work material

[wɚk məˈtɪriəl][wə:k məˈtiəriəl]


  • The theory which management creates value does not distinguish management work of material department from non - material department and does not distinguish exploitation work of capitalists from exploited work of employees by capitalists and does not distinguish production of surplus value from distribution of surplus value .

    管理劳动创造价值的说法没有区分 物质 生产部门的管理 劳动和非物质生产部门的管理 劳动,没有区分资本家的剥削劳动和雇佣工人的被剥削劳动,没有区分剩余价值的生产和剩余价值的分配。

  • However at present most semantic base construction methods are based on manual work . If we want to build a base which is applicable from the aspects of scale and updating speed lots of manual work material and financial resources are needed .

    但现阶段语义知识库的构建,多数采用人工构建的方法,若要构建出从规模和更新速度角度衡量均可以投入使用的语义知识库,往往需要大量的人力、 和财力。

  • JiNan Iron & Steel Group is a state-own oversize enterprise of which the Measure-manage Department is an important department . The main work include material and energy measuring data collecting instrument calibrating .

    作为国家特大型钢铁联合企业主要职能部门的济钢计量管理处,承担着济南钢铁集团总公司 物资计量、能源计量、计量结算数据出具和器具检定等重要的管理技术基础 工作

  • Just because of division of labour particularly the division of mental work and material labor it caused the separation of the way of thinking and the way of practice .

    只是由于分工的出现,尤其是精神 劳动 物质劳动的分工,才导致了思维方式和实践方式的分离。

  • Because the influence of temperature to tool area work material performance 's variety and the machined surface 's quality the research to temperature field in metal cutting is very important .

    由于切削时的温度场对刀具磨损的部位、 工件 材料性能的变化、已加工表面质量都有很大的影响,因而对温度场的研究也显得尤为重要。

  • With the developing of modern manufacturing technology high speed cutting high efficiency cutting and high performance of work material have been the characteristics of metal cutting .

    随着制造技术的发展,金属切削已呈现出高速高效、高加工要求和 工件 材料高性能等特点。

  • Ceramic grinding parameters include grinding depth work piece material properties wheel parameters and so on .

    陶瓷磨削参数包括磨削用量、 材料力学性能、砂轮参数等。

  • It is the extra material work in progress material and material queued up for the next bit of work .

    它包括额外的原料, 生产过程中的 原料,以及接下来生产队列中的原料。

  • The conditions which have an important influence on metal cutting are work material cutting tool material cutting tool geometry cutting speed feed rate depth of cut and cutting fluid used .

    对金属切削有重要影响的条件有 工件 材料、刀具材料、刀具几何形状、切削速度、进给率、切削深度和所用的切削液。

  • A series of research work on material combinations of these matching pairs have been carried out using a self-made simulating test rig and the test results are introduced and analyzed in detail .

    利用自制的摩擦磨损试验台对摩擦副 材料进行了试验 研究,并对试验结果进行了分析。

  • Compared to the development of Ma Zu culture it research the work of material collection arrangement compilation are fall behind .

    妈祖文化的 资料搜集、整理和编纂 工作与妈祖文化研究的发展相比较而言是滞后的。

  • The results show that the shear zone of workpiece can be heated by electrical current to an appropriate blanking temperature in a short time interval which enables a sufficient reduction of the shear strength of the work material as well as the blanking force .

    结果表明,电加热可在较短时间内在 工件的冲切区形成合适的冲切温度,显著降低 材料的破坏强度,从而可有效降低冲切力。

  • In Crete Italy and Greece cyclopean work overcame material weaknesses by using enormous irregularly shaped stones without mortar thereby reducing the number of joints .

    在克里特岛、意大利、希腊,巨石 作品使用无砂浆、不规则形状的巨大石头,克服了 材质上的弱点,进而减少了接合处的数量。

  • Combined with practical work the material properties and preparation construction work of the new wear-resisting floor are introduced and from two aspects : the construction of concrete base and wear-resisting layer practical construction measures are elaborated . Cost-effectiveness analysis shows good construction effect has been acquired .

