within call

[wɪðˈɪn kɔl][wiˈðin kɔ:l]

顺从喊声所及, 在附近

  • You are sitting now in your office-six clerks are all within call .

    你正坐在 办公室里&你可以随时 六名职员安排任务。

  • This is because a new process is created within the call to fork .

    这是因为 fork 调用中创建了一个新进程。

  • In improving of the service quality Haier put forward a new service standard that is give service within call one time service get satisfaction create affection and increase information value .

    在服务质量提升上,海尔提出了“ 随叫随到、一次就好、创造感动、信息增值”的服务质量新标准。

  • People within the state call her'the lord 's lady ' .

    别国诸侯 之为小君,别国人民 为君夫人。

  • If you have pain and sorrow in your life then please look carefully try to see the blessing and the lesson within the pain and call on us to help you move through it .

    如果你在生活中经历过痛苦和悲伤,请仔细体察,试着去发现那痛苦 的祝福和教导,并 我们来帮你度过它。

  • He is always within call of his wife .

    他对他的妻子总是很 顺从的。

  • The police were on the spot within a few minutes of my telephone call .

    我打 电话几分钟后警察就 赶到了现场。

  • The activities become loosely coupled i.e.do not run within the same technology or call stack under the same security authority with a dedicated connection between them ) .

    这些活动之间实现了松散耦合(如 活动的实现技术和 调用堆栈可以不同,但它们之间的连接通道是专用的,安全授权等级是统一管理的)。

  • Once a procedure is selected from the I / O request it is performed within the remote procedure call ( RPC ) layer .

    一旦从I/O请求中选择了程序,它会 远程程序 调用(RPC)层中执行。

  • As for the technical problems during the whole process of the equipment performance the provider will be always within call .

    在设备运行的整个时期,出现技术问题,供方做到 随叫随到的。

  • Remain within reach ( call hearing sight )

    留在 附近得应,听得见,看得到的地方)

  • If you do not hear back within a few days call the station .

    如果你不听回来 短短几天, 走人。

  • No longer will violence be heard in your land nor ruin or destruction within your borders but you will call your walls salvation and your gates praise .

    你地上不再听见强暴的事, 境内不再听见荒凉毁灭的事。你必 你的墙 拯救, 你的门为赞美。

  • You can also load JavaScript files and execute them within the sandbox using the loadJS function call

    您还可以使用loadJS函数 调用加载JavaScript文件并 沙箱中执行它们

  • Most of the code within a JAX-RPC call is bidirectional so the same code used on the server is also used on the client .

    JAX-RPC 调用 的大多数代码是双向的,因此,在服务器上使用的相同代码也可在客户机上使用。

  • Within the run unit COBOL programs can call non-COBOL programs and vice versa .

    运行单元的 范围 ,COBOL程序可以 调用非COBOL程序,反之亦然。

  • Re-sults show that simulator can improve programming efficiency greatly and resolve problems within testing cases such as incoming call outgoing call multi party call .

    结果证明 该模拟器上进行软件开发可以大大提高手机软件开发的效率,可以以极少的代价详尽测试真实运行 来电、呼叫、多方通话等难以把握情况。

  • Tighten the struggle against corruption within state-owned enterprises according to the call of the three-stand-for

    按照“三个代表” 要求加强 国有企业反腐败斗争

  • The actual reason for a defect is often buried within technician comments or call center logs .

    产品缺陷的实际原因往往淹没 技术评论或 呼叫中心日志中。

  • Rather than using programmatic transactions within the same method you can move the update operations to another public method within the call stack .

    不用在相同的方法中使用编程事务,而是将更新操作移动到 调用栈的另一个公共方法

  • There are plenty of police within call .

    附近有许多 警察

  • American research universities have been challenged to keep pace with knowledge change within changing economic and political conditions that call on them to generate non-state revenue and demonstrate their direct contributions to the economy .

    美国研究型大学遇到了挑战: 经济与政治环境变化的情况下与知识变革保持同步,这 要求它们在政府拨款以外创收并展示出对经济的直接贡献。

  • The question mark characters (?) within the parentheses of a JDBC call refer to the parameters .

    JDBC 调用的括号 的问号字符(?)

  • Each simple task global task or global process called within the original process becomes a Call Operation Action in the new process form .

    原始处理过程中被调用的每一个简单任务、全局任务和全局处理过程,都成为新的处理形式中的一个 调用操作活动。

  • In the meantime some within the LDP call for rates to be cut to zero again .

    自民 党内同时也有部分人 要求利率再次归零。

  • When the two ships were within call their officers exchanged messages .

    当这两条船靠得很 ,他们的高级船员交换了信息。

  • You reader put this matter to a test : You are sitting now in your office & six clerks are within call .

    不妨做个试验:你此刻坐在办公室里,有六个职员 等候安排任务。

  • They can even be mixed within the same animate () call .

    甚至可以 同一个animate() 调用中混合使用这些数值。