windows text


  • The text put out the project that using Visual C + + develop the vibration signal testing and analyzing system under Windows Xp and Detailed discuss the design ideas design scheme the realization of software the pivotal technique .

    本文提出了在 WindowsXP平台下采用Visualc++编程工具开发振动信号测试与分析系统的实现方案,同时对整个系统的设计思路、设计方案、软件实现、关键技术等进行了详细论述。

  • You can customize the windows welcome screens using text and graphics .

    可以使用 文本及图片自定义 windows欢迎屏幕。

  • The paper puts forward an improved characteristic extraction approach in terms of information processing and the text classification and the source program of the approach are implemented in the Windows Platform with PHP and Visual C + + .

    本文在信息处理方面提出改进的特征提取算法,并且在 Windows平台下,利用PHP作为后台,采用Visualc++、PHP进行了 文本分类和改进特征提取算法源程序实现。

  • The components can show up in the Lotus Notes sideshelf as pop-up windows triggered by live text or in any other more sophisticated Lotus Notes extensions ( for example menu contributions ) .

    组件可以显示在LotusNotes的侧栏中,作为可由活动 文本触发的弹出 窗口,或者任何其他更加复杂的LotusNotes扩展(例如,菜单贡献)。

  • The earliest browsers were all text-based ( no fancy windows & just text on a screen ) .

    最早的浏览器都是基于文本的(没有漂亮的 窗口,屏幕上只有 文本)。

  • The text specified contains characters not supported on the windows code page .

    指定的 文本中包含 windows代码页所不支持的字符。

  • You can adjust your Windows Forms application to react to these changes by increasing or decreasing the size of the form and all contained text whenever the font scheme changes .

    每当字体方案发生更改时,可以通过增加或减小窗体以及所有包含 文本的大小,来调整 windows窗体应用程序以响应这些更改。

  • Use usual text size for windows .

    使用 windows常见的 文字大小。

  • The Windows Forms listview control can display additional text or subitems for each item in the details view .

    windows窗体listview控件可为“详细信息视图”中的每一项显示附加 文本或子项。

  • While there are templates that allow full control most applications will simply provide text and images that Windows will layout .

    虽然有些模版允许完整的控制操作,不过大多数应用只会提供简单的 文字或图片给 Windows排版。

  • This text is displayed in Windows performance monitor when a user selects a counter and clicks the explain button .

    当用户选择一个计数器并单击“解释”按钮时,此 文本出现在 windows性能监视器”中。

  • If you are using Windows Vista you must enter the information in the text bar in the Start menu .

    如果使用 WindowsVista,那么必须在Start菜单中的 文本栏中输入信息。

  • However the author ( or a visual tool ) defines sizes for dialogue windows according to the size of the text in the original language .

    但是,作者(或者可视化工具)根据原始语言中 文本的长度定义了对话 窗口的大小。

  • The text has introduced how to use Ms Help Workshop to develop Windows Online help system and how to apply it in Delphi program .

    本文介绍了借助MSHelpWorkship工具开发 Windows联机帮助系统的方法和具体过程,说明如何在Delphi应用程序中调用联机帮助系统。

  • When reading the rest of this article consider the use of Windows in the text to be typical but not necessary .

    阅读本文剩下的部分时,请将 中的“ Windows”的使用视为典型用法,但也不是一定要这样处理。

  • In order to avoid multiple PSDKs for different Windows families Microsoft implemented generic text characters or TCHARs .

    为了避免为不同的 windows操作系统开发不同版本的PSDK,微软制订了一个统一的字符串类型 TCHARs

  • ScreenTips are small windows that display descriptive text when you rest the pointer on a command or control .

    屏幕提示是将指针停留在命令或控件上时显示描述性 文本的小 窗口

  • It has many methods about share realization between Linux and Windows operating systems . The text base on practice and keystone analyzes that the samba kernel expression composing along with start-up and stop .

    实现Linux和 windows操作系统共享的方法较多,该 从实际角度出发,重点剖析samba的核心、语法、组成以及samba的启动与停止。

  • The mathematic model of skewed ellipse is relatively simple . It is very difficult to realize the drawing of skewed ellipse under Windows . The common method is to revise Bresenham equation when drawing the approximate skewed ellipse in the standard text .

    斜椭圆的数学模型相对简单,但在 windows 实现绘制斜椭圆时非常困难,常见的方法是在标准 文本中修改Bresenham方程来绘制近似的斜椭圆。

  • This paper discusses a test-question database of Electrotechnics developed on the Windows platform . By using Access ' 97 the authors help to overcome the defects of the other database systems which can not provide both graphics and text contents .

    本文介绍了一个在 Windows平台下开发的电工学试题库系统.系统以Access97数据库管理系统作为开发工具,很好地解决了一般数据库系统不能满足电工学试卷 图文并茂要求的缺陷;

  • The author discusses with examples the application of the text / video structure and the major problems to be salved and on the basis introduces the method of making the applied program with Visual C + + in the Windows environment .

    本文通过实例讨论了 文档/视图结构的应用和要解决的主要问题,并由此介绍了一种在 Windows环境下用Visualc++编制应用程序的方法。

  • This text synopsis introduced the environment of Windows the technique category of the interview WEB database the point introduced how the exploitation ASP technique visits the database of WEB .

    本文简要介绍了 Windows环境下访问WEB数据库的技术种类,重点介绍了如何利用ASP技术访问WEB数据库。

  • Or do we focus on integrations with the popular IDEs or text editors that a Windows or OS / X user might have been using when they first learned about Rails and tried the Welcome Kit .

    还是与现有的流行IDE集成,还是与 Windows或OS/X用户在开始学习Rails时所用的 文本编辑器集成?

  • Now all windows 95 users can quickly and easily turn their faxes into usable editable text

    现在 视窗95的用户都可以便捷地将传真转换成可编缉的 文本 文件

  • Second is a new graphics engine for Windows that will take advantage of hardware acceleration for graphics and text .

    其二是新的 Windows图形引擎,将会利用硬件加速来更好的显示图形和 文字

  • They are instead yellow rectangular windows onto which you can put some text notes .

    他们是不是黄色的矩形 上,你可以把一些 文字说明。

  • In vi any time a piece of text is deleted it 's automatically stored in a buffer ( like the clipboard in Windows ) .

    在vi中删除 文本的同时,会将这些 文本自动地保存到缓冲区中(类似于 Windows中的剪贴板)。

  • This paper points out the importance of localization application generality under multi language Windows . By modifying the text output API of standard Windows we present a solution to the problem of Chinese character display under multi language Windows milieu .

    本文首先指出了多文种 Windows 平台下本地化应用程序通用性问题,提出了通过修改标准Windows的 文本输出API,以解决不同文种Windows环境下汉字的显示问题。

  • On a Linux or UNIX system these private and public key pairs are stored in ASCII text files ; on Windows systems some programs store the key pairs as text files some in the Windows registry .

    在一个Linux或UNIX系统上,这些私有和公共密钥对存储在ASCII文本系统中;在 Windows系统上,一些程序将密钥对存储为 文本文件,一些存储在Windows注册表中。

  • Our must-haves were ubiquity ( i.e. a platform already available on Windows Mac and Linux ) zero install rich text and graphics support and high performance .

    我们理想的开发平台必须具备的因素包括:普遍性(即在 Windows,Mac和Linux都可用的平台),零安装,支持富 文本和图形,以及高性能。