withdraw court

[wɪðˈdrɔ kɔrt][wiðˈdrɔ: kɔ:t]

[法] 退庭

  • On the Theoretical Errors of the Relationship between the Claim and the Credit Trustee in bankruptcy or creditors can apply withdraw to the court .

    请求权与债权之关系的理论误区有破产欺诈行为的债权人的债权请求权 后置

  • If a law-enforcing officer shares a direct interest with the party he shall withdraw . Where one party refuses to carry it out the opposing litigant may request its execution at the people 's court or the judge may transfer the matter to the marshal for execution .

    执法人员与当事人有直接利害关系的,应当 回避。一方拒绝履行的,对方当事人可以向人民 法院申请执行,也可以由审判员移送执行员执行。

  • Civil withdrawal means that the plaintiff and other participants who have the similar litigation status in the proceedings in a reasonable time period take the initiative to withdraw the lawsuit to the Court .

    民事撤诉是指原告及与原告有相当诉讼地位的其他诉讼参与人,在一个合理时间段内,主动向 法院 请求 撤回之诉的积极的诉讼行为。

  • Poor and powerless village communities in India and Pakistan that have suffered health effects from uranium and thorium mining have been forced to withdraw their court cases .

    印度和巴基斯坦贫穷而弱势的村民社区因为铀和钍矿的开采而受到了健康的影响,他们被迫 撤销诉讼

  • The first version of the criminal procedure code provided that the prosecuting authority could withdraw prosecution in the procedure of before court review .

    最初的《刑事诉讼法》规定了检察机关在 前审查程序中有权 撤回起诉。

  • Case of public prosecution to withdraw the prosecution system the prosecution asked the withdrawal request has been sued to court cases the court would be reviewed and made whether to allow a lawsuit behavior .

    公诉案件 撤回起诉制度是检察机关对业已起诉至 法院的案件提出撤诉请求,法院对其予以审查并作出是否准许的诉讼行为。