without cause

[wɪðˈaʊt kɔz][wiˈðaut kɔ:z]


  • Strive not against a man without cause when he hath done thee no evil .

    若他人 没有加害你,你不应与他无端 争辩

  • He sued her without cause .

    无理 控诉她。

  • The obligee refuses to take delivery of the subject matter without cause ;

    债权人 正当 理由拒绝受领;

  • You must not be absent from the meetings without cause .

    你必须叁加那些会议,不得 无故缺席。

  • Nevertheless Acting Attorney General Bork followed President Nixon 's directive to dismiss the prosecutor without cause .

    但代理司法部长博克遵照总统尼克松的指示, 理由地解雇了检查官。

  • We believe that the masses of the people support socialism conscientiously observe discipline and are reasonable and will certainly not take part in disturbances without cause .

    我们相信,我国广大的人民群众是拥护社会主义的,他们很守纪律,很讲道理,决不 无故闹事。

  • But if not he will defraud him of his money and he shall get him for an enemy without cause .

    假使不能,就诈取债主的钱, 无故与债主成了仇人。

  • You should not be absent from school without cause .

    没有 理由,你不该缺席。

  • The five-year term of one of the commissioners expires each year . Prior to the expiration of a director 's term the shareholders ' general committee may not remove him without cause .

    委员的任期为5年,5名委员之中每年都有一名任满退职。董事在任期届满前,股东大会不得 无故解除其职务。

  • Yea let none that wait on thee be ashamed : let them be ashamed which transgress without cause .

    凡等候你的必不羞愧;惟有那 无故行奸诈的,必要羞愧。

  • No cause evident but rails to not just zig and zag suddenly without cause .

    没有明显的起因,但是铁轨不会 无缘无故地突然变成之字形。

  • Either Subscriber or CUHK may terminate this Agreement with or without cause at any time and effective immediately .

    订户或中大任何一方可 不论 因由随时终止本协议。

  • Mine enemies chased me sore like a bird without cause .


  • Do not be a witness against your neighbor without cause And do not deceive with your lips .

    箴24:28不可 无故作见证、害邻舍.不可用嘴欺骗人。

  • There is no such thing in the world as love or hate without cause or reason .

    世上决没有无缘无故的爱,也 没有 无缘无故的恨。

  • Common and Fresh Simple and Plain & Explain HAN Yu 's Several Seven Characters Poem Princes persecute me without cause But my heart stands in awe of Your words .

    平易清新朴素无华&解读韩愈的几首七言绝句诗119:161首领 无故地逼迫我.但我的心畏惧你的言语。

  • Switzerland and Luxembourg fear - not without cause - that giving up banking secrecy would hit their private-banking business .

    瑞士和卢森堡的惶恐也不是 空穴来风,抛弃银行保密义务将沉重打击他们的私人银行业务。

  • It is not clear whether the president would be able to remove them without cause .

    总统是否可以 毫无 理由地罢免委员,这一点尚不清楚。

  • They can even oust the entire board without cause .

    他们甚至可以 没有 任何 理由的淘汰整个董事会。

  • You can also cement rights for yourself in the case where you 're fired without cause to protect some or all of your shares .

    你也可以牢牢抓住一些权利,以防你被 处方后,你的部分或全部的股份得到保护。

  • For thus saith the Lord GOD My people went down aforetime into Egypt to sojourn there ; and the Assyrian oppressed them without cause .

    主耶和华如此说,起先我的百姓下到埃及,在那里寄居,又有亚述人 无故欺压他们。

  • At the outset CoCo the book 's female protagonist announces that her Number One idol is Henry Miller and not without cause .

    主人公倪可开篇就宣布自己的头号偶像是亨利.米勒,这 不无 道理

  • Six the client promise this center to agree on introduction understanding object at first can 't break promise without cause .

    委托人答应本中心原约定介绍认识对象时不能 无故失约。

  • For he breaketh me with a tempest and multiplieth my wounds without cause .

    他用暴风折断我, 无故地加增我的损伤。

  • Rulers persecute me without cause but my heart trembles at your word .

    首领 无故地逼迫我。但我的心畏惧你的言语。

  • If they say Come with us let us lay wait for blood let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause .

    他们若说,你与我们同去,我们要埋伏流人之血,要蹲伏害 无罪之人。

  • Prior to the expiration of a director 's term the shareholders ' general committee may not remove him without cause .

    董事在任期届满前,股东大会不得 无故解除其 职务

  • Dean died three days before the opening of Rebel Without Cause his most celebrated film .

    迪恩在他最知名的电影《 的反叛》首映的3天之前去世。