


  • The official receiver becomes the receiver of an individual debtor or provisional liquidator of a company when a bankruptcy order against the property of the debtor or a winding-up order against the company is made by the court .

    倘法院向个别债务人的财产发出破产令,或对公司发出 清盘令,破产管理署署长便会成为该个别债务人的接管人,或该清盘公司的临时清盘人。

  • Analyzed the relationship of parameters of complete cold winding drum 、 curing pressure 、 precision of finished product 、 steel plate size and the winding-up equipment .

    分析了整体冷卷鼓体参数、硫化压力、制品精度、钢板规格及 设备 能力 的关系。

  • The Enlightenment of the EU 's Prosperity and the CMEA 's Winding-up for the Development of Regional Economic Organizations

    欧盟与经互会的 兴亡对区域性经济组织发展的启示

  • Discharge of contractual rights and obligations does not affect the validity of contract provisions concerning settlement of account and winding-up .

    合同的权利义务终止,不影响合同中结算和 清理条款的效力。

  • On Directive of EU Reorganization and Winding-up of Insurance Undertakings ;

    评析《欧盟保险公司重组与 清算指令》

  • Admiralty bankruptcy and company winding-up proceedings are also undertaken . Most of these cases relate to employees ' wages and severance pay .

    民事法律援助也适用于海事、破产及公司 清盘 案件,其中大部分为雇员追讨工资及遣散费案件。

  • Any net sum shall be provable in the bankruptcy or winding-up or as the case may be payable to the relevant office-holder ;

    则任何净款额可于破产或 清盘 予以 确认,或须按情况支付予有关人员

  • An effective resolution is passed or a binding order is made for the winding-up of the JV company ;

    通过一个有效的决议或者因合资公司的 解散而制作的附带命令;

  • Chapter seven is about jurisdictions over bankruptcy and winding-up .

    第七章为破产和 解散管辖权。

  • To address the so-called too-big-to-fail issue work is under way to make sure large financial institutions write living wills winding-up plans that will protect customers investors and taxpayers from risks .

    为了解决所谓“太大而不能倒”的问题,相关工作正在进行,以确保大型金融机构写下“生前遗嘱”,即保护客户、投资者及纳税人免于风险的 清算计划。

  • Science and technology policy is a process comprising policy establishment enforcement assessment and winding-up which is the same as the other public policies owning complex system and abundant content .

    科技政策是一个包括政策的制定、执行、评估和 终结 环节 运行过程,它同其他公共政策一样,是一个复杂的系统,有丰富的内容。

  • A document to be presented to the High Court for an application to grant a winding-up order against a limited company .

    向高等法院提交之文件,用以向法庭申请对某一 有限公司 颁布 清盘令。

  • There were 400 cases assigned under the scheme for contracting out summary winding-up cases .

    根据 简易 程序 办理 清盘 个案计划,有400宗个案已予 判。