    结合 工程实例,介绍了新型耐磨地面施工的 材料性能及施工准备工作,从混凝土基层、耐磨层的施工两方面就其施工工艺措施进行了阐述,经分析其技术经济效果相当可观。

  • The electrodes and the connecting lines of a9V cell welded by the contact welding machine has the advantages of firm welding points high work efficiency material saving and no pollution .

    用这种碰焊机焊接9V电池双极连线,焊接处牢固、 工效高、节约 物料且无污染。

  • We had to work from material that was both complex and recondite .

    我们不得不从复杂而又难懂的 材料 着手

  • In the process of china 's modernization we must always work for material progress and at the same time for cultural and ethical progress .

    在我国现代化过程中,我们必须始终坚持一手 物质文明,一手抓精神文明。

  • Through the study on some ancient literature the system of engineering management including quality schedule work and material in Song Dynasty is explored .

    该文试图以有限的文献资料,对宋代营造中的质量责任制、进度控制和 工料 关防等工程管理制度进行探讨。

  • In 2010 two University of Manchester researchers won a Nobel Prize in physics for their work on a material called graphene .

    2010年,曼彻斯特大学(UniversityofManchester)的两名研究人员因为在石墨烯 材料领域的 工作而荣获诺贝尔物理学奖。

  • Have satisfied every work of material stock control in an all-round way .

    较全面满足了 材料商品配送中心库存的各项 工作

  • According to linear programming and shadow price theory the author analyzes the problem of optimization in material supply puts forward the method of optimization and points out the way forward for improving the work in material supply .

    应用线性规划方法及影子价格理论对物资供应的优化问题进行了分析,给出了物资调配的优化方法,为改善 物资供应 工作指出了方向。

  • The cutting force in helical milling are modeled based on a predictive machining theory in which the machining characteristic factors are predicted from input data of fundamental work piece material properties tool geometry and cutting conditions .

    螺旋周铣的铣削力都是基于预测加工理论,通过实验 工件 材料性质、刀具几何结构和切削条件来预测表面质量影响因素。

  • Scheme Analysis Optimization for Transportation of Work Material in Waterpower Project Construction

    大中型水电工程施工 场内 物料最优运输方案分析

  • Through the whole operation of stocking management the information steam accompanies all the material actions and all other administrative actions so how to lay out the functional requirement of the information system and construct its structure are the key work of material management .

    在整个物资管理的运作中,信息流一直伴随着各项物流活动及其他行政支持活动。因此,如何规划 物资管理信息系统的功能需求,建立合理的功能架构是 物资管理规划与 实践的关键。

  • Using Nd : YLF as work material of pre-amplifier in order to match the gain peak of Nd : glass used in main amplifier .

    为与主放大器 工作 物质钕玻璃的峰值增益相匹配,采用Nd:YLF作为预放大器的 工作 物质

  • The Development of the Cold Work Roll Material and Its Manufacturing Technique

    轧辊 材料及制造技术的发展

  • Toughness & Even though the tool is hard it should have enough toughness to withstand the impact loads that come in the beginning of cut or force fluctuations due to imperfections in the work material .

    韧性&虽然刀具是坚硬的,但也应有足够的韧性以经受住冲击载荷,这些载荷来自于切削的开始或由于 工件 材料的缺陷而产生的作用力波动。

  • As a large state owned enterprise Bohai Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Corporation has always attached great importance to the material management . As the guarantee of manufacture work material management should be the reasonable and the order .

    物资管理合理有序是保证一线生产 工作的前提条件,对于促进造船工业转换造船模式、提高整体素质和竞争,具有重要意义。作为国有大型企业,渤船重工一直非常重视物资管理 工作

  • This paper presents the information of the effect measured with a tele-strain-meter of work material feed cutting speed depth of cut number of teeth and helix angle etc.

    本文在高速滚齿机上,利用遥测应变仪,测定了 工件 材料,进给量,切削深度,切削速度,齿轮齿数及螺旋角等对力矩的影响,并得出径节为8时的力矩公式。