

  • Bennett Reimer a famous music educator in America has explained elaborately and wittily the idea of EIM in his representative work A Philosophy of Music Education .

    美国著名音乐教育家 贝内特·雷默教授在他的论著《音乐教育的哲学》一书中阐述了他的音乐脱盲理念,这是本文写作的原始灵感。

  • He acts wittily in the fissile gap of contemporary culture not only as a conscientious writer but also as a writer who knows well Confucianism and Chinese politics .

    他不仅作为一个有良知的作家,而且作为一个深谙中国政治文化 环境的作家,作为一个 传统儒道文化于 一体的大 者, 机智 活跃在当代文化发生 深层裂变的缝隙中。

  • It is their speciality to the assurance of character and the assurance to detail their work is grave and elegant do not lose authority however wittily wind model .

    对品质的保证和对细节的把握是他们的擅长,他们的作品庄重典雅, 俏皮却不失 大家风范

  • The majority of my favourite wines ( see below ) had come all the way from British Columbia in western Canada and I found them particularly well ( and sometimes wittily ) packaged .

    样品中我最喜欢的葡萄酒(见 文章 末尾列表)大多数都来自于加拿大西部的不列颠哥伦比亚,而且我发现其包装也 新颖独特。

  • He reasoned very wittily but not convincingly .

    他的推论十分 机智但不能令人信服。

  • In the field of law and public policy as Rizzo wittily indicates the primary ethical consideration is the concept that dare not speak its name & the concept of justice .

    正如里索 风趣 指出,在法律和公共政策领域,首要的伦理考量是那个“不敢说出名字”的观念&正义观。

  • However the spirit of the south and solemnity of the northern topology are wittily integrated which is rather rare . Moreover the two adopted western painting techniques .

    但是, 南宗 灵动与北 严峻 山形 巧妙结合,在绘画 上是少有,更何况,两者是由一只西洋画笔调和的。

  • In more than 20 years since the label was founded its creations have ranged from the wittily decorative to the deconstructed .

    在该品牌成立后20多年的时间里,其作品从 趣味 横生 装饰 风格到解构主义均有涉猎。

  • On March 8 North Korea will hold what it wittily calls an election .

    3月8日,朝鲜将进行它 所谓的选举。