with the consent of...


  • The lessee may sublease the leased premises with the consent of the lessor in accordance with these Procedures .

    承租人经出租人 同意,可以依照本办法将承租房屋转租。

  • Resolutions at special board meetings shall be passed with the consent of at least two thirds of the directors .

    特别会议决议以三分之二以上 董事 同意方可通过。

  • Either party may with the consent of the other party assign all of his rights and obligations under the contract to a third person .

    当事人一方经对方 同意,可以将自己在合同中的权利和义务一并转让给第三人。

  • The award may be made public only with the consent of both parties .

    裁决 双方当事人 同意方得公布。

  • The term of office for a director shall be four years but may be renewed with the consent of the parties to the venture .

    董事的任期为四年, 合营各方继续委派可以连任。

  • If a debtor is unable to repay his debt immediately he may repay by instalments with the consent of the creditor or a ruling by a people 's court .

    暂时无力偿还的,经债权人 同意或者人民法院裁决,可以由债务人分期偿还。

  • For further counseling is needed with the consent of the caller refer to pastors or professional counseling services .

    如需进一步的协谈及辅导,徵得来电者 同意,转介教会牧者或专业辅导中心跟进。

  • Provided that with the consent of the supervisor on duty a person may enter or remain on the place or road or place as the case may be for the purposes of removing the danger or likelihood of danger .

    但任何人如 得到当值主管 同意,可为消除危险或发生危险的可能性而进入或逗留在该地方或道路,或该地方(视属何情况而定)。

  • In addition to being the commander in chief of the armed forces the president has the procedural duty of appointing the prime minister with the consent of the parliament and has some influence on foreign policy .

    除了是海陆空三军的总司令外,在程序上,总统还有在国会 同意 前提 任命首相的职责,还对外交政策有一定的影响。

  • Provided also that any such animal which is condemned by the senior veterinary officer as unfit to be slaughtered for human food may with the consent of the senior veterinary officer be removed by the owner .

    但如任何上述动物被高级兽医官宣告不宜屠宰作人类食物,则 动物可 高级兽医官 同意 由其拥有人移走。

  • The ashtray that he used in lifetime placed on the tea table with the consent of host I ignited a cigarette .

    他生前用过的烟灰缸摆在茶几上, 征得主人 同意,我点燃一支香烟。

  • The purpose of the any amount borrowed under the preceding paragraph shall be limited to distribution or repayment of the profits principal interests or other proceeds in accordance with the asset securitization plan and shall be done with the consent of all directors .

    前项借入款项之目的,应以依资产证券化计划配发或偿还利益、本金、利息或其它收益为限,并 全体董事 同意后为之。

  • Operators may harvest or salvage certain condemned meat products for animal food with the consent of an official veterinarian .

    官方兽医 许可,经营者可以获得或回收某些禁止食用的肉类产品作为动物饲料。

  • With permission of the people 's procuratorate or the people 's court and with the consent of the victim his near relatives or the witnesses provided by the victim defence lawyers may collect information pertaining to the current case from them .

    辩护律师经人民检察院或者人民法院许可,并且 被害人或者其近亲属、被害人提供的证人 同意,可以向他们收集与本案有关的材料。

  • Any reference to the application of this Guideline is permitted only with the consent of Germanischer Lloyd WindEnergie GmbH.

    所有涉及本指南的运用必须得到德国劳埃德船级社风能股份有限公司 同意

  • With the consent of the Chairman George took the floor after two other speakers .

    主席 同意,乔治继两位讲者之后发言。

  • And before that with the consent of the Portuguese Macao government the honorary consulate of the United Republic of Tanzania may look after the consular affairs related to Macao .

    此前,经澳葡政府 同意,坦桑尼亚联合共和国驻香港特别行政区名誉领事馆可兼管澳门领事事务。

  • The transfer of one party 's share in the registered capital shall be effected only with the consent of the other parties to the venture .

    合营者的注册资本如果转让必须 各方 同意

  • Subcontractor means the person named in the Agreement and the legal successors in title to this person but not ( except with the consent of the Contractor ) any assignee .

    分包商,指合同协议所述人员及其法定职务继承人,但不包括 任何受让人(除非总承包人 同意)。

  • Provided that with the consent of the supervisor on duty a person may enter or remain on the place for the purposes of making it safe .

    但任何人 得到当值主管 同意,可为使该地方安全而进入或逗留在该地方。

  • Should the Employee be found during the period of probation that he is confirmed to be incompetent for his job duties the Employer may either assign another position with the consent of the Employee or terminate Contract .

    雇员于试用期间对于所担任之工作确不能胜任时,雇主得另派其它职位给雇员,或终止 聘雇

  • At least one day 's notice has to be given before a marriage and no-one under sixteen can marry while those under eighteen may only marry with the consent of their parents .

    十六岁以下的人不准结婚,而那些十八岁以下的必须经过父母 同意才可以结婚。

  • The directors supervisors or manager may not disclose the secrets of the company except in accordance with the provisions of the law or with the consent of a shareholder 's meeting .

    董事,监事,经理除依照法律规定或者 股东会 同意外,不得泄露公司秘密。

  • The indemnifying Party shall not consent to entry of any judgment or enter into any settlement with respect to a Third Party Claim except with the consent of the Indemnified Party .

    除经非违约方同意,违约方不得就第三方的权利请求 同意执行判决或者签订和解协议。

  • Article 31 When undertaking legal matters a lawyer may with the consent of the relevant units or individuals address inquiries to such units or individuals .

    第三十一条律师承办法律事务,经有关单位或者个人 同意,可以向他们调查情况。

  • Except with the consent of the parties or the leave of the court no action or matter shall be heard or determined before the expiry of3 clear days or such other period as may be prescribed after the service of the writ or other process originating the proceedings .

    各方 同意法院许可外,在令状或有关的法律程序的其它原诉法律程序文件送达后3整天前或其它订明的期间届满前,不得就任何诉讼或事宜作聆讯或裁定。

  • With the consent of the patent office the applicant may give a provisional proposal for a denomination instead of the variety denomination for the needs of the examination .

    专利局 同意时,申请人得提出一临时名称建议来取代品种名称,以符合审查需要。

  • With the consent of the director he copied the contact list of hundreds of TV drama stars movie stars and TV hosts the court reported .

    获得 王斌导演的 应允 ,王亚东拷贝了那份名单,名单里包括了上百个电视剧演员,电影明星以及节目主持人的联系方式。

  • Proceedings for a relevant offence shall not be instituted except by or with the consent of the attorney general .

    除非由律政司提起或 律政司 同意 提起,否则不得就有关罪行提起法律程序。