



  • A new generation of wireless Ethernet technology could raise the bar for wireless LANs .

    新一代 无线以太网技术可能为无线局域网打开了绿灯。

  • Application of 3G and 4G wireless communication technology in ICT network model

    3G和4G 无线通信技术在ICT网络模式中的应用

  • A Bluetooth wireless data acquisition system with the masterslave network structure is designed with Bluetooth technology .

    利用蓝牙技术建立一个具有主从网络结构的蓝牙 无线数据采集系统。

  • They confirmed by wireless that she was picking up survivors .

    他们通过 无线电证实她在营救幸存者。

  • Wireless video monitoring network system has been successfully applied in railway tunnel construction .

    首次将 无线网络视频监控系统应用到铁路隧道施工中,并取得成功。

  • This combination of power and simplicity in wireless networking technology has led to its popularity and rapid adoption .

    这种强大而简约的 无线网络技术促使了其迅速的普及和广泛应用。

  • Localization of nodes is an important application of wireless sensor networks .

    节点定位是 无线传感器网络中的重要应用之一。

  • The wireless device enables mesh networking between laptops for information sharing and cooperation .


  • It has Bluetooth wireless and USB connections .

    它拥有蓝牙、 无线 网络和USB连接功能。

  • The network : This refers to the wireless and wired networks part of the Internet and the communication protocols .

    网络:指的是 无线和有线网络以及通信协议,无线和有线网络是Internet的一部分。

  • Meanwhile the system uses the mature CAN bus to realize the data transfer system with wire and wireless .

    同时,系统中利用了现在已经较成熟的CAN总线技术,实现了有线和 无线相结合的数据传输系统。

  • WCDMA base station coverage is the most important part of the WCDMA wireless network planning .

    WCDMA系统基站覆盖范围是WCDMA 无线网络规划中的一个最重要的部分。

  • This unit represents the network connection such as a wired or wireless Ethernet connection .

    该单元显示了网络连接,例如有线的或者 无线的以太网连接。

  • The layer protocol of wireless ATM ( WATM ) and its relative technologies are studied .

    分析了ATM在 移动 通信中的应用,研究了WATM分层协议及相关技术。

  • Power control is one of the most fundamental problems in research of wireless sensor networks .

    功率控制是 无线传感器网络研究中的基本问题之一。

  • This paper presented a key management scheme for wireless sensor networks based on polynomial computing and group designing .

    提出一种结合多项式计算和分组设计的 无线传感器网络密钥管理方案。

  • Wireless Sensor Network Coordinator Design


  • Is based on the convergence of advanced electronics wireless technologies and the Internet .

    以先进的电子技术、 无线技术和Internet的融合为基础。

  • As one of the basic problems in wireless sensor networks coverage reflects the effect of monitoring and tracking .

    覆盖作为 无线传感器网络应用的一个基本问题,反映了网络监测和实现目标跟踪的质量效果。

  • WiMAX the next-generation broadband wireless technology is coming to the Linux kernel ( 2.6.29 ) .

    下一代宽带 无线技术WiMAX也即将添加到Linux内核(2.6.29)中。

  • The client and data service center through wireless network realization the data transmission and exchange .

    使得客户端和数据服务中心通过 无线网络实现数据的传输和交换。

  • The first station processes facsimile data and voice data for transmission over the wireless link .

    所述第一站对传真数据和语音数据进行处理,用于在 无线链路上传输。

  • I hope this study will facilitate the development of CDMA wireless network system .

    希望本文的研究能促进CDMA系统 无线网络的发展。

  • With the development of UWB technology it is possible for wireless mobile multimedia to apply to MANET .

    随着UWB技术的出现, 无线移动多媒体业务在自组网中的应用成为可能。

  • The WAP protocol is the leading standard for information services on wireless terminals like digital mobile phones .

    WAP协议是用于像数字手机这样的 无线终端上的信息服务方面的最主要标准。

  • This paper presents a PTR80000 based on the multi-channel wireless smart Responder system design .

    本文给出了一种基于PTR80000的多路 无线智能抢答系统的设计方案。

  • Based on the analysis of error this article discusses the location precision of wireless network .

    利用误差分析的方法探讨了影响 无线网络定位精度的有关因素。

  • Capacity of systems can be improved when virtual MIMO scheme is applied in the wireless self-organized multi-hop network .

    将虚拟MIMO技术引入到自组织多跳 无线网络中,可显著提高系统容量。

  • The typical wired and wireless data transmission systems used in PHM system are also discussed .

    并对有线和 无线两种数据传输技术的典型应用实例进行了讨论。

  • SS7 is used in mobile wireless networks and asynchronous transfer mode ( ATM ) networks .

    SS7用于移动 无线网络和异步传输模式(ATM)网络。