Windows default

[ˈwɪndoz dɪˈfɔlt][ˈwindəuz diˈfɔ:lt]

n.Windows 默认值

  • The default destination on the from exchange property page must be contained in one of the windows organizational units on the from windows property page .

    “从exchange”属性页中的“ 默认目标”必须包含在“从windows”属性页中的某个 windows组织单位中。

  • To configure your computer to automatically open windows explorer to the default location after you receive files Click to select the explore location after receiving pictures check box .

    若要将计算机配置为在收到文件后自动将 windows资源管理器打开到 默认位置,请单击选中在接收图片后,寻找位置复选框。

  • Windows provides no method to set the default process priority for specific processes .

    窗户没有规定的方法来定的 默认优先进程的具体进程。

  • Cause : On Windows Vista weak encryption ciphers have been disabled and only stronger ciphers are enabled by default .

    原因:在 WindowsVista中, 默认已经关闭了弱密码,仅开启强密码。

  • You can customize windows setup by providing a default name and organization .

    通过提供 默认名称和单位,您可自定义 windows安装程序。

  • Resets windows system resource manager to the default information .

    重置 windows系统资源管理器到 默认信息。

  • Default Viewer will use the default IE8 built-in viewer Notepad will display HTML source code on Windows built-in Notepad program .

    默认浏览器将使用默认的IE8的观众中内置的记事本将显示内置的 WindowsHTML源代码在记事本程序。

  • Second at the core of Windows are some security settings that are historically not configured to be secure by default .

    第二, Windows 系统核心中有些 默认的安全设置历来都是不安全的。

  • The Windows Performance Monitor is installed by default on all Windows machines and can be used to monitor a variety of system resources .

    默认 情况 ,所有Windows机器上都安装了 WindowsPerformanceMonitor,可以使用它来监控各种系统资源。

  • If you or the database designer set the database to display overlapping windows by default you can not enable document tabs .

    如果您或数据库设计者将数据库设置为 默认 情况 显示重叠 窗口,则不能启用文档选项卡。

  • An ODBC application is running on a Windows machine and by default the application is using the operating system 's code page which for this example is1252 ( Windows English ) .

    一个ODBC应用程序运行在 Windows机器上, 默认 情况 ,该应用程序使用操作系统的代码页,本例子中就是1252(Windows,English)。

  • All windows are moved to their default positions .

    所有 窗口将移动到它们的 默认位置。

  • While creating a new Windows Forms project is the same as it has always been the result gives rise to one of the first changes you may notice : default support for Windows themes .

    当像以往一样创建一个新的 Windows窗体工程后,你会发现一个新的变化: 默认的Windows主题支持。

  • This means that the failure audit and the error health-monitoring events are logged in the windows application event log by default .

    这意味着,在 默认 情况 ,失败审核和错误状况监视事件都将被记录到 windows应用程序事件日志中。

  • Windows that are closed in the default window layout are closed by the command .

    默认窗口布局中关闭的 窗口将由该命令关闭。

  • On Windows operating systems if this parameter is not specified the current instance will be used as the default value .

    Windows操作系统上,如果未指定该参数,则将使用当前的实例作为 默认值。

  • It 's like when you install Windows 2000 your default browser is Internet Explorer .

    就比如你安装了 WIN2000,那么你 默认的浏览器就是IE。

  • This article introduces right sort of Windows 2000 and discusses the relationship between NTFS right and sharing right and expounds methods of right 's setup and cancelling default sharing and outlines the main points in Windows 2000 's right management .

    文章介绍了 Windows2000的权限分类,讨论了NTFS权限和共享权限的关系,阐述了设置及取消 默认共享的方法,概括了Windows2000的权限管理要点。

  • Windows agents have a similar configuration file in the default location Program Files / IBM / SDP / Majordomo .

    Windows代理在 默认位置ProgramFiles/IBM/SDP/Majordomo中拥有一个类似的配置文件。

  • If no editor is registered for that file type the file is opened in the windows default application for that type .

    如果没有为该文件类型注册编辑器,将在对应于该类型的 windows 默认应用程序中打开该文件。

  • In windows users are able to override some of the values associated with the operating system default culture through the regional and language options in control panel .

    windows中,用户可以通过“控制面板”中的“区域和语言选项”来重写与操作系统 默认区域性相关联的某些值。

  • Windows could not change the default input locale .

    windows无法更改 默认输入法区域设置。

  • Windows Firewall blocks this connection by default .

    Windows防火墙在 默认 条件 会阻止这种链接。

  • Much like Internet Explorer is the pre-loaded browser on Microsoft Windows Android is the default browser on the Android operating system as Safari is on IOS .

    如同InternetExplorer是微软 Windows操作系统中预装的浏览器一样,安卓也是安卓操作系统 默认的浏览器,同样iOS的 默认浏览器是Safari。

  • Windows will use default settings to install the software for this hardware device .

    windows会使用 默认设置来为这个硬件设备安装软件。

  • Due to the limitation on the number of characters in Windows path names you may incur problems if you accept the default .

    由于 Windows路径名的字符数限制,如果接受 缺省 ,可能会遇到问题。

  • For information about making the player the default program for all media files and autoplay see change which programs windows uses by default .

    有关使播放机成为所有媒体文件和自动播放的默认程序的信息,请参阅更改 windows 默认使用的程序。

  • Cause : Performance improvements and support for the OCSP protocol were made to Windows Vista enabling WININET to improve security by enabling revocation checking by default .

    原因: WindowsVista中对性能作出的改进以及对OCSP协议的支持,通过 默认开启撤回检查,使得WININET安全性得到了提升。

  • Microsoft claims that the structure of storage will be a future Windows is the default file format .

    微软公司声称结构化存储将是未来 Windows 缺省文件格式。 MS-Office就已经大量的 使用结构化存储。