



  • His claims to be a millionaire are just wishful thinking .

    他声称要成为百万富翁的想法不过是 一厢情愿

  • I think it 's getting better but it may just be wishful thinking on my part .

    我认为事情正朝着一个好的方向发展,但这也许只是我 一厢情愿

  • But I guess that would be too much to ask too much of a case of wishful thinking .

    但是我想这个会有太多的要求,太多 一厢情愿的情况。

  • But that 's probably wishful thinking .

    但那可能只是 一厢情愿

  • I think her condition is improving but it may just is wishful thinking on my part .

    我认为她的情况正在改善,但这也许是我 一厢情愿的想法。

  • Why do we have such wishful thinking ?

    为什么我们会有这种 一厢情愿的想法呢?

  • That 's all wishful thinking !


  • This complacency or at least wishful thinking is potentially damaging to project success .

    这种满足,或者至少 如意算盘,是对项目成功的潜在的危害。

  • I wish that you could stay Ha ! It 's just my wishful thinking .

    我希望你能留下来,哈!这只是我的 一厢情愿

  • Dreams do not do it just wishful thinking !

    梦想不去做只是个 妄想

  • He is still wishful of becoming a millionaire .

    他一直有成为百万富翁的 愿望

  • Let 's cut the wishful thinking and talk reality .

    别再 痴心妄想了,说点现实的吧。

  • I love you just wishful thinking began as stop-motion .

    我爱你只是 一厢情愿一开始就成为定格。

  • Stop your wishful thinking and be glad for what you do have instead of always wanting more .

    别再 一厢情愿 妄想了,高高兴兴的接受你已经有的,别再奢求更多了。

  • Maybe it was just my own wishful thinking .

    或许,这也可能只是我的 一相情愿

  • This was always wishful thinking .

    然而这总是 一厢情愿的想法。

  • Or it could be just wishful thinking .

    又或者这只是我的 痴心妄想

  • But some investors with long experience of the company warn that this could be wishful thinking .

    但有些长期与雅虎 交道的投资者警告,这可能只是 一厢情愿 而已

  • That is wishful thinking .

    这是 一厢情愿的想法。

  • I know that you still do not love me but my wishful too much .

    我知道你始终不爱我,只是我 一相情愿的太多。

  • Being together forever is a lie it 's our own wishful thinking towards love .

    天长地久是一种谎言,是我们对爱情的 一厢情愿

  • That could be wishful thinking .

    这可能是 一厢情愿的想法。

  • This I am sorry to say is almost entirely wishful thinking .

    我很遗憾,这几乎完全 一厢情愿的想法。

  • This was mere wishful thinking .

    这不过是 如意算盘

  • American politicians have so far responded to this problem with a mixture of wishful thinking and anger .

    迄今为止,美国政客对该问题的反应,交织着 一厢情愿与愤怒。

  • This proved to be wishful thinking as companies and households projected austerity into the future .

    事实证明这 只是 一厢情愿的想法,因为企业和家庭都预期未来会实施紧缩。

  • This isn 't wishful thinking but hard science .

    这不是 一厢情愿,而是科学道理。

  • It is wishful thinking to expect deeper change under his leadership .

    指望在他的领导下发生更深层次的变革简直是 痴心妄想

  • Peter : Its just your wishful thinking .

    Peter:这只是你 一厢情愿的想法。

  • It 's only his own wishful thinking .

    这只是他自己 一厢情愿