within cry

[wɪðˈɪn kraɪ][wiˈðin krai]


  • Most of the baby in particular within three months of the baby hunger thirst when they cry the baby may have been accompanied by the sucking action .

    多数宝宝,尤其三个月 以内的宝宝,在饥饿、口渴时会 ,有的宝宝可能还会伴有频频的吸吮动作。

  • It is not that American males are unable to cry because of some biological time clock within them which causes them to run down in that capacity as they grow older but that they are trained not to cry .

    美国男人不会哭,不是因为他们随着年龄的增长 体内的某个生物钟使其哭的能力消耗殆尽,而是因为他们被训练得不

  • But often laugh but is not god with our ties of generality some people in god 's territory but some people laugh at him and cry within the jurisdiction of the cry of god might be attracted laugh .

    但是往往发笑的不仅是上帝,而是与我们紧密联系的芸芸众生,他们有的人在上帝的领地笑,有的人却在他的辖区 哭,而 哭声也许会引来上帝对笑的思索。

  • Each building was within cry of another .

    每幢大楼都 相隔

  • Through the past few days the news also reflects the struggle for power within the Labor Party is so ruthless as the saying goes : I saw new people laugh people cry that the old pipe ?

    通过这几天的新闻也反映了工党 内部的争权夺利是那么残酷无情,有道是:“只见新人笑,那管旧人 ?”

  • Yet if it raised the mark to $ 16 or $ 17 ( still well within the legal limits ) the cry of inflation might be raised .

    如果该国将限定标准提高到16美元或17美元(依然未 超出法律规定的限制),则会有人 惊呼,通货膨胀来了。