with a vengeance

[wɪð e ˈvɛndʒəns][wið ə ˈvendʒəns]


  • Last night the girls came back with a vengeance .

    昨晚姑娘们回来 复仇

  • He now broke the rules with a vengeance .

    他现在 严重 破坏了规定。

  • The rain came down with a vengeance .

    这场雨 来势

  • In the second round of the playoffs Michael returned home with a vengeance & playing the Charlotte Hornets .

    在季后赛第二轮,迈克尔 对阵夏洛特黄蜂队时 复仇 姿态返回。

  • Why did Kent attack Leo with a vengeance a few days ago ?

    为什么肯特日前 激烈 攻击利奥?

  • Once Gretchen had left the office her doubts would return with a vengeance .

    格蕾琴只要一离开办公室,她又会 疑窦 丛生

  • Reality has struck with a vengeance .

    现实狠狠 报复 我们

  • I had expected that is would be hard work and hard work with a vengeance it was .

    我预料到这会是项艰苦的工作,结果它真是 极其艰苦的工作。

  • But the question of economic rationality has returned with a vengeance in the wake of the current crisis .

    但在此次危机过后,经济理性的问题已 卷土重来

  • US policy has implemented this doctrine with a vengeance .

    美国政府已经 不遗余力 践行 理论。

  • Whatever the truth Malak survived and returned with a vengeance .

    无论真相如何,马拉克幸存下来,并 复仇回来了。

  • After two days the infection came back with a vengeance .

    两天之后感染反而 越发 厉害

  • I thought my cold was gone but it came back with a vengeance .

    我以为我的感冒好了,没想到它这次 严重了。

  • We beat their team with a vengeance .

    我们把对方球队 落花流水

  • He 's been working with a vengeance over the past few weeks to make up for lost time .

    过去的几个星期以来他一直 拼命工作,要将失去的时间补回来。

  • We 're coming back with a vengeance .

    我们将 背负 仇恨回去。

  • But in 1949 Robinson began playing baseball with a vengeance .

    但是到了1949年,罗宾森开始在球场上 奋力 反击

  • The market has turned against the continent with a vengeance .

    市场已经开始对欧洲大陆进行 报复性打击。

  • Nor have the people yet turned with a vengeance on incompetent politicians or negligent regulators .

    人们也没有去 报复那些不称职的政客或疏忽的监管机构。

  • The disease came back with a vengeance .

    这种疾病又 爆发了, 来势 凶猛

  • We are going to spark public debates with a vengeance as soon as the reports from Fukushima are out .

    一旦 福岛核事故的报告公布,我们将启动 激烈的公众辩论。

  • I pushed the car with a vengeance .

    使劲 推车子。

  • If wise men play the fool they do it with a vengeance .

    智者干傻事,愚蠢到 极点

  • But no sooner than it evaporates from academia it re-emerges elsewhere often with a vengeance .

    但没有快比它蒸发从学术界,它在别处再度出现,经常 复仇

  • A disease that resurged with a vengeance is now being stubbornly maintained by poverty and social disadvantage .

    这一疾病 死灰复燃后,贫困状态和社会弱势地位助长 加剧 疾病,令其变得更为顽固。

  • It was also a year in which the twin forces of the market and religion suppressed and discounted for decades returned with a vengeance .

    这一年,市场和宗教这两股力量,在 经受数十年的压制和贬损后, 复仇 态势 卷土重来

  • December has turned cold with a vengeance .

    十二月已经是 透骨寒冷

  • Software with a vengeance : free and easy to use in your business .

    强大 软件:可以在业务中免费使用而且易于使用。

  • One might think such an experience would sour me to love and bring back with a vengeance my scowling hostility to romance .

    也许有人认为这样的一段经历会让我 憎恶爱情、让我对浪漫爱情的敌意重新唤起。

  • Greece 's debt crisis returned to financial markets with a vengeance as agitated investors demanded the highest premiums to buy its government bonds since the launch of European monetary union over a decade ago .

    希腊债务危机 引起了金融市场 剧烈震荡。忧虑不安的投资者对购买希腊政府债券提出了自10多年前欧洲货币联盟成立以来最高的溢价要求。