wind instrument

[wɪnd ˈɪnstrəmənt][ˈwɪnd ɪnstrəmənt]


  • Device in a brass wind instrument for varying the length of the air column to alter the pitch of a tone .

    黄铜的 乐器中改变空气柱的长度来变化音调的装置。

  • To produce a sound by expelling a current of air as in sounding a wind instrument or a whistle .

    放出空气发出声音,例如 风箱声或口哨。

  • From xiamen flute teacher to be good at wind instrument maintenance .

    来自厦门,长笛老师。擅长 乐器维修。

  • Master Huang : Is it a wind instrument ?

    黄师父:它是 乐器吗?

  • Musical wind instrument ( excl. organs and accordions )


  • A brass wind instrument with a range similar to that of a baritone voice . pitched an octave below normal bass instrumental or vocal range .

    上低音乐器指音域类似男中音的铜管 乐器声调比一般低音乐器或者低音域低一个八度。

  • Study and Analysis on atmospheric diffusion parameters in Chengdu Plain by using gill wind speed instrument

    应用三轴 风速 研究成都平原大气扩散参数及结果分析

  • Suona is a wind instrument in our national instrument .

    唢呐是我国民族乐器中的一件 吹管 乐器

  • The part of a wind instrument into which the player blows directly .

    演奏手直接往里吹的 管乐的一部分。

  • Because of the late start of normal university western wind instrument teaching the study has positive effects in promoting the highly development of normal university western wind instrument teaching and it be good for varies of required talents training .

    由于高师西洋 管乐教学起步较晚,本研究对于推动高师管乐教学快速发展,培养各级各类学校及社会需求的管乐人才都具有积极的作用。

  • It is the most popular type of folk wind instrument in Yunnan province most of which use copper sheets as their reeds .

    簧管乐器在云南民族 吹管 乐器中最为流行,品种既多又独特,它们大部份以铜片为簧。

  • The mouthpiece of a wind instrument . Uncle blew the dust off his book .


  • Lusheng ( a reed-pipe wind instrument ) and Bronze Drum dances are of this kind . The wind filled the sails .

    芦笙舞”、“铜鼓舞”都属于此类形式。这阵风把帆 得鼓鼓的。

  • Design of the portable intelligent wind speed measuring instrument in coal mine

    煤矿井下便携式智能 风速测量 的设计

  • A wind instrument with a free reed .

    带有自由簧片的 乐器

  • Blows the wind instrument music therapy to be advantageous to bronchitis as well as other respiratory disorder recovery .


  • The Dizi ( also called D'Tzu or Zhu Di ) is a side blown wind instrument made of Bamboo .

    笛子,是在一侧 吹奏 乐器

  • To Summarize the Wind Instrument in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

    中世纪与文艺复兴时期 乐器分类&西方 乐器系列研究之二

  • The lowest brass wind instrument . The Reason and Treatment Method of Sediment in Condenser Copper Pipe

    低音的黄铜制 乐器。凝汽器铜管内附着大量沉积物的原因分析以及处理方法

  • The French horn is the hardest wind instrument to learn .

    法国圆号是最难学的 乐器

  • Their band has some excellent brass players . To articulate notes on a brass or wind instrument .

    他们乐队有几个出色的铜管 乐器手。

  • Occasional music for a royal wedding the lowest brass wind instrument .

    皇家婚礼上的应制音乐.低音的黄铜制 乐器

  • Button control for wind musical instrument valves


  • Suona is a kind of national wind instrument with individual character which has a long history and popular in more extensive areas which has various of rich skills and highly expressive .

    唢呐,具有悠久的历史,流行地域较广泛,各种技巧颇丰富,表现力极强,是一种个性比较强的民族 吹管 乐器

  • It also concludes the art of nowadays'brass instruments wind instrument performer composer and producer and presents opinions on use of various kinds of brass instruments .

    对当今定型铜管乐器艺术(包括管 乐器演奏家、 管乐作曲家、管乐器制造家)进行了梳理。

  • Research and Design of Silicon Piezoresistive Solid State Wind Detecting Instrument

    硅压阻固态 测风 的设计与研究

  • On the Issues of the Similarity and Different Between Playing Wind Instrument and Singing Vocal Music


  • A Brief Research On the Lu-Sheng ( a reed-pipe wind instrument ) Culture of Miao nationality in Guizhou

    贵州苗族 芦笙文化初探