work measurement

[wɚk ˈmɛʒəmənt][wə:k ˈmeʒəmənt]


  • Empirical study on acceptability of methods of work measurement of knowledge worker

    知识员工 工作 测量方法认可度实证研究

  • Work Function Measurement and Studies of Cs Na Yb and Other Metals With Solid Ammonia

    铯钠镱和其它金属与固体氨 函数的 测量和研究

  • The paper also uses work measurement method to measure operation time calculate standard working time and production pacing . According to current operations arrangement it identifies that production line is unbalancing operators ' usage is low and some usage are only 60 % or so .

    同时,论文还使用 作业 测定方法,测定生产线作业时间并计算其标准工时和生产节拍,通过现有作业操作安排,发现生产线不平衡,员工利用率不足,有的利用率只有60%左右。

  • Those laboratories officially recognized by China National Accreditation Board for Laboratories ( CNAL ) can undertake the work of measurement and calibration .

    凡正式通过国家实验室认可(CNAL)的实验室都可以对外开展 检测和校准 工作

  • Several Experiences of Records Management Work in Measurement Technique

    浅谈 计量技术档案管理 工作中的几点体会

  • Research on Problems in Application of Work Measurement Technology

    作业 测定技术应用中的问题研究

  • Work measurement on mental workers can be supported through this research .

    本项研究为脑力劳动 工作 测量提供了一定的依据。

  • Studies of Photoemission From Yb and Solid Ammonia and Their Work Function Measurement

    镱和固体氨的光电发射谱研究及其 函数的 测量

  • It is demonstrated that the local work function measurement by STM is a powerful way to identify different elements with nanometer resolution .

    这一工作表明,用 测量局域 函数的方法容易区分表面上不同的元素,并具有纳米尺度的空间分辨率。

  • A Knowledge Work Measurement Approach and its Application Based on Processes

    基于过程的知识型 劳动 度量方法及其应用研究

  • Interaction of oxygen with Ag and Ag-Pd alloy by work function measurement

    函数 测量研究氧与银和银-钯合金表面的相互作用

  • Guided by fit mechanism of information processing this paper compared work measurement methods in different contexts .

    基于信息处理匹配机制,我们比较分析了各种 工作 测量方法在不同的信息处理需求和信息处理能力的工作测量中的适用性。

  • In this dissertation the characters of a knowledge work process are analyzed and then a knowledge work measurement approach based on the process is presented and as an example of the approach application an engineering design work process analysis is made .

    文章分析了知识型劳动的特点,提出了一种基于过程的知识型 劳动 度量方法,并以工程设计劳动过程为例,给出了方法的应用分析。

  • First of all the paper expatiate the basic methods of work measurement and standard time measurement methods based on the stopwatch .

    论文首先阐述了 作业 测定基本方法与基于秒表法的标准工时测定方法。

  • The nature of inspection work is measurement .

    检测 工作的本质就是 测量

  • The work of measurement examination and determination shall be conducted on the principle of economy rationality and geographical proximity and it should not be restricted by administrative divisions and departmental jurisdiction .

    计量检定 工作应当符合经济合理、就地就近的原则,不受行政区划和部门管辖的限制。

  • Control for Earth Work Measurement of Highway Subgrade

    高速公路路基 土石方 计量控制

  • Large work piece measurement ( such as1000mmx1000mm ) has larger influences on the machine performance .

    较大 工件 测量(例如1000mmx1000mm)会对机器性能具有较大影响。

  • Work Measurement of CNC Panel Cutting Center for Panel Furniture Manufacturing

    板式家具生产中数控裁板中心的 作业 测定

  • Work measurement and motion analysis belong to the important methods of providing higher work efficiency safer performance more comfortable environment as well as better work quality .

    工作 测量和动作分析是提高作业效率、改善作业安全和舒适度、提高作业质量的重要方法。

  • A Study of the Feasibility of Work Measurement on mental Work

    脑力劳动 工作 测量的可行性研究

  • On the base of work field measurement and control of boilers the field data measured and controlled could be real-time published to and shared in intranet with network technique so that the manage officers of enterprises can real-time understand the working situation of boilers .

    在锅炉现场 测控的基础上,利用网络技术实现了现场测控数据在企业内部网上实时发布、共享,使企业技术管理人员能通过网络实时了解锅炉现场设备运行情况。

  • This bridges the mathematical methods and knowledge work measurement also provides a foundation for the theoretical research and practical guidance of knowledge work productivity measurement . 4 .

    连续的知识 工作 效用 函数的存在性和唯一性,为数学方法应用于知识 工作 测量、知识工作生产率计量的理论研究和实践指导架起了一座桥梁。

  • Surface shape error is the deviation between the actual shape and the desired one of the surface . The main work in measurement of surface shape is to measure the deviation .

    表面形状误差是指表面实际形状对理想形状的变化量,表面形状的 测量主要就是测量这个变化量。

  • Therefore questionnaire census was conducted to testify its validity and relations between mental work measurement and time were built up .

    在此基础上,文章提出关于不同阶段与时间之间的两个“帕累托假设”,并通过问卷调查验证了有效性,建立起脑力 劳动 测量和时间之间的关系。

  • From the viewpoint of work study all kinds of man-machine relationship in furniture production which are the bases of methods study and work measurement were studied .

    从作业研究的角度研究家具生产中的各种人机关系,为进一步的方法研究和 作业 测定提供理论基础。

  • This paper gains the following achievements : ① Extracted by an empirical study the suitable dimensions of the design-type knowledge work efficiency put forward the unbalance of the efficiency dimensions and thus built a design-type knowledge work efficiency measurement model .

    论文取得以下创新性成果:①通过实证研究,提炼出度量设计型知识工作效率的适用维度,并提出知识工作效率维度的非均衡性,在此基础上建立了设计型知识 工作效率 度量模型。

  • The tacit nature of knowledge work challenges traditional work measurement approaches .

    知识型劳动的隐蔽性对传统的 工作 测量范式适用性形成了挑战。