without preamble

[wɪðˈaʊt ˈpriˌæmbəl][wiˈðaut ˈpri:ˌæmbəl]


  • ' I would like you to return to the villa as soon as possible ' she said without preamble .

    开门 山地说:“我想让你尽快回到别墅。”

  • All without the theatrical preamble of an ousted founder .

    然而,它们并 没有经历 百思买这么戏剧性的序幕。

  • I like to get straight down to business without a lot of preamble .

    我做事喜欢 直截了当绕来 去的。

  • He spoke without preamble .

    没有 开场 地讲 起来

  • Without preamble he told Stuart the whole story again .


  • She gave him the bad news without preamble .

    开门 山地把环消息告诉了他。