without loss of time

[wɪðˈaʊt lɔs ʌv taɪm][wiˈðaut lɔs ɔv taim]


  • Because of the extensive advantages of this grinding wheel it should be introduced and developed in China without loss of time .

    指出国内在推广应用超硬磨料砂轮时应 不失时机 大力引进开发此种单层钎焊砂轮;

  • Let me do it without farther loss of time .

    浪费 时间,就让我来回答你吧。

  • As we are booking heavy orders we would advise your order without loss of time .

    由于我方的订单量非常大,我方建议贵公司尽 犹豫 立刻 订单。

  • The traditional ballast starting added high-pressure filament material suddenly without preheating will take serious sputter and loss and make the light turn black and scrap ahead of time .

    传统的镇流器启动, 预热突加高压灯丝材料会发生严重溅射 损耗,导致灯管 提前发黑报废。

  • President Barbicane had without loss of time nominated a working committee of the gun club .

    巴比康主席 没有 浪费 时间,立时在大炮俱乐部里召开了执行委员会会议。

  • We advise you therefore to accept this offer without loss of time .


  • If it is possible to make some luft for your king without serious loss of time or weakening your king 's defenses it is well worth considering .

    可能的话, 严重地 丧失 时机或削弱王的防御的情形下,值得考虑给王造个通风口。

  • He was therefore about to return to the Palazzo Bracciano without loss of time when suddenly a luminous idea crossed his mind .

    他不敢浪费 时间,正想回到 勃拉西诺府去,突然他的脑子里闪过了一个念头。