with assiduity

[wɪð ˌæsɪˈduɪti][wið ˌæsɪˈdu:ɪti:]


  • For the first time in fifteen months he said to himself that that gentleman who sat there every day with his daughter had on his side noticed him and probably considered his assiduity singular .

    十五个月以来第一次,他心里想到那位天天 着女儿坐在那里的先生也许已经注意他,并会觉得他 这样 殷勤 有些 古怪

  • With the development of virtue wisdom physical and art we are assiduity and persistent we are insist truth and we have the courage to explore the world .

    德智体美,全面发展, 刻苦 钻研锐意 进取,坚持的求事实 精神,勇于探索和 创新

  • Valentin Alexandrovich serov the most famous artist from 19th century to 20th century in Russia combined with gift assiduity and luck plays a very important role in the history of fine arts in Russian or even in the whole world .

    俄罗斯十九世纪至二十世纪著名的绘画大师 谢洛夫,集天赋、勤奋、机遇三大成功重要因素于一身,在俄罗斯乃至世界美术史上占有极其重要的位置。

  • Locals avoid it with almost the same assiduity as empty cabs do meaning once you 're in there 's no quick escape .

    当地人都 唯恐避之不及,空出租车也一样 &也就是说,你 一朝 进去,就甭 很快出来了。

  • Bearing in mind the company spirit no accumulation no success we work with assiduity .

    我们本着没有积累就没有成功的企业 理念认真做好