witch doctor

[wɪtʃ ˈdɑktɚ][witʃ ˈdɔktə]


  • But constant to know to disease with people cure witch begin separate doctor appear pay attention to behind historical stage as one job become the lowly job in minds of people instead .

    但是随着人们对疾病的不断认识,医 开始分离, 医生作为一种职业出现在历史舞台后却没有得到重视,反而成为人们心目中卑贱的职业。

  • It fits the style and feel of the witch doctor class and it 's a fun and useful skill .

    它很适合 巫医,它是一个有趣的和有用的技巧。

  • Witch doctor can cast out locus swarm which spreads between targets and deals damage .


  • Let 's have a witch doctor sift through bones .

    我们让一个 女巫 蛊惑人心。

  • Witch doctor also has a mass fear type of ability .


  • I probably could use some help from an old witch doctor like you .

    我想去 找找 巫师,也许能行。

  • You 're telling me I should take my daughter to a witch doctor .

    你是叫我带女儿找 巫医的吗?

  • Witch-doctors believed to have supernatural powers The witch doctor ? he repeated incredulously .


  • Necro fans on the other hand probably won 't be too thrilled to learn of his disappearance despite the Witch Doctor class 's similarities .

    另一方面,男巫的粉丝应该不会因为这个职业的消失而紧张,因为 巫医是很类似与男巫的一个职业。

  • People around here call him a witch doctor .

    住在周围的人说他是个 巫医

  • Along with the increasing immigration from China mainland to Taiwan island health of folklore and gods from China mainland were introduced into Taiwan hence the period of witch doctor in Taiwan featuring the correlation of both .

    随着大陆移居台湾民众不断增加,他们出于保健医疗之需要将大陆民俗保健及神祗保健引进台湾,从而形成台湾 巫医时代二者相关的特点。

  • For instance people may have noticed that a few of the witch doctor skills refer to a damage type called black magic .

    举例来说,大家可能注意到了现在 巫医的某几个技能会造成“黑魔法”类型的伤害。

  • Just a few years ago giving away a full free version of Office would have earned a Microsoft chief executive a visit from a witch doctor .

    就在几年前,如果微软首席执行官做出免费提供 Office完整版的决定,人们会 以为

  • He 's a local juju man witch doctor .

    他是当地的术士,是个 巫师

  • A Study on Doctor and Witch Doctor as Same Source


  • This attitude coupled with a degree of witch doctor chemistry surrounding admixtures had led to a slow and reluctant acceptance of these materials .

    对外加剂的化学作用带有某种程度“ 巫医”的看法,使得这些材料的应用缓慢而勉强。

  • We 're not specifically designing the witch doctor to leave room for a necromancer class .

    我们在设计 巫医 职业时并没有特意为亡灵巫师留下空间。

  • Its content is diverse and can be summed up as the witch doctor treatment soil medical treatment and Western medicine treatment . Juxtaposition and coincidence of three types of curing behavior from different levels meet the treatment needs of the villagers .

    其内容丰富多样,可以归纳为 巫医治疗、土医治疗与西医治疗三种类型的治病行为,从不同的层次上满足了村民的治病需求。

  • Confucius said : Southerner have this saying'Men who does not persevere cannot be a witch doctor ' .

    孔子说:“南方人有一句话‘人如果没有恒心,不能成为 巫医。’这句话说得真好。”

  • 52 Comment From miber w_403 & anything new / interesting for the barbarian or witch doctor ?


  • Lim ji-oh are you a shaman or a witch doctor ?

    林智伍,你是 巫婆?还是道士?

  • Sorcerer and witch doctor grigri and juju are still an integral part of the African pattern .

    巫师和 巫医,护符和物神仍都是非洲型态不可缺少的部份。

  • The witch doctor may be a bit slow or at least it takes him a while to warm up in a fight .

    巫师或许在 输出 上面的确有点慢,或者能够认为在战斗之前他需要热身运动。

  • An Outline Medical History of Taiwan ( I ): The Period of Folklore Medicine and Witch Doctor

    台湾中医药史略(一)&台湾民俗医药与 巫医时期

  • If you say to a teenager a witch doctor springing Great Spirit can cure disease he is sure say out many theories that you never heard of before .

    如果你向一个青少年说 巫医跳大神能治好病,他一定会说你迷信。

  • This is not far removed intellectually from an African witch doctor 's ascription of cattle disease to the'evil eye'of a bystander and of bad weather to the unsatisfied appetites of an idol .

    这种行为,跟一个非洲 巫医把牲口的疾病归结于一个旁观者的“邪恶之眼”有什么区别?

  • Witch doctor using a fire bomb spell .

    巫医 正在使用火焰炸弹法术。