without circumstance

[wɪðˈaʊt ˈsɚkəmˌstæns][wiˈðaut ˈsə:kəmstəns]


  • Without object doer and social circumstance three factors ' alternant affection of self-identity there will no formation consolidation and development of politics self-identity of contemporary undergraduates .

    当代大学生的政治认同其形成巩固和发展 开认同的客体和主体和社会 环境三要素的交互影响。

  • Our talent has historically come from every part of American society without regard to class and economic circumstance .

    从历史上来说,我们的人才来自于美国社会的各个方面,与阶级和经济 状况 无关

  • When we study a foreign language we may find that lack of vivid language circumstance is one of the biggest barriers . Even in language teaching classrooms especially those without native speaker teachers lack of vivid language circumstance may affect the quality of teaching .

    我们在学习一门外语时感觉最大的障碍就是缺乏语言 环境,甚至在语言教学课堂上,尤其是 母语教师教授时,缺乏语言 环境也会影响教学质量。

  • Generally speaking the nationalization of land adopts the method of natural transformation i.e. the state replace the collective to be the subject of rural land ownership without purchasing land from farmers under the circumstance that the collective is the nominal subject .

    土地国有化的方式总的来说是自然转化即在集体虚置的 情况 ,国家自然而然地接替这个虚置的主体成为农村土地所有权的主体, 无须向农民购买土地。

  • When the real injury party cannot be determined the residents without injurious action should not assume the vicarious liability . In this circumstance the victim will not be able to get compensations from the law of torts .

    当真正的加害人无法确定时, 实施致害行为的业主不应当承担替代责任,在这种 情况 ,受害人无法从侵权法上得到救济。

  • Composite foundation with cement mixing piles is widely used in varies projects because of it 's remarkable economical benefits and constructing convenience-shortly without circumstance pollution .

    水泥土搅拌桩复合地基,由于其经济效益显著,施工便捷 而又 环境污染,被广泛应用于各类工程实践中。

  • We must help lift people out of poverty without delay without prejudice no matter the circumstance no matter the locale .

    我们必须帮助人民摆脱贫困,一刻不能耽搁, 任何成见,不管是何种 情况、什么地方。

  • It uses computer simulation design with double magnetic poles structure to make the machine work long without troubles in adverse circumstance .

    其内部磁路采用计算机模拟设计、完善的双磁极结构,保障整机在恶劣 环境 故障长期运行。

  • Fifth the case trial time is too long or even the case is protracted without clear results . This circumstance causes the parties to be under much burden in the litigation and simultaneously influences the stability of social relation .

    第五,案件审理周期过长,甚至 久拖不决,造成当事人的讼累,同时影响了社会关系的稳定。

  • The BSD kernel people seem quite happy with the possibility of commercial products using their kernel without releasing back any drivers although it seems to be a rare circumstance .

    BSD内核的偏好者看起来能够坦然接受商业产品使用其内核 而又 向其发回任何驱动程序的可能性(尽管这种 情况似乎非常少

  • Martingale is the way to transfer the assets from a circumstance full of risks called P Measure to a circumstance without risks called R Measure . This change of the circumstance will largely simplify the deduction of the Valuation Formula .

    鞅评价方法是把资产从有风险的环境下,即P测度下,转换到 风险的R测度 环境 ,从而大大简化了外汇期权评价公式的推导。

  • The sublease without leaser 's agreement is an illegal act in essence so the rational view that the leasor can rescind the lease contract under this circumstance in the judicial practice in other countries should be adopted .

    承租人的自行 转租行为在本质上为违法行为,因此,司法实践中亦宜采用他国合理的学说观点,赋予出租人在此 情况下解除租赁合同的权利。