


v.(使)枯萎, (使)干枯, (使)凋谢( wither的过去式和过去分词 )萎缩,(尤指渐渐)破灭,消失

  • The grass withered because there was no water .

    草因缺水 枯死

  • In vegetable kingdom people find that withered trees can sprout ;

    人们看到,在植物界, 衰老 枯树可以发新芽;

  • The grapes withered on the vine .

    葡萄藤上的葡萄 干瘪

  • A withered tree comes to life again .


  • The flower has withered .

    这花已经 枯萎

  • Flowers have withered away .

    花已 凋谢

  • The leaves of this plant have become dry and withered .

    这植物的叶子已经 枯萎

  • They 're all withered not too many left .

    大部分都 萎缩 ,剩下的不多了。

  • The flower withered because of water shortage .

    这两 缺水,花 打蔫儿

  • The hot sun had withered all my plants .

    烈日晒得我的所有植物都 枯萎

  • The rest of the flowers have all withered .

    其他的花朵都尽数 枯萎

  • The autumn wind left withered grass and bare trees behind .

    草木 零落秋风后。

  • The hot sun withered the flowers and plants .

    炎热的太阳 使花草 枯萎

  • The flowers have withered away up w_65 .


  • As summer turned to fall blueberries withered and fell .

    当夏天过去,秋天来临时,蓝草莓 枯萎 凋落了。

  • A thousand sails pass by the sunken ship | ten thousand saplings shoot up beyond the withered tree . & new things ( or forces ) will always take the place of the old ones .

    沉舟侧畔千帆过, 树前头万 木春。(刘禹锡《酬乐天》)

  • When he went into retirement he visibly withered

    他到退休年龄时 老态

  • His fridge was bare apart from three very withered tomatoes

    除了三个 蔫巴 的西红柿,他的冰箱里什么也没有。

  • She has one slightly withered leg noticeably thinner than the other .

    她有一条腿有点儿 萎缩,看上去明显比另一条腿瘦。

  • The summer heat withered up certain plants .

    盛夏炎热 使某些植物 萎缩

  • The flowers in Isabel 's room had withered

    伊莎贝尔房间里的花已经 枯萎

  • The flowers withered in the cold .

    花在寒冷的天气里 凋谢

  • The flowers in the vase withered .

    花瓶里的花朵 枯萎

  • In this paper the cause of leaf of confectionery sunflower turning brown and withered was analyzed .

    对微量元素缺乏导致食葵叶片失绿、褐化、 干枯进行了初步试验分析研究。

  • Trees and grass withered up .

    草木 枯槁

  • Many flowers and trees have withered this night ; Death will soon come and plant them over again !

    这天晚上有许多花和树都 凋谢 ,死神马上就会到来,重新移植它们!你知道得很清楚,每个人有他自己的 生命之树,或 生命之花, 完全 他的 安排 怎样

  • The approaching cold winter has withered grass and trees .

    寒冬将至,草木 凋零

  • The fig tree you cursed has withered !

    你所咒诅的无花果树,已经 枯干

  • The potted flower has withered and the leaves have all drooped .

    那盆花 ,叶子都倒垂了下来。

  • Is summer 's festival only for fresh blossoms and not also for withered leaves and faded flowers ?

    难道夏天的欢乐,只是为了鲜花的绽放,而非 枯萎的叶子和凋谢的花朵?