with a rush

[wɪð e rʌʃ][wið ə rʌʃ]


  • The huge wealth from oil and mining in the Middle East and Russia is flowing into fine art with a rush of new buyers entering a market that was already booming .

    来自中东和俄罗斯石油及采矿业的巨额财富正流入名贵艺术品市场, 大批新买家纷纷 涌入这个本已发展迅猛的市场。

  • Once I was dressed in the little bit of shorts I opened the door to the yoga studio and was met with a rush of hot stultifying air .

    一次,我穿着小短裤,打开瑜珈馆的门,迎面就吹来 热而闷的空气。

  • With a rush of panic he realized the rope harness held him captive underwater .

    随着 一阵惊恐,他意识到了绳索已经把他缠住,使他在水下动弹不得。

  • While Europe is dealing with the problems of ageing Asia ( excluding Japan ) will be trying to cope with a rush to the cities estimated at nearly 140000 people a day .

    在欧洲应付人口老龄化问题之际,亚洲(除了日本)将要努力 应付 大量 涌入城市的人口(据估计每天近14万人)。

  • Then light dawned on him and with it came a momentary rush of indignation .

    接着,他明白过来,并 随之产生 一阵愤慨。

  • Approvals such as those won by the happy mayor of Zhanjiang doubled in the first four months of this year compared with the same period last year building on a rush of approvals in the closing months of 2011 .

    今年头四个月,类似于湛江市长所争取到的那种项目核准批文,比去年同期多出一倍,而2011年最后几个月 已有 大批项目获得批准。

  • The woman 's large eyes a weak blue filled with tears and her story came in a phlegmy rush .

    那女人浅蓝色的大眼睛 充满了泪水, 里咕噜 讲开了故事。

  • The memory came back with a painful rush .

    往事又 突然痛苦 心头

  • This provides it with a rush of oxygen and sugars making complex calculations easier and quicker .

    提供给 大脑 大量的氧气和糖分,使复杂的运算更加容易更加快速。

  • Globally the evidence also said that anti-dumping complaints filed by unions and companies with governments were also down in 2013 indicating that a rush of new measures was unlikely this year Mr Bown said .

    从全球范围来看,数据还显示, 2013年,工会和企业 政府提出的反倾销投诉也出现了下降,这表明今年不太可能突然出现大规模新的贸易保护措施。

  • Bonnie came on with a rush her crisp black curls jerking her blue eyes blazing .

    邦妮 猛冲过来,她那波翻浪涌般的鬈发在头上动着,天蓝色的眼睛闪闪发亮。

  • A tallow candle with a rush stem as the wick .

    一种 灯芯草茎为灯芯的动物脂肪作成的蜡烛。

  • The waterfall came down with a rush and a roar .

    瀑布 奔泻,发出巨大的声响。

  • With the Spring Festival only a month away there arises a rush for overseas travel from Hefei tourists-to-be .

    离春节还有 多月,我市旅游市场已刮起一 出境风。

  • And Abimelech with his band made a rush and took up their position at the doorway into the town ; and the other two bands made a rush on all those who were in the fields and overcame them .

    亚比米勒和 跟随他的 队向前 ,站在城门口。那两队直闯到田间,击杀了众人。

  • It 's a fitting symbol for the city 's nocturnal nature which often culminates in summer with a bleary-eyed rush hour just before dawn .

    破晓之前的夏夜,雅典的夜生活通常会在人们 睡眼朦胧的时候达到顶峰。

  • So then he came with a rush and we shook and shook and shook till our hands ached ;

    于是他 了过来 我握手,握呀,握呀,握得手都疼了;

  • I worked in the post office for a week or two with Bob and a classmate of his sorting mail during the Christmas rush .

    我曾 鲍勃和他的 同学,于 繁忙的圣诞节期间在邮局做过一两个星期的邮件分拣员的工作。

  • But with economies still so weak remember Japan this should not dictate a universal headlong rush to fiscal retrenchment .

    由于各经济体仍然疲弱还记得日本吧不应强行要求各国统一 仓促 施行财政紧缩政策。

  • But pearl who was a dauntless child after frowning stamping her foot and shaking her little hand with a variety of threatening gestures suddenly made a rush at the knot of her enemies and put them all to flight .

    珠儿可是个谁也不怕的孩子,她在皱眉,跺脚, 着小手 作出各种吓人的姿势之后,突然朝这伙敌人 ,把他们全都赶跑了。

  • Eco-tourism with the theme of go to the protection zones and come to nature prompts a rush throughout the country .

    走向保护区、亲近大自然为主题的生态旅游 再度在全国各地 掀起 热潮

  • Instead of being able to offset a squeeze on margins with higher leverage and a rush into complex credit derivatives they will have to operate in straitened circumstances under tighter and more intrusive global regulatory oversight .

    他们非但不能 借助增加负债和 大举使用复杂的信用衍生品来抵消利润率所受的挤压,而且必须在限制重重的环境中,在更严厉和更具干预性的全球监管下运营。

  • First : My neighbor is very disgusting who moved here recently he rang the bell of my house with a rush late at night .

    甲:“我家新搬来的邻居好可恶,竟然 深更半夜 按我家的门铃。”

  • The tide comes in with a sudden rush here . The growth of rice this year is not so good .

    这里潮水 来势 汹涌.今年水稻长势不好。

  • The locked door flew open and with it a rush of memories .

    记忆的闸门突然被打开了,就 大坝泄洪一样 滚滚而来。

  • I 'm working harder than I ever worked with a shovel in the gold rush trying to help get the election organized .

    我比从前 铁锨 金矿 还要卖力,拼命帮助组织下 届选举。

  • One idea succeeded to another with a rush .

    一个主意接着一 主意 涌现 出来