within living memory

[wɪðˈɪn ˈlɪvɪŋ ˈmɛməri][wiˈðin ˈliviŋ ˈmeməri]

[法] 自从记事以来,自有记忆时起

  • Within living memory these mountains were the home of the brown bear .

    大家 记忆中,这些山是棕熊的家园。

  • It was the coldest winter within living memory .

    当今 人们 记忆中那是最冷的一个冬天。

  • Wages were sixpence a week within living memory .

    周工资为六便士的年代, 人们 记忆犹新

  • The earthquake in San Francisco is well within living memory .

    人们对旧金山大地震至今仍 记忆犹新