with open arms


  • I know they will welcome you with open arms .

    利用这些平台,我知道他们会 张开 双臂欢迎你。

  • Many Panamanians welcomed the troops with open arms .

    许多 巴拿马人热烈欢迎部队到来。

  • When grandpa came to visit us at christmas we welcomed him with open arms .

    当祖父圣诞节来看我们时,我们 衷心地欢迎他。

  • The parish have welcomed the new vicar with open arms .

    教区居民 双手欢迎新来的牧师。

  • The region 's bustling cities and sun-kissed beaches are welcoming the visitors with open arms .

    这地区繁华的城市与充满阳光的海滩, 展开 双臂欢迎游客。

  • We look forward to receiving guests from all over the world ( with open arms ) in Beijing in2008 .

    我们期待 2008年在北京 张开 双臂,迎接八方来宾。

  • They welcomed the new volunteers with open arms .

    他们 热烈欢迎这些新的自愿者。

  • Upon his arrival at the airport we welcome him with open arms .

    他抵达机场时,我们 热烈欢迎。

  • As soon as we got here the directors and administration of the camp welcomed us with open arms .

    当我们来到这里时,该组织的领队和工作人员 张开热情的 双臂欢迎我们。

  • Our teaching degree is welcomed with open arms in many countries .

    我们的教学学位在许多国家 深受 欢迎

  • Will we be embracing it with open arms or shipping it back to the good old US of A ?

    我们将接受它 张开 双臂或航运它回到美好的旧美国的一个?

  • I believe it 's unfair for people to just walk across the border and expect America to welcome them with open arms .

    我认为仅仅是跨过边界期待着美国人 敞开 臂膀欢迎他们,这对他们来说是不公平的。

  • In some degree Zhang treated Kin with open arms was the hint of amity between China and Korea .

    张謇对金 沧江的礼 在某种程度上讲就是中国对朝鲜(韩国)的友好示意。

  • Over under near or far I 'll be right beside you standing here with open arms .

    无论距离远近,我都会在你身边,在这里 张开 双臂迎接你。

  • You left your family your children without a father to marry a whore and you weep because they don 't welcome you back with open arms .

    你抛弃了你的家庭,你的没有父亲的孩子,去和一个妓女结婚,你却因为他们不 张开 臂膀欢迎你回来而哭泣。

  • Refugees will be welcomed here with open arms .

    这里的人们将 张开 双臂热情地迎接难民。

  • Russians don 't welcome you with open arms .

    俄罗斯人欢迎你时 两手可不是 空空如也

  • We hope in the near future we can receive and accomodate you with open arms .

    我们希望在不久的将来我们能够接受和适应你 张开 双臂

  • We all welcomed these foreign guests with open arms .

    我们大家 热情地欢迎这几位 外宾

  • The future awaits you with open arms and refreshing changes .

    未来正 令人耳目一新的方式的变化对你 相迎呢!

  • I 'm here with open arms waiting for you to come back .

    这里 热烈欢迎你归来。

  • My aunt and uncle welcomed us with open arms .

    我的叔叔和 婶婶 热情欢迎我们。

  • Claire went to him with open arms .

    克莱尔 张开 双臂亲切地向他走去。

  • She welcomed them with open arms .

    张开 两臂高兴地欢迎他们。

  • We were welcomed with open arms .

    我们受到 热烈欢迎。

  • With open arms to embrace each and every one winter day !

    张开 双臂,去拥抱每一个冬天的日子吧!

  • They would no doubt welcome the action with open arms

    他们无疑将 热烈欢迎这一举动

  • Stroop went to him with open arms and an ingratiating smile .

    斯特鲁普 张开 双臂 面带讨人喜欢的笑容向他走去。

  • To destroy me has welcomed me with open arms .

    要毁灭我的人,却 张开 双臂迎接我。

  • All these people should feel like Rails is welcoming them with open arms .

    所有这些人都会感受到Rails正在 张开 双臂来拥抱他们。