


  • In this paper the author does primary research on the changing of the rituals of praying for rainfall by sex witchery .

    本文就性 巫术祈雨仪式的演变进行了初步考证。

  • Meanwhile the concept of witchery inevitably involved in the process of the derivation of the Taoist secret figures . The Chinese characters were reformed by makers of Taoist secret figures and became the most characteristic witchery in the world .

    同时, 道符 构成过程中不可避免地 混入了一些 巫术观念,而中国文字先天具有的象征、象形性经过造符者的加工,最终使得道符成为世界 法术 行列中最具中国 文化特色的一 巫术形式。

  • Besides the taboos are closely related to the elements of witchery folk belief and traditional morals . 4 .

    除此之外,渔村禁忌还 巫术 因素、民间信仰因素和传统道德因素有着密切的关系。

  • Witchery Feature of Female Dress Adornment of Miao Minority in West Hunan Province

    湘西苗族妇女服饰的 巫术 精神特征

  • Therefore the demagogic witchery has been influencing the love of the ethnic people of Yunnan Province .

    由性爱 巫术 引申而来的有关“蛊”的 传说始终影响着人们的情爱 生活

  • The paper detailedly introduces the classification of the welding art and explains producing course and method of welding art opus . The particular art witchery and producing procedure are also expounded .

    详细介绍了焊接艺术的分类,并举例说明了焊接艺术作品的创作过程和创作方法,阐述了焊接艺术的独特艺术 魅力和制作工艺。

  • It symbolizes the continuation or interruption of clan and daily life and the relations between objects whether their mutual join or separate and so on it manifests the supernatural sacredness and witchery of fire .

    它具有象征家族、日常生活延续与中断以及通过火使物与物相互联结或分离等 文化蕴涵,显示了火的超自然的神圣性、 巫术性。

  • Symbol is a concept which relates to subjects on ways of thinking . In ancient times there has been symbol applied in witchery and myth .

    象征(symbol)是一个和 众多 人类思维有关的学科相联系的概念, 在远古时期的 巫术与神话中,就已存在象征的运用。

  • Xingtian myth was one kind of myths which produced during the period from religious myth to witchery myth .

    刑天神话属于 巫术神话向宗教神话过渡时期的一种神话类型。

  • The festival traditional customs preserve pure and simple belief and witchery ceremony .

    其传统习俗保留着纯朴的信仰观念与 远古的仪式。

  • In minority nationality regions where extant rock paintings concentrate the civilized period came much later than that in Central Plains the worship of nature gods and religious politics existed long as dominant ideology and witchery played a role of the stabilizer in the clans .

    岩画集中而 保存 完好的少数民族地区,在 人类文明时代的 地平线徘徊时间较长,自然神和宗教政治长期作为一统 思想 存在, 巫术是氏族部落的稳定剂。

  • Primitive religion includes worship of natural totem and ancestor Manitou concept witchery taboos religion festival and folk tales .

    原始宗教包括自然崇拜、图腾崇拜、祖先崇拜、神灵观念、 巫术、禁忌、宗教节日以及民间传说等。

  • A Piece of Witchery : a Play & Survey of the Witchcrafts of the Zhuang People in Sicheng Lingyun County Guangxi

    一场 事一台戏&广西凌云县泗城壮族巫术调查报告之一

  • A research on the changing of the rituals of praying for rainfall by sex witchery


  • There is an integrated system of witchery and ghost world in Luxun 's works .

    鲁迅作品中的 鬼世界是一个完整的系统。

  • There exists a common faith in the demagogic witchery among the ethnic groups of Yunnan Province and the erotic sorcery is one of the types .

    云南少数民族中普遍存在着有关 巫蛊的信仰,性爱巫术即属于其中一种鲜为人知的秘术。

  • The ghastly aestheticism can be traced back to the influence by the mysterious witchery tradition of Guangxi as well as the magic in magic-realism of Latin America .

    鬼魅的审美效果主要受到广西神秘 巫术 文化传统和拉美魔幻现实主义中魔幻的影响。