



  • Goodbye Hanu . I wish you well .

    再见,哈努, 你顺心如意。

  • I wish it weren 't true


  • Pa I wish you wouldn 't shout

    爸,我 希望你不要嚷嚷了。

  • It 's a horrid experience and I wouldn 't wish it on my worst enemy .

    这种经历太痛苦了,我甚至都不 希望它发生在死对头身上。

  • A philosopher once said ' Be careful what you wish for ; you might get it . '

    一位哲学家曾说过:“别轻易 许愿——你可能会如愿以偿。”

  • I wish to hear the details of your adventure .


  • We can dress as we wish now

    我们现在着装可以 随心所欲

  • I found George 's story very sad . Please give him my best wishes

    我觉得乔治的经历很悲惨,请向他转达我最 诚挚 祝福

  • I wish to express my gratitude to Kathy Davis for her immense practical help .


  • Western leaders sent good wishes to the new American president .

    西方领导人向新任美国总统致以良好的 祝愿

  • The world is not always what we wish it to be .


  • I don 't wish to sound callous but I am glad I wasn 't here

    我不 让自己的话听上去麻木不仁,但我真的很庆幸我当时没在这儿。

  • I wish to take this opportunity to thank you all .


  • When we 're together all he talks about is business . I wish he were more romantic

    我们在一起的时候,他总是谈论生意。我 希望他能更浪漫一点。

  • I wish I could do that


  • I really could not have wished for a better teacher

    这个老师对我来说是再 好不过的了。

  • We have all wished for men who are more considerate

    我们都曾 祈求能找到更加体贴的男人。

  • There were the collaborators who wished for a German victory .

    有通敌者 希望德国获胜。

  • I wish for a room .


  • I just wanted to wish you a merry Christmas

    我只想 祝福你圣诞快乐。

  • I wish to congratulate you on your being elected as President of the General Assembly .


  • I don 't wish to see him .

    我不 想见他。

  • The decision was made against the wishes of the party leader .

    这个决定违背了该党领导人的 意愿

  • Who could wish for a better opportunity ?

    谁还会 企求能得到比这更好的机会呢?

  • She wanted to go everywhere in the world . She soon got her wish

    她想走遍世界,很快便 如愿以偿

  • Clearly she had no wish for conversation

    她显然 无意谈话。

  • I wish you would come back to Washington with us but that 's for you to decide


  • I wish you both a very good journey
