windfall profit


  • Financial truth behind the windfall profit in the real estate industry The industry profit also enter tiny benefit period after the inchoate exorbitant profits ages .

    房地产 暴利的财务真相整个行业经过高速扩张期后,步入了相对成熟期,行业利润也由刚开始的暴利时代进入了微利时期。

  • Financial truth behind the windfall profit in the real estate industry

    房地产 暴利的财务真相

  • Banking analyst Dick Bove of Rochedale Securities said in a note yesterday that buying some or all of MF Global might create a windfall profit for Goldman .

    罗奇代尔证券(RochedaleSecurities)的银行业分析师博韦昨天在一份报告中称,购买明富环球部分或全部资产有可能为高盛集团创造出一 意外 收益”。