

vt.& vi.颤动<使>晃动<使>摇摆不定


  • If a star has a companion it will seem to wobble as it moves across the sky .

    如果一颗恒星有一颗伴星,那么当它横越天空运动时,它似乎是 去。

  • I narrowly missed a cyclist who wobbled into my path

    我险些被一个 摇摇 晃晃 迎面 的骑车人 撞倒

  • This will also help people not tumble over the side in a strong breeze or if the scaffolding should wobble a bit while they 're carrying a load .

    这也将有助于人们不要跌倒在强风中,如果一方或脚手架应该有点 摇晃,而他们正背着一个负载。

  • The vibration isolation technology for a wobble plate engine is researched .

    研究了 盘发动机的隔振技术。

  • Earth 's wobble causes water to be retained in an uneven manner around the globe much like a centrifuge .

    地球的 摆动就象一个离心分离机,使水域以不均匀的方式分布在全球。

  • In either direction they wobble over the jungle floor as far as the eye can see .

    无论什么方向,都能看到它们在丛林的地面上 摇摇摆摆 爬行

  • He placed one hand heavily on a fragile wobbling table .

    他把一只手重重地放在一张摇摇 晃晃的桌上。

  • His many fat Chins wobble when he laughs .

    他笑时,几层肥下巴 就会 抖动

  • The table wobbled when I leaned on it

    我往桌上一靠,桌子就 摇晃了起来

  • I have a good pair of skates but no matter how tightly I lace them my ankles wobble .

    我有一双不错的溜冰鞋,可是不管我把鞋带系得多紧,脚脖子 那里 还是 落落的。

  • Please don 't wobble the desk about when I 'm trying to write .

    我写字时请不要 摇晃桌子。

  • Don 't wobble the desk .


  • The coach began to wobble when some of his team selections provoked much baffled comment .

    当一些队员的入选招致许多不解的非议时,教练开始 动摇了。

  • Hydrological Atmospheric and Oceanic Excitations of Chandler Wobble

    水文、大气和海洋对钱德勒 摆动的激发

  • Detection of the ellipticity and the direction of long axis of the Chandler wobble

    对钱德勒 摆动椭率及长轴方向的检测

  • But the stockmarket wobble raises concerns .

    然而股市的 波动 还是引起了人们的关注。

  • No sooner had I removed my shirt than my resolution began to wobble .

    刚脱掉衬衫,我的决心就开始 动摇了。

  • Until the Earth wobble and the tide changes it produces is admitted and taken into account the real reason for an increase in dead zones will not be understood .

    一直到地球 抖动 ,人类承认并考虑了海潮改变了其产物,但他们不会懂得死区中( 不良 循环)增长的真正原因。

  • You 'll spill my coffee if you wobble the table like that !

    如果你那样 摇晃桌子的话,就会泼了我的咖啡。

  • In a severe wobble there is momentum first to one side then the other .

    在这个很严重的 抖动中,会存在有着冲量,先到一边,然后又到另外一边。

  • In other cases evidence leads to the conclusion that planets must be causing the wobble .

    在另一些情况下,由这些证据可得出行星必定要引起 摆动的结论。

  • Unfortunately for them solar cycles do not cause an Earth wobble not have they ever in man 's history caused earthquakes or plate movement .

    但他们很不幸,太阳周期并不会引起地球 抖动,在人类的历史上从来就没有引起过地震和板块运动。

  • It then developed into a polar wobble with the N Pole being pushed away .

    然后这个 摆动发展为了一种极性的 摆动地球的北极被推离。

  • MINUSES : There is some wobble and the exit is not perfectly vertical .

    缺点:有一点 摆动,结束时没有完全地垂直。

  • Last week 's brief wobble over the record US November trade deficit seems to have been forgotten .

    上周因美国11月份创纪录的贸易逆差而 产生的短暂 波动似已被人遗忘。

  • Just then Bart returned wobbling on his skates

    就在这时,巴特 摇摇 晃晃 地滑着轮滑回来了。

  • The location of the North geographic pole wanders in a small erratic circle-like path called the Chandler wobble .

    北地极的位置以一个被称作张德勒 摆动的小的、无规律的、似圆形的路径漂移。

  • It is to compute hydrological excitation of Chandler wobble due to variation of soil moisture and water which is equivalent snow depth over land and to compare the result together with atmospheric and to oceanic excitations with astronomical observations .

    分析计算了由陆地上土壤湿度和积雪水当量变化引起的水文变化对钱德勒 摆动的激发作用,并将其和大气、海洋激发一起与天文观测激发作了比较。

  • Us resolve appeared to wobble yesterday .

    美国的决心昨天似乎 动摇了。