with the exception of

[wɪð ði ɪkˈsɛpʃən ʌv][wið ðə ikˈsepʃən ɔv]


  • Basically no change has been made in the programme as a whole with the exception of a few articles .

    整个纲要基本上没有 只是少数条文改了。

  • I know all the people in the classroom with the exception of the girl with pigtail .

    这个教室里的人, 除了 那个 扎马尾巴辫的女孩,我都认识。

  • In fact his first week was good with the exception of a flat tire and mild sunburn .

    事实上, 除了爆胎和轻微的晒伤 ,第一周情况算是不错。

  • Of course with the exception of fclose you are likely already processing the return values on these .

    当然, fclose以外,您可能已经对这些函数的返回值都进行了处理。

  • Thats because with the exception of one lost-looking soul from Colombia all the students were from China .

    因为, 除了一个神情迷惘的哥伦比亚人之外,其它学生都来自中国。

  • With the exception of teak this is the finest wood for boat construction .

    这是 柚木以外最好的造船木材。

  • All proposals were passed with the exception of three .

    三件提案 ,其他都 通过了。

  • I like all fruits with the exception of grape .

    我喜欢所有的水果, 就是 喜欢葡萄。

  • With the exception of gold the surfaces of metals are never observed but only their oxides .


  • The design of this application follows the accepted paradigm with the exception of the first JSP .

    该应用程序的设计遵从公认的范例, 只有第一个JSP 除外

  • All the items listed are of interest to us with the exception of item 3 and 5 .

    单上所列项目 三和第五项 我们都感兴趣。

  • He is weak on execution with the exception of the Northern Ireland settlement .

    他在执行方面颇有不足, 唯一 例外是他任内达成的北爱尔兰和解。

  • With the exception of some documentaries and shows most shows don 't leave you empowered or inspired .


  • Priority should be given to restricted areas with the exception of mainline and depot interlocking areas .

    受限区域优先,主线和车辆段联锁区域 除外

  • With the exception of this rule there are exceptions to all the others .


  • The other places were all filled with the exception of the one opposite him .

    其余的地方都已坐 只有他对面的一个地方还空着。

  • There were no floral offerings at the ceremony with the exception of a single red rose

    除了一朵红色玫瑰花 ,仪式上没有任何献花。

  • With the exception of five they all passed the TOEFL Examination .

    除了五个人 以外,他们都通过了托福考试。

  • I don 't think I 'll play them against Bologna with the exception of Dida and Cafu .

    我想我不会在 博洛尼亚的比赛中派上他们,迪达和卡福 除外

  • With the exception of a few small bequests to relatives he left all his property to charity .

    除了留给亲戚的一些小额遗赠 ,他把所有的财产都捐给了慈善事业。

  • With the exception of Juan each attained a measure of success

    除了胡安 之外,每个人都获得了相当大的成功。

  • With the exception of the gallbladder they have no exterior-interior relationships .


  • Yesterday was a day off for everybody with the exception of Lawrence

    昨天所有人都放一天假,劳伦斯 除外

  • If this succeeds no further action is required with the exception of normal testing .

    如果该操作成功,则不需要执行进一步的操作, 必须进行常规测试。

  • With the exception of the package level for dynamic SQL you can have multiple connections ( in different applications ) and define different isolation levels for each connection .

    包级别 例外,使用动态SQL时,您可能会有多个连接(位于不同的应用程序之中),为每个连接定义多个不同的隔离级别。

  • All data is from injection molded specimens with the exception of Drop Weight Impact .

    所有数据是从注射成型 落锤冲击 异常标本。

  • People in general - with the exception of the writer himself - form the first group .

    普通人& 除了作家本人,构成第一个群体。

  • It doesn 't matter what values you use for the input with the exception of orderNumber .

    为输入使用什么值并没有关系,但 orderNumber 例外

  • With the exception of NFS kernel threads you can set and then ignore the parameters discussed in this article .

    除了NFS内核线程 之外,可以设置本文中讨论的参数,然后就不用理会它们了。

  • With the exception of the inner-ring width they have the same dimensions as the standard designs .

    随着内环宽度 例外,他们的标准设计,相同的尺寸。