with prejudice

[wɪð ˈprɛdʒədɪs][wið ˈpredʒudis]

[法] 有偏见,有损,有偏袒的裁决

  • The American attempt for her monopolistic hegemony has been treating international affairs with arrogance and prejudice .

    为谋求单极独霸的地位,美国在处理国际事务 常常独断专行、 颐指气使

  • On this basis he analyzed the connotation of science and technology gave its rationality technology itself as value neutrality thing just became control tools with a value of prejudice behind the ideology .

    技术理性批判分析了科学与技术的内涵,赋予其自身的合理性,科技本身作为价值中立物,只是在控制自然观念意识形态 带有价值的 偏见,成为控制人的工具。

  • Even now women can 't enjoy fully promotional prospects with men as a result of the prejudice against them .

    即使现在,由于对女性的 歧视,女性还不能享有 男性完全相同的晋升机会。

  • I also entertain an extravagant hope that my work can be the one with no prejudice or discount but this idea has a farther distance to the truth as if .

    我也妄想我的工作能够做到不 偏见、不打折扣,但是这种想法似乎离真理的距离更远。

  • People with epilepsy can be targets of prejudice .

    癫痫病 患者可以成为 偏见的受害者。

  • The Parties each covenant that any of its cooperation with any other entity shall not prejudice or compromise any of its existing cooperation with the other Parties .

    甲乙丙三方承诺 其他企业合作时不得 损害各方已有的合作关系。

  • Never look down upon somebody with prejudice .

    心存 偏见去看轻别人。

  • Standing ethnic point of view intentions to close it understand it rather than abandon it with a new era values of prejudice .

    站在民族的角度,用心去亲近它、了解它,而不是 带有 偏见的新时代的价值观去摈弃它。

  • His novel is saturated with prejudice toward Christianity .

    他的小说 充满着封基督教的 偏见

  • Hermeneutic horizon is historical and open to evolution with the change of prejudice .

    视域具有开放性和流动性, 偏见的调整而发生变化。

  • However there are many problems on the image of lawyers in our society with traditional prejudice as a good case in point which we should take seriously .

    但是,律师形象的树立在现实生活中面临着多方面的困扰,例如传统 思想 偏见、现实的 两难选择等等,这些问题都需要认真对待。

  • 50 % people hope guidance from professional persons . Many people feared AIDS and with prejudice for HIV infected persons and AIDS patients .

    50%以上居民希望得到专业人士的指导,多数人惧怕艾滋病,并对HIV感染者及AIDS患者 持有 偏见

  • Those of you mistaking Turkey with countries to the south and east of Turkey should read and learn a little prior to posting their biased opinions driven with prejudice on here .

    那些把土耳其误认为与土耳其南部和东部濒临的国家一样的,在评论之前,应该多一点阅读和学习。他们这儿的偏激受其 偏见驱使。

  • It is the combination of these two deficiencies combined with prejudice about emerging markets and inexcusably deficient concepts of risk and uncertainty that lead to gradual allocation .

    正是由于上述两种缺陷的共同作用,对新兴市场的 偏见上风险和不确定性概念存在不可宽恕的缺陷,才导致了资本配置的转变只能逐步进行。

  • Born in England in1775 Jane Austen is one of the best-known novelists and social satirists in the world with works like'Pride and Prejudice ' 'Emma'and'Persuasion . '

    简·奥斯汀在1775年出生于英格兰,是最富盛名的小说家之一,同时也是社会讽刺作家,她的《傲慢与 偏见》、《爱吗》、《劝导》等小说获得了世界读者的热爱。

  • Protection Against Double Jeopardy in Normative Criminal ; Research on the Principle of Prohibiting Alteration with Prejudice in Civil Appeal Trial

    民事上诉 禁止不 利益变更原则研究

  • So you 're dealing with a man whose bias and prejudice are making him lose his mind his intelligence every day . He 's frightened .

    所以,这正在安排那个人的偏见和 成见是他不能自制,失去了理智,每天,他都受到惊吓。

  • With a strong prejudice against every thing he might say she began his account of what had happened at Netherfield .

    她一读到他所写的关于当日发生在尼日斐花园的那段事情,就对他的一言一语都存 极大的 偏见

  • This techno-chat program lets you talk about anything with everybody without prejudice because you can 't see them .

    这个网上闲聊程序让你没有 偏见 任何人聊任何事,因为你看不见他们。

  • Due to deep-rooted prejudice and different values the self-esteemed'objective'western media always cover news on China with bias and sometimes even prejudice said a netizen .

    “由于固有的歧视和不同的价值观,西方媒体自持的客观在中国新闻的报道方面存在偏见甚至有时是 歧视”一个网民道。

  • Issues Concerning the Principle of Prohibition of Alteration with Prejudice

    禁止 利益变更原则若干问题研究

  • Here we are not dealing with opinion or prejudice but rather with a non-verbal understanding of the implications and consequences of the flowering of the mind .

    在这里我们不是要谈论看法或 偏见,而是要在非语言层面去领悟“心灵绽放”的内涵和意义。

  • Some people think I am my body and treat me with prejudice or pity .

    有的人 偏见或者怜悯的态度对待我,有的人仅仅是好奇。

  • I had to contest with deep-rooted prejudice .

    我得 根深蒂固的 偏见作斗争。

  • He studied the non-western culture with the attitude discarding traditional western prejudice in his whole life .

    他终其一生都在 摒弃西方人传统 偏见的态度去探究非西方的文化。

  • With the social prejudice of the rise of cognitive psychology approach for intensified research on prejudice and the fine psychology passion for social cognition research also contributed to further development of prejudice .

    随着 偏见研究的社会认知心理学方法的兴起,对于偏见的研究日趋深入和精细化,心理学界对社会认知研究的热情也推动了偏见研究的深入发展。

  • AIDS however has also provided people with another reason for their prejudice .

    然而,艾滋病也给人 同性恋 偏见 提供了又一个理由。

  • I wish that every one who likes different team can part with prejudice and quarrel and enjoy fully the delight of football matches .

    真诚地希望每一个球迷能够抛弃 偏见和争吵,充分享受足球给我们带来的快乐。

  • ' Most chengguan are as grassroots as other ordinary people * They take the heaviest burden of urban management but they are treated with prejudice and bias ' the paper said .

    该报写道,多数城管都是与其他普通人一样的草根,他们承受了城市管理中最重的负担,但对待他们的却是 歧视 偏见。