without any exception

[wɪðˈaʊt ˈɛni ɪkˈsɛpʃən][wiˈðaut ˈeni ikˈsepʃən]


  • After five brightest nova eruptions in the 20th century there all occurred large floods of the Yangtze River serious droughts in China large earthquakes of magnitude 7.0 and over in China and influenza pandemics in the world without any exception .

    本世纪以来最亮的5颗新星分别在不同的年代爆发后,都出现了长江大洪水,我国都出现了大旱灾和7级以上大地震,世界上都出现了流行性感冒大流行, 无一例外

  • If you don 't believe what I say you may follow me and see that every beast without any exception will fear me .

    你如果不信,可以跟着我走,看哪有一只 野兽 不怕我!

  • All of the bauxites are formed by weathering without any exception .

    铝土矿全部是风化作用形成的, 无一例外

  • Especially the handover of sovereignty of it to the People 's Republic of China in 1997 this incident has exerted a far-reaching effect on its whole society obviously without any exception to its literature .

    特别是1997年香港回归祖国大陆,这个历史事件对香港社会产生了巨大的影响,香港文学也 不能 例外

  • On the basis of the guiding effect of teacher educational objective the countries all over the world pay close attention to the relocation of teacher educational objective without any exception .

    基于教师教育目标的导向作用,世界 各国纷纷关注教师教育目标的 重新定位。

  • Issues found in this phase will result in a UI change which will result in an element attribute change and the issues should be fixed without any exception .

    在该阶段发现的问题会导致UI更改,这将造成元素属性改变,应当确保 意外 情况下修复问题。

  • All levels of leaders without any exception should never abuse their powers .

    各级领导人 毫无 例外,都不应滥用职权。

  • All men seek after happiness and that without any exception .

    所有的人都要追求幸福, 无人 例外

  • All the business activities of the World Bank are subject to this rule without any exception .

    世界银行的所有业务活动,均得受该原则之 拘束无一例外