At the first sign of movement they shot without mercy .
一发现有动静,他们 就 毫不留情地开枪。
Many dealers over charge without mercy .
许多经销商充电 没有 慈悲。
And the men of israel turning again against the children of benjamin put to the sword without mercy all the towns and the cattle and everything there was burning every town which came into their hands .
以色列人又转到便雅悯地,将各城的人和牲畜,并一切所遇见的,都用刀杀尽,又放火烧了一切 城邑。
He mentioned that the universe seems to be without mercy quite ruthless ;
他说天地不仁,以万物为 刍狗;
And the Lord gave Lachish into the hands of israel and on the second day he took it putting it and every person in it to the sword without mercy as he had done to libnah .
耶和华将拉吉交在以色列人的手里。第二天约书亚就夺了 拉吉,用刀击杀了城中的一切人口,是照他向立拿一切所行的。
Political leaders who want to foster world-beating companies must act decisively and as with any transformation slash off the gangrenous limbs without mercy .
政治领导人倘若想要培育出世界级的企业,就必须采取果断的措施,并像所有改革要求的那样, 毫不留情 地截除发生坏疽的肢体部分。
NIV w_1354 Is he to keep on emptying his net destroying nations without mercy ?
17和合w_1372他岂可屡次倒空网罗,将列国的人时常杀戮, 毫 不 顾惜呢?
We were taxed by him without mercy .
他 残忍 地重税盘剥我们。
If a guest in your lair annoys you treat him cruelly and without mercy .
如因一个客己在你的天盘惹恼了你, 不要善良, 要 仁慈 天看待他。
Her husband beat her son and her without mercy .
她丈夫 毫无 怜悯 之 心, 每天都打她和儿子。
Dower John . War Without Mercy : Race and Power in the Pacific War . 1986 .
《 没有 慈悲的战争:太平洋战争的种族和强权》1986。
He bled that poor old man without mercy .
他 无情 地榨取那可怜的老人。
The Prince would work his will on the people without mercy .
这位君主 毫不留情 地把他的意志 强加于人民。
From roof height without fear of resistance they blasted the city without mercy .
它们擦着屋顶飞过,不怕遇到抵抗, 残酷 无情地炸毁了这个城市。
I do believe with all my heart and mind and spirit that I not as President but as a humble servant of God will receive justice without mercy if I fail to show mercy .
我深信,以我全部身心深信,作为上帝的一名卑微的仆人,而不是作为总统,如果我不表示同情,我将接受法律 无情 的 制裁。
Captain White scourged his crew without mercy .
船长怀特无情地 鞭挞船员。
Without mercy Kratos rips the key from the captains necklace and lets him fall to the Hydras stomach .
毫无 怜悯 地,克瑞托斯将钥匙从船长脖子上一把拽下,把他一脚踹进了九头蛇的肚子里面。
When they have captured you they will chop you to pieces without mercy cook you and eat you for they are cannibals .
等他们抓住你后会把你 残忍地切成碎片, 煮熟了吃了你,因为他们专门吃人。
They meant to finish her off swiftly and without mercy .
他们打算 毫不留情地迅速结果了她。
He proceeded to deal forth his scraps of legal knowledge without mercy .
他开始 毫不留情 地贩卖残缺不全的法律知识。
Time rules over us without mercy not caring if we 're healthy or ill hungry or drunk . Russian American beings from Mars .
时间 无情的支配着我们,不管我们是健康还是生病,饥肠辘辘还是酒足饭饱,俄国人,美国人,还是火星人。
She got us these guns and she kills without mercy .
为我们拿到枪,杀人 不会 犹豫。
Slashing is to give damage to others without mercy .
“痕”就是要 毫无 怜悯的去攻击。
Zealots are taught to hate their enemies with a white hot passion and to hunt them down without mercy .
狂徒所受到的教育是:豪不掩饰地憎恨你的敌人,不带 任何 怜悯击杀他们!
The blistering noonday sun beat down on them without mercy .
午间酷热的阳光 无情的蒸烤着他们。
He used to bully his secretary without mercy but even a worm will turn and one day she walked out and left her job without even saying goodbye .
他过去 毫不留情地欺侮他的秘书,但是 如被逼太甚,最温顺者也会反抗的,结果有一天她不辞而别了。
For the LORD made them strong in heart to go to war against israel so that he might give them up to the curse without mercy and that destruction might come on them as the LORD had given orders to moses .
因为耶和华的意思是要使他们心里刚硬,来与以色列人争战,好叫他们尽被杀灭, 不 蒙 怜悯,正如耶和华所吩咐摩西的。
美[wɪðˈaʊt ˈmɚsi]英[wiˈðaut ˈmə:si]