with main strength

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  • With the reform and open policy China OEM enterprises grow stronger and stronger OEM enterprises make great contribution to the development of national economy and China becomes a big processing trade country OEM enterprises are the main strength .

    改革开放以来,我国OEM企业不断发展壮大,OEM企业为我国经济的发展做出重大贡献,我国也成为了对外加工贸易的大国,以OEM企业为 主体 力量

  • The burnt brick produced with zeolite as the main raw material is a new energy-saving wall material . Its most notable features are light in weight high in strength and good in energy saving .

    沸石为 主要原料生产的烧结砖,是一种新型的节能墙体材料,它的最显著特点是:轻质、 高强,节能效果好。

  • With the increase of the minimum horizontal main stress the operating pump pressure will increase the demands on the strength of propping agent and the flow conductivity will be more high ;

    施工泵压将 最小水平 应力的增大而增大,并对支撑剂的 强度及导流能力等的要求也越高;

  • Enterprises are becoming the main scientific research body under the background of the international current impetus and the further domestic economic reform which agrees with the new Company Law encouraging the company to become the main market strength .

    企业在国际潮流的推动和国内经济体制改革深化的背景下正成为科研主体,这 新《公司法》鼓励公司成为市场活动的 主要 力量相契合。

  • A notching die for punching narrow face and thick wall on tube with cone hole is designed . Its design principle die structure work process and design gist of main parts are elaborated . The check method of punch strength is presented .

    设计了一种在内孔为 锥面圆管上冲窄面、厚壁的冲槽模,阐述了其设计原理,模具结构,工作过程及 主要零件的设计要点,另简述了冲头 强度的校核方法。

  • In such society the study will follow with the people in its lifetime and will become the main strength fountain to strut life study the life long unceasingly study will be the society 's important characteristic .

    在这样的学习化社会里,学习将 人们毕生相随,并成为支撑人生发展的 主要 力量源泉,不断学习、终身学习,将是学习化社会的重要特征。

  • Combined with specific engineering it introduces construction method and main control parameter & technical plan on macadam pile treating foundation then forming compound foundation of altering pile and soft clay which improves shearing strength of foundation .

    结合工程实例,介绍了碎石桩处理地基的施工方法和 主要控制参数及技术方案,从而使地基形成置换桩与软粘土的复合地基,显著地提高了地基的抗剪 强度

  • With the accelerating process of globalization transnational merger and acquisition is gradually replaced by green investment promote foreign direct investment which has become the main strength of multinational corporations to participate in the global market competition access to the competitive advantage of important strategic choice .

    伴随 全球一体化进程不断加快,跨国并购,正逐步取代绿地投资,成为推动对外直接投资的最 主要 力量,是跨国公司参与全球市场竞争,获取竞争优势的重要战略选择。

  • With the world entering the era of knowledge economy today ethnology competitiveness especially the competitiveness of the original result gradually becomes one of the main factors to enhance overall national strength and decide the future and the fate of the nation .

    当今世界已进入到了知识经济时代,科技竞争力特别是原创性成果的竞争力逐渐成为提高综合 国力,决定民族前途和命运的 主要因素之一。

  • With the development of technology and the progress of the times the main competition between comprehensive national strength has been mainly concentrated in the areas of science and technology competition .

    伴随 科技的发展和时代的进步,综合 国力的竞争 主要环节现已主要集中在科技方面的竞争。

  • Compared with the constraints of the legal environment the main credit the national culture education and other soft constraints within the social credit environment and cultural sub-level of financial activity is more significant on the development of rural financial strength .

    相对于法制环境的硬性约束,内生于社会信用和文化子环境的金融活动 主体资信水平、民族文化、教育程度等软约束,对农村金融发展水平的影响 力度更为显著。

  • What the bond order of Sr and the covalent bond order of Sr-O in ettringite with strontium are higher than these of ettringite is the main reason that the strength of ettringite with strontium is higher than that of ettringite .

    含锶钙矾石中Sr的键级和SrO共价键级大于钙矾石中的Ca和CaO键.由此可以认为这是 锶硫铝酸钙水化 强度高于硫铝酸酸钙的 主要原因之一。

  • The results of analysis shows that the hull structure with the box-girders added under main deck improves the residual strength of ship resulting to improve ship survivability .

    研究结果表明, 加装 箱形抗损结构能够提高舰船剩余 强度,进而提高舰船生命力。

  • The extension pattern with the research institutes as the main body is strict and scientific and is welcomed by the peasants but the extension strength is weak .

    科研单位为 主体的推广模式严谨、科学,受到农民的欢迎,但推广 力度小;

  • Through experiments with aluminous sheets punch bonding mechanism and die designing are studied and main affecting factors on bonding strength characteristics are analyzed .

    本文通过 铝板件进行冲压连接实验,研究了这种冲压连接技术的机理和冲压模具设计,并 重点分析了影响连接 强度特性的主要因素。

  • In this paper a number of tension tests with single anchor have been performed by orthogonal experimental method to check the influence of 6 main factors on the failure strength of the anchor .

    利用正交试验法安排和进行了一系列锚杆拉拔试验,对6 可能影响锚杆承载 的因素进行了研究。

  • Combining with construction examples this paper describes main techniques in the application of high-strength concrete such as control of slump loss interface treatment of concretes with different grade of strength reduction of cement consumption etc.

    结合工程实例介绍高强混凝土应用的 关键技术,如坍落度损失、不同 强度等级混凝土之间的界面处理、减少水泥用量等问题。

  • The human with knowledge and technology ( the human capital mainly ) has become the main strength of driving economic growth and social progress .

    作为 拥有知识技术的人(主要是人力资本)成为了推动经济增长和社会进步的 主要 力量

  • HA is a new type of biological material which is very similar with the main inorganic constituents of human bone however due to its own poor mechanical properties low strength brittleness these cause it can not be used directly in human as biological materials .

    HA是一种新型的生物材料, 人体骨骼的 主要无机成分十分相似,但由于其本身力学性能较差、 强度低、脆性大,导致其很难直接作为生物材料用于人体中。