with a bang

[wɪð e bæŋ][wið ə bæŋ]


  • She slammed the door with a bang


  • The door was kicked open with a bang .


  • The birds flew with a bang of a gun .


  • The school year started off with a bang when I was named class president .

    被任命为班长的时候,新学年 非常 成功 开始了新的

  • This year started with a bang for Chinese tennis star Li Na .

    对于中国网球名将李娜来说,今年的开端 令人 振奋的。

  • The gun went off with a bang .

    放了 枪。

  • The enemy pillbox was blown up with a bang .


  • We 're out with the dithering we 're in with a bang a top Obama aide said .

    我们跟发抖,我们 巨响 相处 好,一名最高的奥巴马助手说。

  • And this first principle really starts us off with a bang .

    所以,在一开篇,这第一个原则就来 当头棒喝

  • When he lit the cracker it exploded with a bang .

    他点燃爆竹后,它 砰地 炸开了。

  • The angry husband shut the door with a bang .

    生气的丈夫 砰地把门关上

  • He would be happy to know he went out with a bang she said .

    “他将很高兴知道,他走的 轰动”她说。

  • His latest record has really gone off with a bang .

    他的新唱片 销路 好极了。

  • We 're in with a bang .

    我们 巨响 相处 好。

  • The signal pistol went off with a bang .

    信号枪 声响了。

  • The balloon burst with a bang .

    气球 爆炸了。

  • The firecracker went Off with a bang .

    炮仗 砰地 了。

  • The party really went off with a bang !

    聚会确实 成功

  • Not with a bang but a whimper .

    并非 巨响,而是一阵呜咽。

  • Her career began with a bang in 1986 .

    1986年,她的事业 一炮 打响

  • The firework went off with a bang .

    爆竹 炸开了。

  • Right at that very moment the father frog 's stomach burst with a bang .

    就在这时,它的肚子 巨响就开裂

  • This article shows you how to close your speech with a bang .

    本文会告诉你如何让你的演讲 结束时 获得 巨大 反响

  • He bowed out of world politics not with a bang but a whimper


  • Entering the house the door closed with a bang .

    那人进 屋,门 就关上了。

  • The man shut the door with a bang .

    那人 把门关上了。

  • She slammed the drawer shut hard with a bang .


  • The hills echoed back the noise of the shot The signal pistol went off with a bang .

    山里传来了枪声的回响。信号枪 声响了。