within sphere

[wɪðˈɪn sfɪr][wiˈðin sfiə]

[法] 在职权范围内

  • Inside the sphere the field is zero everywhere otherwise charge would move within the sphere .

    球内电场处处为零,否则电荷将在 移动。

  • For adult college students who already have mature psychology and self-awareness it is within the sphere of their competence to cognize themselves and learning tasks . What they usually lack is the knowledge about learning strategies .

    成年大学生已经具备较为成熟的心理和自我 意识能够对自我和学习任务有较好的认知能力,他们缺乏的通常是关于学习策略的知识。

  • Each state is a complete sovereignty within the sphere of its reserved powers .

    各州在其保留权之 范围 享有绝对的主权。

  • The Sampler Info node provides the world space coordinates of the point being shaded within the sphere . Get off your backside and do some work !

    第一, 上的被着色点需要去从世界坐标转换到相对于 球体的物体空间坐标。别老坐着,干点儿实事!

  • The analysis indicates that for most of the Chinese private companies family businesses are still within their effective sphere of development and should not undertake system transformation blindly .

    通过分析可看出,对我国大多数民营企业而言,家族制企业仍 处在其发展的有效 范围 之内,不应盲目地进行制度转换。

  • Conclusion MCP-1 has the significant effect on preventing osteosarcoma cells plantation . When locally used MCP-1 would play an important clinical role in preventing the plantation of tumor cells within operating sphere .

    结论MCP-1具有显著阻止骨肉瘤细胞种植的作用,局部应用对预防手术 野内肿瘤细胞种植具有极其重要的临床价值。

  • I do like to help people whether they want it or not and am a little fonder of buns than is perhaps wise but only within the sphere of normality it transpires .

    但我的确愿意帮助别人,不管他们愿意不愿意;同时,我有点喜欢喝酒,或许超过了明智的程度,但结果表明,这还在正常 范围

  • Furthermore within the sphere broadly defined as the practice of law the domain is exclusive and is not pen to others .

    而且, 广泛地被人们称为“律师 事务”的 范围 ,执业领域是特定且不对外公开的。

  • Even within the relatively civilised sphere of economic relations there is plenty of room for discrimination .

    甚至 相对文明的经济关系 领域,也存在着很大的歧视空间。

  • Men bolder than these had overthrown and rearranged - not actually but within the sphere of theory which was their most real abode - the whole system of ancient prejudice wherewith was linked much of ancient principle .

    比他们更勇敢的人,则将与古代准则密切相关的古代偏见的完整体系,并非实际地,而是 理论 范围 之内这是那些王室贵胃真正的藏身之地予以颠覆并重新安排了。

  • When the state acts within the legitimate sphere of the police power the infringement on private property interests is damnum absque injuria-damage without legal redress .

    当这些州的法律是在警察权 范围 的立法,私人财产利益的侵害就不需要法律补偿。

  • They can each be trusted to take such responsibilities and to exercise such initiative as falls within their sphere .

    可以信赖他们每人都能这样负责,并且能信赖他们每人都能发挥自己职责 范围 之内的主动性。

  • After World War II a reconstituted Czechoslovakia fell within the Soviet sphere of influence .

    二战后,重建后的 捷克斯洛伐克陷入苏联的控制 之下

  • The policy respecting the arbitration will of parties and giving the validity to arbitration agreement as much as possible has been widely established within international sphere .

    尊重当事人的仲裁意愿,尽量赋予仲裁协议效力的政策 国际 范围 已普遍建立。

  • His work begins with a donut-shaped hole enveloped within a sphere of normal matter .

    他的工作以一个油炸圈饼形状、被包围普通物质 体内的洞开始。

  • This is within his sphere of accountability .

    他的责任 范围 之内

  • As to the latter the examination is to investigate within the sphere that is necessary to settle the dispute the most basic legal foundation on which build the domestic law rather than thorough and overall examination of the domestic law .

    对于后者,不是对国内法彻底、全面的审查,而是在解决争端所必要的 范围 ,审查构成国内法的最基本的法律基础。

  • Using the grant funding as a launching pad projects often go on to scale up or replicate elsewhere winning prestigious awards within the sphere of social entrepreneurship .

    在将赠款资金用作启动基金后,项目通常可以实现扩大化,项目模式也可在其他地区复制,并因此 社会创业 领域赢得诸多荣誉奖。

  • On the one hand Lord Wang was worshiped as a local deity within the regional sphere of the sacrificial circle ;

    汪公在徽州既能成为地域之神, 祭祀圈的地域 范围 为里社所祭祀;

  • Some latin american state fall within the usa 's sphere of influence .

    一些拉丁美洲国家沦为美国的 势力 范围

  • Restricts the effect to within a bounding sphere .


  • Regulations allow the designers to move the suspension mounting points within a sphere of20mm that is in and out up or down .

    条例允许设计者动议暂停安装点 范围 20毫米,这是中和了,上涨或下跌。

  • Then used Monte Carlo method simulated the light within the integrating sphere with MATLAB it also texts the theoretical feasibility of designed low-light level stress source system .

    之后,运用MATLAB软件,使用蒙特卡罗法模拟了积分 光能的分布情况,检验了微光应力源系统设计的理论可行性。

  • The resources of the country are abundant the enterprise and activity of our people proverbial and we may well hope that wise legislation and prudent administration by the respective governments each acting within its own sphere will restore former prosperity .

    我们的国家资源非常丰富。我们人民的事业和行为世所闻名,而我们可以希望各级政府 自身的 范围 的精明立法,和谨慎执政将重建昔日的繁荣。

  • Privacy of public figures and public figures as the natural person is entitled to nothing to do with the personal information of public interest private events and a variety of acts within the private sphere of a right of Self .

    公众人物隐私权就是公众人物作为自然人享有的与公共利益无关的个人信息、私人活动和私人 领域 各种行为进行自主支配的一种权利。

  • Within the sphere of contemporary social sciences those terms as modernity post-modernity and globalization have formed into a unique logic thread and predominantly penetrated into each field of social science .

    当代社会科学 领域,现代性、后现代性、全球性已经形成了一条特殊的逻辑线索,并以主题的形式进入了社会科学的各个研究领域。

  • The algorithm firstly detects the sphere and possible location of a face through integration projection and then realizes the precise location of the face within the sphere .

    该算法利用积分投影法预测人脸可能的范围与位置,然后 限定的 范围 采用模板匹配的方法定位人脸,从而实现了快速且可靠的人脸定位。

  • Yangtze River Delta is located in the west coast of the Pacific Ocean and east of the Asian Continent within the sphere of the East Asian monsoon has a typical monsoon climate characteristic .

    长江三角洲位于太平洋西岸,亚洲大陆东缘, 处于东亚季风影响 范围 ,有着典型的季风气候特征。

  • The author deems that the term simulated market now widely used within the geological sphere is misleading in theory and needs to be clarified .

    文章认为,近年来 我国地质 行业中广为使用和流传的“摸拟市场”这一提法,在理论上是错误的,有必要加以澄清。