,我们的代表会 世界各地 最佳游泳选手角逐。

  • It 's good to see our runners participating with the best competitors from other countries .

    看到我们的田径运动员 其他国家 优秀的运动员比赛真令人愉快。

  • This film ranks with the best .

    这部影片列 最佳影片之一。

  • Second he made bread with the best flour .

    最好 面粉做面包。

  • With the best kind of work you always feel like you give it away to the audience .

    创作 最好的作品,你总是感觉象把礼物分发到观众的手中。

  • Schumacher says Although I was able to compete with the best drivers that are around at some point its time to say goodbye and this time it might be forever .

    舒马赫说,尽管我能够 周围 最好的选手比赛竞争,但在某些时候需要说再见,而这次可能将是我永远的别过。

  • You will also enjoy working with the best and brightest in the industry to develop your architecture of choice .

    您将会非常高兴 行业中 优秀、最睿智的人共同开发您选择的体系结构。

  • Although I am still able to compete with the best drivers at some point it is good to say goodbye said Schumacher .

    舒马赫说:尽管我仍然能够 最好的车手比赛,但是在某种意义上最好说再见了。

  • You start the day with the best of intentions .

    怀 最好的打算开始了一天。

  • Our latest products can compete with the best of them in thinness battery life the quality of the screen and user experience .

    我们最新的产品在厚度、待机时间、屏幕分辨率和用户体验方面都能 优秀的产品一较高下。

  • We may be tech-geeks but we can still rock and roll with the best of them .

    我们或许是科技极客,但我们仍能 随着 优美的音乐而摇摆。

  • During negotiation elements try to come up with the best possible format that they both support .

    在协商过程中, 这些元素会尝试发现它们之间共同支持 最佳格式。

  • The weasel pays a courtesy visit to the hen ; not with the best of intentions .

    狼给鸡拜年, 不怀好意

  • The weasel goes to pay his respects to the hen -- not with the best of intentions . ; A weasel giving new year 's greetings to a hen has ulterior motives .

    黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,没安 好心

  • Find reasons to keep in touch with the best of them .

    并找到你 他们保持联系 最佳理由。

  • Today IBM offers its complement of middleware and hardware to help ISVs further their own business goals of delivering solutions for their industry customers with the best technologies available .

    现在,IBM提供了它的中间件和硬件的补足来帮助ISV进一步发展他们自己的商业目标&为他们的行业客户发布 带有 最好技术的解决方案。

  • Now that we have all the information for the simplification we can easily identify the products with the best coverage .

    既然已经获得了简化所需的所有信息,就很容易识别 提供 必需功能 产品集。

  • To pragmatic pioneering and innovative spirit of enterprise to provide you with the best products and best services .

    以求实、开拓、创新的企业精神,为您提供 一流的产品和最佳的服务。

  • People are the most dynamic cells with the best ability to innovatein this system .

    人是这个有机系统中最具活力 富有创新能力 细胞。

  • We must fit the expedition out with the best equipment .

    我们必须向探险队 提供 最好的装备。

  • They have seen up and down markets have the strongest relationships with the best entrepreneurs and have built the infrastructure and teams to do their homework and find the best companies .

    它们经历了市场的起起伏伏, 优秀企业家们有着最牢固的关系,建立了网络和团队进行调研,物色最优秀的公司。