



  • I listen vainly but with thirsty ears for the witching melody of faint bugles blowing reveille of far drums beating the long roll .

    我尽力但徒然地倾听,渴望听到 军号吹奏起床那微弱而 迷人的旋律,以及远处战鼓急促敲击的动人节奏。

  • In the witching production activities of the primitive people the linearity feature of primitive art formed gradually with the people 's replicating profiles of objects through deferred imitation by using the techniques and depicting tools at that time .

    其次,在原始人的生产性 巫术 实践活动中,以延迟模仿方式进行的轮廓对象的复制以及当时的技术条件和刻 画)工具 共同 成就了原始艺术的线性特征。

  • After the reasonable layout of the reference trajectory of the model the nonlinear witching multi-model predictive control is proposed .

    在合理安排模型参考轨迹的基础上,给出了非线性 切换多模型预测控制的 切换 思想

  • Relay line of the system were linked to superior command center of communication network between stations and linked to public phones witching network .

    系统4 中继线 电子对抗系统站间通信网的上级指挥中心连接, 公用电话 交换网。

  • To solve the problem of perturbation of witching multi-model predictive control weighted multi-model fuzzy predictive control is put forward .

    为了解决 切换多模型预测控制的抖动问题,提出了加权多模型模糊预测控制。

  • This text has comparatively analyzed the systematic demand of the digitized library in detail has carried on the selecting type analysis of performance of analyzing and correlated witching to the host computer system and memory system .

    本文较为详细地分析了数字化图书馆的系统需求,对主机系统和存储系统进行了 选型分析和相关的性能分析。

  • Quadruple witching refers to when market index futures market index options stock options and stock futures all expire on the same day .

    股指期货,股指期权, 单只股票期权和期货全部同一天到期的日子。