with flying colors


  • John comes off with flying colors in every contest .

    约翰每次参加竞赛都 为成功。

  • Use the book to pass TOEFL test with flying colors .

    好好利用这本书会让你托福考试 顺利 过关

  • The Havard Boat Club has come off with flying colors in a competition with the Yale Boat Club .

    哈佛大学 皮划艇队在比赛在中击败了耶鲁大学。

  • Have confidence in the technology and you will come out with flying colors .

    一旦信任技术之后,你将 化蛹

  • I passed this one with flying colors .

    这次 考试轻轻松松就及格了。

  • A gifted illustrator Phan passed the makeup demo test with flying colors but was ultimately deemed unfit for the position due to a lack of previous experience .

    作为一名很有天赋的说明者,潘 出色 成绩通过了化妆演示测试,但最终由于没有相关工作经验而被认为不适合这个岗位。

  • By doing these simple things you should pass your blood pressure test with flying colors !

    能做到这些简单而又容易做到的事情,你的血压检测就会 顺利 通过

  • I am very pleased for Adebayor because he scored two goals and with the team because it came through with flying colors in what was a difficult match .

    我对阿德巴约非常满意,因为他的两粒入球帮助球队 闯过了这场艰难的比赛。

  • He passed the entrance exam with flying colors .

    优异 成绩通过了入学考试。

  • He passed the examination with flying colors .

    他考试中 取得优异 成绩

  • The young executive 's sales presentation came off with flying colors .

    那位年轻经理的 推销活动 为成功。

  • If you listen to your soul you ll pass with flying colors .

    如果你听灵魂的话,你就会 成功通过 考验

  • So far McAllister seemed to have passed all the tests with flying colors .

    到目前为止, 麦卡利斯特似乎所有的考试都考得非常好。

  • Can also mean to pass something with flying colors .

    也可表示通过什么考试, 大获全胜

  • Jack won the race last week with flying colors .

    杰克上星期在赛跑中 优异 成绩获胜。

  • If you 'll believe me he went through with flying colors on examination day !

    信不信由你,考试那天他居然 名列前茅

  • John comes off with flying colors in any effort he made .

    约翰所做的任何努力都 为成功。

  • She pass her examination with flying colors .


  • You 'll notice that sed performs its desired task with flying colors .

    您将注意到, sed 成功完成了预期任务。

  • Grandpa pulled through the heart surgery with flying colors .

    祖父的心脏手术很 成功,他 渡过危机了。

  • The church bells were ringing and from the high towers sounded a flourish of trumpets ; and soldiers with flying colors and glittering bayonets lined the rocks through which they passed .

    所有教堂的钟都响起来了,号笛从许多高楼上吹来,兵士们 飘扬 旗子和明晃的刺刀在敬礼。

  • Our football team won the state championship with flying colors .

    我们的 美式足球队 漂亮地赢得州冠军。

  • But they succeeded with flying colors – the result speaks for itself .

    但是他们 出色的结果 不言而喻地获得了成功。

  • So if you want to come through this downturn with flying colors and maybe even a promotion or a raise you need to think positive .

    所以,如果你想成功的度过这段低迷的时期甚至想得到晋升或 加薪那你就需要开始积极的思考问题。

  • I passed it with flying colors ! They hired me on the spot .

    成功的通过了!他们 当场就要了我了。

  • Example : Todd must have studied a long time because he passed the test with flying colors .

    例子:托德肯定学了很长时间,因为他轻轻松松就考过了,还 高分

  • The stadium was decorated with flowers and flags with flying colors .

    体育场装点着 各种鲜花和 迎风 飘扬 旗子

  • Mack : I got through the exams with flying colors .

    麦克:我考试 高分过关。

  • Sam : I 'm sure you 'll pass with flying colors .

    山姆:我想你会 通过 考试的。

  • From The Basketball Diaries to The Perfect Storm Wahlberg has come through with flying colors .

    从《篮球日记》到《完美风暴》, 华伯格皆颇获好评。