


  • The loss is 6 times of that caused by natural disasters ( earthquake windstorm flood fire and so on ) .

    腐蚀损失为自然灾害(地震、 风灾、水灾、火灾等)损失 总和的6倍。

  • This test has opened up a new way for breeding of Chinese White Pop - lar in windstorm sandstorm and drought region .

    这项试验为在 风沙、干旱地区繁殖毛白杨开辟了一条新的途径。

  • In this paper the Eurasia data ( from 8th to 11th of Oct 2003 ) has been used to diagnose and analyze the reason how the multi-cell linear windstorm develops and grows in the coastland of northern Zhejiang Province .

    本文应用2003年8月8~11日的欧亚环境场资料,对浙北沿海一次多单体线性 风暴 天气过程的发生成因进行诊断分析;

  • About the disaster of the cranes caused by windstorm the traditional view is that when the actual wind speed exceeded the designing wind speed the quayside container cranes will capsize .

    针对岸桥的 风灾事故,传统的观点认为是实际风速超过设计风速而导致岸桥被风吹翻。

  • Numerical simulation of severe downslope windstorm and its high-level turbulent zone

    一次强下坡 风暴及其空中湍流区的数值模拟

  • When a fierce windstorm blows away Little Hedgehog 's nest he puts on his winter clothes and sets off for Badger 's warm house .

    一场可怕的 暴风 吹走了小刺猬的小窝,他穿上暖暖的外套向獾家走去。

  • His painting Windstorm in Wastel and won the Golden award in an International Youth art Festival .

    在国际青年艺术节获金奖的“ 洪荒风雪”就是在这一时期创作的。

  • A windstorm in Washington is causing power outages throughout the region .


  • One person was killed and15 were injured at a country music festival near the western Canadian city of Edmonton on Saturday when the main stage collapsed during a severe windstorm police said .

    加拿大警方称,上周六,在加拿大西部城市埃德蒙顿附近举行的一场音乐节 遭到 风暴 袭击引发了舞台坍塌,造成1人死亡,15人受伤。

  • Windstorm Disaster Prevention Model and Control System for Greenhouse in Coastal Areas

    沿海地区温室的 风灾防御模式及自动测控的研究

  • Besides the disasters of flood and droughts heavy disasters such as plague of insects windstorm hail and icy snow calamity took place occasionally in the later stage of Qing dynasty in Hunan .

    除水旱灾害之外,清代后期对湖南危害较大的灾种主要为虫灾, 风灾、雹灾、冰冻雪灾偶有发生。

  • Analysis of the multi-cell linear windstorm in the coastland of Northern Zhejiang Province

    浙北沿海一次多单体线性 风暴 天气 过程分析

  • Therefore we neglect the bright moonlight and hurry up to be well prepared for the windstorm beforehand .

    于是我们忽略了皎洁的月光,急急忙忙做好 风暴 来临前的 一切准备。

  • God is like a praerie windstorm .

    神就像是平原上的 风暴

  • Plague of Insects Windstorm Disaster Hail Damage and Icy Snow Calamity in Hunan in the Later Stage of Qing Dynasty The snow calamity is caused by both nature and humankind in the northern prairie of China .

    清代后期湖南的虫灾、 风灾、雹灾和冰冻雪灾北方草原雪灾是天灾,更是一种人祸。

  • Forecast windstorm with doppler radar

    用多普勒雷达预测 暴风雨

  • Estimation of Optimal Size of Financial Subsidies to Banana Windstorm Insurance & Evidence from 681 Banana Planters in Hainan Province

    香蕉 风灾保险的最优财政补贴规模测度&来自海南省681户蕉农的经验证据

  • On the Huge Windstorm Tide during Historical Times in the Coastal Areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province

    历史时期江浙沿海特大 风暴潮研究

  • Because of hope the great tree of BK stood firm in the great windstorm .

    因为希望,佰科这颗大树在 暴风 雨中坚强屹立。

  • Whatever name is used a hurricane is a terrible windstorm ( 2 ) that includes heavy rains high waves and high tides .

    不管叫什么名字,飓风都是一种可怕的 风暴,包含着倾盆大雨和惊涛骇浪。

  • It was snowing heavily coming on top of the windstorm and it was too difficult for people to walk .

    天下着大雪,又加上 暴风,人们行走太难了。