women's liberation



  • Women gained political liberty after the Women 's Liberation Movement .

    女性在 妇女 解放运动后获得了政治上的自由。

  • The supporters think divorce represents social progress since it is related to the women 's liberation movement .

    支持者认为离婚代表一种社会进步,因为它与 妇女 解放运动相关。

  • Women 's liberation we discussed women 's liberation with the local women .

    我们与当地妇女讨论了 妇女 解放问题。

  • Don 't you believe in women 's liberation ?

    你不支持 妇女 解放 运动吗?

  • Research on Female Intellectuals ' Women 's Liberation Thought during the Period of Xinhai Revolution

    辛亥革命时期知识女性的 妇女 解放思想研究

  • When the women 's liberation movement appeared at first only a few housewives gave it open allegiance .

    妇女 解放运动出现之初,只有少数家庭主妇公开表示支持。

  • Women 's liberation and gay lib groups .

    妇女 解放 运动和同性恋解放运动团体。

  • Linda and Jack talk about the Women 's Liberation Movement .

    赞成和否决林达和杰克谈论 妇女 解放行为。

  • The American Battle for civil rights helped the battle for women 's liberation .

    美国人争取公民权的斗争有助于 妇女 解放的斗争。

  • She is a recognized leader in the women 's liberation movement .

    她是公认的 妇女 解放运动领袖。

  • Despite women 's liberation it 's still a man 's world !

    虽然 妇女 解放了,但这仍是一个男人的世界!

  • She decided to write a book in support of women 's liberation .

    她决心写一本书来支持 妇女 解放

  • This kind of evolution process not only reflects the achievement and limitation of Chinese characteristic women 's liberation movement but also raises challenges to the current feminism development .

    这种演变过程既是中国特色 妇女 解放运动成就与局限的反映,也向当前女权主义的发展提出了挑战。

  • The freedom to wear trousers became a symbol of women 's liberation .

    有穿裤子的自由成为 妇女 解放 运动的标志。

  • The women 's liberation movement adopted the designation as its own .

    妇女 解放运动采用了这个称呼。

  • I was in the first women 's liberation group that was ever started .

    我是最早成立的 妇女 解放团体的成员。

  • For all these years she has been committed to the cause of women 's liberation .

    这些年来,她全身心地投入 妇女 解放事业。

  • I challenge the assertion that there is increasing women 's liberation in britain .

    我对英国的 妇女 解放 运动正在日渐高涨的断言提出异议。

  • Agnes Miller was one of the earliest well-known leaders of the women 's liberation movement in the United States .

    阿格妮丝?米勒是美国著名的早期 妇女 解放运动的领导人之一。

  • Keeping or abolishing the streetwalker system is one of the standards to measure women 's liberation and social civilization .

    娼妓制度的存废是衡量 妇女 解放程度和社会文明水平的标志之一。

  • Does liberating women promote economic growth or does economic growth spur women 's liberation ?

    到底是解放女性权利促进了经济发展还是经济发展促进了 女性 解放

  • They think that the development of women is the important part of Chinese people 's all-rounded development thus women 's liberation is advocated .

    他们认为,妇女的发展是中国人民全面发展的重要组成部分,倡导 妇女 解放

  • Nowadays those who oppose women 's liberation go against the stream .

    现在谁反对 妇女 解放 运动就是反潮流。

  • The battle for women 's liberation .

    争取 妇女 解放的斗争。

  • The American women 's liberation movement was started by women who don 't want to stand behind successful men .

    美国 妇女 解放运动是由一些不甘心总是站在成功男人背后的妇女发起的。

  • Women 's liberation from the bondage of domestic life

    女性从家庭生活束缚中 解脱