


  • We 've got to go to wispy sunny pines .

    我们现在得赶去 太阳松 精神 病院

  • A wispy little fellow with small hands and feet - Edmund Wilson .


  • On Earth white wispy cirrus clouds are made of ice crystals .

    在地球上,白色的 细小 卷云是由冰晶形成的。

  • You don 't have to be too perfect ; the picture should be light and wispy .

    你不用画得太过精细, 图画应该是稀疏有 的。

  • The problem with both ideas is that the nebulas are so distant and wispy that they cannot be observed in sufficient detail .

    两种观点的问题在于:星云遥远而 模糊,无法对其进行特别详尽的观测。

  • The government will support the market says a young man with a wispy beard and a winsome look .

    一名留着小 胡子、模样可爱的年轻人说:政府会托市的。

  • The corona 's rays flash out in a brilliant fan that has wispy spike-like rays near the Sun 's north and south poles .

    光环带的光束像一把流光 折扇,在太阳的南北两极附近形成纤细的辐射线。

  • Having glorious thick shiny hair herself that hangs all the way down to her butt she feels sorry for me with my wispy blond mop .

    她自己有一头浓密、闪亮的 秀发,为我这头 小捆蓬松的金发感到可怜。

  • In a market where according to government figures more than 50 per cent of investors are like Ms Wang the street trader and the man with the wispy beard what they think matters .

    根据政府数字,股市中超过50%的投资者是像王女士、街头小贩和留小 胡子 年轻人这样的人。在这样一个市场中,上述投资者的想法是很重要的。

  • A few bright wispy markings curl around the eastern limb of Rhea ( 1 kilometers 949 miles across ) .

    一些 明亮的斑纹缠绕在土卫五的东部。(直径1528公里,949英里)。

  • A wispy white cloud ( usually of fine ice crystals ) at a high altitude ( 4 to 8 miles ) .

    高空中(公里)的 小束的白色云朵(通常为细小的冰晶组成)。

  • Life in Color : Yellow A time-lapse photo captures the wispy steam and yellow glow of the Georgia-Pacific paper mill in Brunswick Georgia at night .

    生活在色彩之内:黄色。一幅在时间失误的照片捕捉到 飘渺的水蒸气和黄色光芒的乔治亚――太平洋造纸厂于Brunswick(德国中部),乔治亚,在夜晚。

  • Grey wispy hair straggled down to her shoulders .


  • We think of ghosts as wispy and translucent & a vaporous woman perhaps who floats down the stairs her dress trailing in the languid air behind her .

    我们 如今觉得,鬼魂 轻盈 飘渺&也许是个 朦胧的女鬼,从台阶上飘然而下,衣裙悠悠地在身后摇曳。

  • Do you want a wispy fringe or something heavier ?

    你想要 刘海还是 浓密一点的发式。

  • The half moon is hidden behind some wispy clouds .

    半轮月亮躲在 淡淡的云彩之后。

  • Their wispy dorsal fins contain toxin-filled needles used to dissuade would-be predators .

    它们的 束状的背鳍含有毒素-充满针刺过去常常劝阻将到的食肉动物。

  • The combination of chondrocytes matrix and visible wispy collagenic strands or fibers identifies this as fibrocartilage .

    软骨细胞,基质,丝一样的 胶原纤维,这些证明其为纤维软骨。

  • The turn against the notion of junk DNA they argue is based on overinterpretations of wispy evidence and a willful ignorance of years of solid research on the genome .

    他们认为,反对垃圾DNA的概念,不过是基于对少数证据的过度解读,以及对多年来 扎实的基因组研究的刻意忽视。

  • Fibrocartilage with wispy broad collagenic fibers predominating in the matrix .


  • Cherry-scented smoke from Grampy 's pipe kept the hungry mosquitoes at bay while gray wispy swirls danced around our heads .

    从祖父烟斗里喷出的白色烟雾在我们脑袋周围上下 旋绕,它们散发的樱桃香味使贪婪的蚊子 不敢 靠近

  • Slowly the blues were joined by soft pinks that found wispy clouds drifting by .

    慢慢地,朵朵柔粉色的云 纷纷漂浮 与这些蓝相 交融