with the view of

[wɪð ði vju ʌv][wið ðə vju: ɔv]


  • Cultural Participation of the Youth 's Socialization & Studied with the View of Popular Culture

    青年社会化的文化参与& 基于大众文化 研究 视角

  • An exploratory analysis of the source and spiritual object of this evolution shows a close association with the view of scientific development raised inthe Party's17th Congress Report .

    探析这种嬗变的渊源和精神主旨,无疑 “十七大”报告所提出的科学发展 密切相关。

  • With the view of meaning and understanding in cognition this paper puts forward the teaching principle and methods in listening comprehension to deal with the confusion and difficulties that the American students have in learning chinese .

    摘要 运用认知心理学 意义”和“理解” 理论来探讨汉语听力理解的过程,并针对美国学生在学习中存在的问题,提出对外汉语听力教学的原则与方法。

  • With the view of staff salary payment had two important functions of security and incentive .

    员工 角度 来看,薪酬具有保障和激励两大重要功能。

  • On the Ecological Civilization with the View of the Scientific Concept of Development

    科学发展观 视阈中的生态文明建设

  • The consent of two or more persons concurring respecting the transmission of some property right or benefits with the view of contracting an obligation a mutual obligation .

    根据这一定义,协议即两个或多个当事人, 为了约定单方责任或相互责任,就财产权利、利益的转移取得 一致 同意

  • Suspicions did not fail to arise in the minds of some that he had privately made away with his brother the late king with the view of marrying his widow .

    有些人心里不免怀疑他是 为了想娶他的嫂子,偷偷把他哥哥(已故的国王)害死

  • We give you this special accommodation with the view of cementing our relations .

    我们给你方这个特殊照顾是 为了加强我们的关系。

  • With the view of Marxism we can find out the subjective and objective reasons .

    根据马克思主义的因果关系理论,其原因可以从主观与客观两个 维度来分析。

  • Specially designed bathtub maximize the pleasure for the guest to enjoy a bubble bath together with the view of the bustling city outside the window .

    其浴缸的独特设计,让客人既可一面享受泡泡浴,亦可一面欣赏窗外繁华闹市 景致

  • Study on the Application of Metaphor in Product Design with the View of Consumer Psychology

    消费心理 角度浅谈隐喻在产品设计中的运用

  • Study the Cultivation of Contemporary College Students ' Healthy Personality with the View of Socialization

    从社会 角度 当代大学生健康人格的培养

  • Traditional Chinese national sport is a cultural tradition with the view of overall health the trace of pan-ethics and multiple personalities and closely combined with agricultural culture .

    中华民族传统体育 具有整体健康 、泛道德色彩、与农耕文化紧密结合和多元化个性 文化传统。

  • It is an effective approach to improve river water quality and to protect ecological environment by integrated management of urban wastewater with the view of better water quality .

    河流水质为 目标对城市污水系统进行集成管理,是改善河流水质、保护生态环境的有效途径。

  • The Spanish intelligence finances studies of the effect of physical factors on human organs and human brain with the view of making devices to cause dysfunctions of organs and mental transformations .

    西班牙情报部门出资,制造能导致人体器官功能失调和心理转变的仪器 研究对人体器官和人脑物理因素的影响。

  • With the view of the international law this article classified the cases that happened and analyzed the reasons that the Japanese court denied the claims in order to clarify the matters and distinguish the obligation .

    本文从国际法 角度,对截至目前提起的对日民间索赔案件进行了分类梳理,并针对日本法院驳回原告诉讼请求的理由和依据予以剖析解读,以求分辨曲直,澄清责任。

  • This contrasts with the view of many US businesses which believe they will need to buy cheap carbon credits from abroad if they are to reduce emission mitigation costs under a federal cap-and-trade system under consideration in the Senate .

    许多美国企业 观点 此相反。它们认为,根据美国参议院正在审议的限量及交易(cap-and-trade)机制,它们要降低减排成本,就需要从国外购买廉价的碳排放额度。

  • The study 's finding contrasts with the view of the International Energy Agency the western countries ' oil watchdog which has been a strong critic of WTI .

    此项研究的发现 激烈抨击WTI的西方国家石油监督机构国际能源机构(IEA) 观点相反。

  • The Lost Romance : Manifestation of Passive Romanticism in The Bridges of Madison County with the View of Alienation of Humanity ; Skyscrapers are also lavish consumers and wasters of electric power .

    失落的浪漫&从人性异化 角度探究《廊桥遗梦》之消极浪漫主义表现摩天大楼还是电能的过度消费者与浪费费。

  • Whatever happens let it flow away with the view of impermanence .

    无论发生什么事,都以无常的 认知它们去。

  • He is studying with the view of improving his grades .


  • The program was consistent with the Japanese view of their racial superiority .

    这计划 日本人的民族优越感共相 表里

  • Scenic Spots & Consideration with the View of Public Space

    旅游景点& 作为公共空间 一点 思考

  • Analysis of the Literature Collection in Ancient Times with the View of Cultural Value

    从文化价值 角度 我国古代文献收藏活动的特点

  • The Study on Educational Development in Rural with the View of New Countryside & Survey of Educational Status Quo to Junior High School of Kangle County Gansu Province

    新农村 视野 农村教育发展研究&甘肃康乐县初级中学教育教学现状考察透视

  • The joint operation of agriculture industry and commerce on the Basis of agriculture with the view of promoting the development of the urBan and rural commodity economy are our company 's thinking on development .

    农业为基础, 农工商联合经营,促进城乡商品经济发展,是本公司发展思路。

  • Beginning from the aim of the human social system the complexity of the social value of genetic technology was studied with the view of system theory .

    从人类社会系统的目的性出发, 运用系统 观点考察了基因技术的复杂性,指出 探讨了基因技术的价值难题以及解决问题的出。

  • In its statement UBS said the new capital strengthened confidence in UBS and the Swiss financial centre which is consistent with the view of our regulators .

    瑞银在声明中表示,此次融资增强了人们对“瑞银和瑞士金融中心地位的信心,这 我们监管机构 看法相符”。