window service

[ˈwɪndo 'sɝvɪs][ˈwindəu ˈsɜːvɪs]

[计] 窗口业务

  • Make a window handle file police in corrections transfer of registration fill replacement and other business reducing access to the original files of the time so that the people in the little waiting Vehicle Administration maximize the one window service benefits .

    可使窗口民警在办理档案更正、转移登记、补、换证等业务时,减少查阅原始档案的时间,让群众在车管所少等候,最大限度的发挥一 窗式 服务效益。

  • In the Services window start the newly created TM1 service .

    在Services 窗口中,启动新创建的TM1 服务

  • In the Web services window highlight the service name .

    在Web服务 窗口中,高亮 服务名称。

  • Looking forward to the window of community service be beneficial to the improvement .

    期待能对社区 窗口 服务 工作的完善有所裨益。

  • This will open a new window where you can name the Web service .

    这将打开一个新 窗口,可以在此命名Web 服务

  • In the company to play a unique role : as a user of the unified company to face the window expand one-stop service launched a successful sales and maintenance services were single ;

    在公司经营中发挥独一无二的作用:作为公司面对用户的统一 窗口,拓展一站式 服务,成功的开展了销售和维修派单服务;

  • The establishment of the system for highway brings results to achieve a unified service window unified service platform unified management provides the decision data thus realizing the take the customer as the center of the modern enterprise management concepts .

    该系统的建立给高速公路方面带来了成果,实现了统一服务 窗口、统一 业务平台、统一管理流程、提供决策数据等,从而实现以客户为中心的现代企业的管理理念。

  • Living Library & Another Window of the Library Reader Service

    LivingLibrary&图书馆读者 服务的另一 扇窗

  • For providing constructive suggestion on practical design of medical system self-service terminal and its similar products and thus this can popularize the self-help equipments in the hospitals make the hospital reduce artificial window queue and add a new service manner .

    为医疗系统自助服务终端及同类产品的实际设计提供建设性参考,有利于自助设备在医院的推广和普及,减少医院人工 窗口排队,增加一种新的 服务方式。

  • Window service levels become one of effective assessment indicators of the level of local government work but also an important assessment indicator of the work of the various bureaus which is effective means of enterprises citizen participation in supervising the work of the government .

    窗口 服务水平成为各地方政府工作水平的有效考核指标之一,也是地方政府对各个委办局工作的重要考核指标,同时也是企业、市民参与监督政府工作的有效手段。

  • Creates a window of potential mismatch between actual and cached service information .

    在某一个 时间段,缓存的 服务信息有可能和实际的不匹配。

  • This property contains the start time of a daily service window for this instance of the receive service . The date part of the property is not used .

    此属性包含接收 服务的该实例的日常服务 窗口的开始时间。属性的日期部分不使用。

  • Online consulting is an important window to the modern libraries readers ' service .

    网上咨询台是现代图书馆一个重要的读者 服务 窗口

  • Click OK to save your selections and close the properties window for that service .

    单击OK保存修改,关闭该 服务的属性 窗口

  • The time window represents the requirements of customers on service time . Different time windows require the company using different vehicles assignment schemes so it can also cause the changes of total costs and total carbon emissions .

    时间 体现的是顾客对企业 服务时间的要求,顾客对 服务时间要求不同,也必然会导致企业的车辆指派方案以及总运营成本发生相应的变化。

  • The most important strategy of successfully managing a pharmacy is to try to make pharmacy become a window of medical service by studying its strategy and to win through the service quality and characteristic management .

    研究药店管理的某些对策,努力把药店办成药学 服务 窗口,以服务质量和经营特色取胜,是办好药店的一个重要决策。

  • If you had stopped scheduled tasks manually from the scheduled tasks window the service stops and does not initialize the next time you start the computer .

    如果您已经从“任务计划 窗口中手动停止了任务计划,则该 服务将停止,并且在您下次启动计算机时不进行初始化。

  • The Properties window for the MemoryStatus service

    图二MemoryStatus 服务的属性 窗口

  • Open the services window and verify that the report server windows service is running .

    打开“服务 窗口,验证报表服务器windows 服务正在运行。

  • Library is a window of information service in university . Analysing readers ' psychology and finding out about readers ' demands is the foundation which reflects the service standard of a library .

    高校图书馆是学校信息 服务 窗口,分析读者心理、了解读者的需求,是体现图书馆服务宗旨的基础。

  • The properties window displays the Web service request that you sent using the Test Client .

    属性 窗口显示您使用TestClient发送的Web 服务请求。

  • It also limits the availability window for the old Web service so Web service consumers are forced to upgrade to the latest version before the next release .

    这样还限制了旧Web 服务的可用性 窗口,因此在下一版本推出前,会强制Web服务使用者升级到最新版本。

  • The so-called advance intervention refers to the arrange window to forward proactively to service in-depth company visits on-site FAQ .

    所谓“超前介入”,是指安排专人提前主动将 服务 窗口前移,深入企业走访,现场答疑解惑。

  • Screen cap : Access_Lotus_DB-WSClientPX stage window showing the Stage tab selected and Web Service information completed

    屏幕快照:AccessLotusDB-WSClientPXstage 窗口显示了选中的Stage选项卡和已完成的 服务信息

  • This window allows you to view the service accounts .

    窗口允许您查看 服务帐户。

  • Out-patient department ( OPD ) is regarded as the window of hospital and the service quality offered here is closely related to the profit and reputation of hospital .

    门诊是医院的 窗口,提供 服务的好坏直接关系医院的效益和声誉。

  • The TV meteorological service is an important window of meteorological service .

    电视气象服务是气象 服务的重要 窗口之一。

  • The results of the experiment show that this method applied in an adaptive window control algorithm of the intelligent network service control point has good adaptability and validity .

    此方法应用于智能网 业务控制点(SCP)的自适应 窗口控制算法中,实验结果验证了其具有很好的自适应性和有效性。

  • As a window profession the service level of tourism industry has become the focus which arouses the common concern of the public .

    作为行业 窗口的旅行社,其 服务水平已成为人们普遍关注的焦点。